Computer Tomography Scanning
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Web Pages
CT is Us
Information on body CT including a 3D vascular atlas with volume rendering, spiral CT protocols, teaching files, discussion forums, and journal club.
ImPACT CT Scanner Evaluation Centre
The UK's national CT evaluation centre, providing publications, information and advice on all aspects of CT scanning.
CT Metal Artifact Reduction
Information on a research project about alternative methods which aim to improve the quality of reconstructed images. - CT scanning
Computed Tomography imaging information and frequently asked questions.
CT Scans Detect Blood Clots in the Lungs and Legs
CT scans can be more effective and less invasive in diagnosing certain blood clots than traditional diagnostic procedures.
CT scan weight based intravenous contrast protocol
Intravenous contrast agents for enhanced CT scanning can be injected at an appropriate rate, dose and delay, determined by the patient's body weight, from this look-up chart.
Provides detailed information about multislice-CT (MS-CT) (spiral CT, multidetector CT, multirow CT) including examination guidelines, scan protocols, and overview articles. A newsletter is distributed on a monthly basis.
RadiologyInfo - CT Procedures
Easy to understand information for patients about the procedure. Learn what patients might experience, how to prepare for exams, benefits, risks, and limitations.