Nuclear Medicine
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Society of Nuclear Medicine
An international scientific and professional organization founded in 1954 to promote the science, technology and practical application of nuclear medicine.
Nuclear Medicine Communications
Monthly journal of the BNMS publishing research and clinical work in all areas of nuclear medicine. Submission guidelines and subscription details available.
Nuke It
Current news, technology updates and editorials.
British Nuclear Medicine Society
The journal, Nuclear Medicine Communications, is available here, as well as the society newsletter, awards and details about upcoming conferences.
How Stuff Works: Nuclear Medicine
Layman's introduction describing how nuclear medicine works and its uses in imaging and treatment. Related links found at the end provide more detail.
Nuclear Medicine and Positron Emission Tomography
Based in Melbourne, Australia, this site offers detailed information about the subject as well as PET scans. Referral procedures for professionals are also detailed here. Registration is optional but free.
Nuclear Medicine Research Council
Provides a topical introduction, as well as its use in treating disease and the production and use of radioisotopes.
Nuclear Medicine on the Net
This site features case studies and interactive case forums amongst other physician information resources, and gives a brief history of the topic for the layperson. [Uses Frames]
American Society of Nuclear Cardiology
Includes patient and professional information, CME calendar, newsletter, and position statements.
San Diego Regional P.E.T. Center
Apart from information specific to their patients, this site also has general information for anyone undergoing a PET scan, and some case studies.
Quantum Imaging
London based private nuclear medicine facility offering general nuclear medicine studies, and specialising in Nuclear Cardiology. Information for patients and medical practitioners, as well as online referral service at this site.
University of Kansas - Nuclear Medicine
Details about their program and equipment, radiopharamaceutics, quality control, radioimmunoassay and PET. Large collection of clinical and research teaching files.
J. Michael Uszler of UCLA, focusing on BrainSPECT imaging relating to pediatric age brain disorders.
History of Positron Imaging
History of Positron Emission Tomography by Gordon L. Brownell from MIT/MGH, in a brief yet informative lecture.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) - a patient's guide
Easy-to-understand information for someone about to undergo a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan, by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
Joint Program in Nuclear Medicine
Information on this program from Harvard Medical School.
Southwestern Chapter of the SNM
Southwestern Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine in the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Clinical Nuclear Medicine
Published monthly by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, the online archive starts from Jan 2001 and allows one to browse through abstracts of original articles for free. Full text of articles, images and current readings all require a subscription fee.
Imaginis - Nuclear medicine imaging
Provides a layman's introduction, explaining the indications, uses and how it works, and what to expect during the scan. Also introduces PET scans.
Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine
About their history, branches, as well as their meetings and publications. Membership forms online.
European Association of Nuclear Medicine
General information about the society, as well as its events and services.
Arab Nuclear Medicine and Bone Densimetry Center
Jordan Eye provides information about their nuclear medicine investigations, bone densitometry, and radioisotope therapy. (Zarka, Jordan)
Patient information about general, pediatric and cardiac nuclear medicine, as well as PET scans.
CNMT online
Portal for nuclear medicine technologists, physicians and administrators. Forum, camera reviews and CME.
Nuclear Medicine Technology Resource
Directory of references, terminology, pathology, methodology and teaching files.
CareImaging is a medical imaging research company in Canada. Information about the use of PET in various cancers.
Nuclear Imaging Westmead
Nuclear Medicine services in Westmead, Autralia. Brief explanations of tests conducted included.
Hellenic Society of Nuclear Medicine
Based in Thessaloniki, Greece. Includes the Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine.
Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site
Provides medically related training and assistance for response to radiation emergencies worldwide. Includes information on dose estimates, dosimetry techniques, and treatments for exposure.
South African Society of Nuclear Medicine
Overview of the organization, its members, and a small casebook.