Web Pages
Full prescribing information from RxList.
Sildenafil -
Information for Consumers in English or Spanish.
Postmarketing Safety of Sildenafil Citrate (Viagra)
FDA summary of reports of death in users, as received from marketing March - November, 1998.
American Academy of Family Physicians - Using Viagra
A look at what this drug is, as well as erectile dysfuction, the side affects and who should not take it.
Viagra Users Discussion List
Users share information related to the use of this drug.
Safety and Efficacy of Sildenafil in Postmenopausal Women with Sexual Dysfunction
Abstract of a peer-reviewed study on the effectiveness of Viagra for women.
FDA Adds More Cautions to Viagra Labelling.
Abstracted from: FDA Talk Paper
Pfizer's official site for this drug, with information for both patients and medical professionals.
FDA Viagra Product Information
FDA consumer source for information about Viagra, the medication used to treat men's impotence
Frequently Asked Questions About Viagra
Information on how it works, safety and efficacy and side effects. Reviewed by Harvard Medical School.
Sildenafil Citrate
Information from the RxList.
Information, including updated labeling, new prescribing information, safety updates, consumer information, and the clinical review of the studies. FDA/Centre for Drug Evaluation and Research.
Viagra Consumer Information
FDA consumer information page about Viagra, the medication used to treat men's impotence.
Viagra Drug Interactions
A partial list of drugs which should not be taken in conjunction with Viagra.
Viagra Frequently Asked Questions
A list of questions and answers on Viagra has been developed by CDER's Drug Information Branch.
Viagra Fans - Information Exchange
Discussion forum relating to Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.