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Web Pages
Health On the Net Foundation
Guides lay persons and non-medical users and medical practitioners to useful and reliable online medical and health information. Provides leadership in setting ethical standards for Web site developers.
Links to evaluated information resources selected by librarians and information professionals at academic medical centers in the US Midwest. Selection emphasizes quality information aimed at assisting health care professionals as well as consumers in meeting their health information needs.
Harvard Medical School's consumer health information, journal databases, a medical dictionary, FAQs on latest news and live forums.
BBC Health
Features current news plus archives, guides by subject, "Ask a Doctor" inquiry feature, a searchable conditions database, message board, and e-mail newsletter subscription.
Features current health news, columnists, health association news, and a searchable database called "Disease in Depth" for more information about any particular disease or condition.
Comprehensive health resources for consumers, physicians, nurses, and educators. Includes news, chat forums, health quizzes and consumer product updates.
Martindale's Health Science Guide
Extensive database of health related information, news and references.