Head Lice
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Web Pages
American Head Lice Information Center
Treatment program for persistent head lice and a FAQ.
National Pediculosis Association
Established in 1983, first and only non profit health agency dedicated to head lice issues. Helps parents make informed decisions about safely caring for their children.
Head Lice International
Lice research, treatment and information to help people make decisions regarding the treatment of head lice.
Head Lice - Health factsheet
Concise factsheet on symptoms and treatment of head lice, this factsheet can also be downloaded in Acrobat format
University of Nebraska
Factsheet on head lice management. Endorsed by Head Lice Task Force.
Lice Advice Network
Offers consultation services to eliminate lice and nits as well as a network of nurse professionals who will nitpick your heads.
Not Nice to Lice
Head Lice, Body Lice and Scabies - history, biology and non-toxic controls. Information on poison treatments. Compare non-toxic solutions.
Medinfo: Head lice
Information on head lice affecting the scalp, a common problem in school children. Includes information on causes, treatment and bug busting.
Head Lice
Fact sheet from Clemson University describes head lice, with prevention and control methods.
Oh No!! My Child's Got Lice!
A mother's shares her experience in ridding her daughter of head lice without the use of pesticides and shares what she learned about these nasty bugs.
Malathion - Safety and Medical Uses
This web site summarizes scientific and medical literature on the safety of malathion as a drug ingredient in pediculicide (head lice) products.
A free informational monograph on headlice for patient counseling.
Information on headlice and nit control. Discusses signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, getting rid of nits, prevention, natural remedies, FAQs, wetcombing, shampoos and lotions.
Information about head lice, lice treatment, nits, pediculosis, lice control and nit combs.
Biology and Management of Head Louse Infestations
Harvard School of Public Health, a non-profit informational site.
Pediatric Oncall
Commonly asked questions about head lice, its prevention and treatment.
Keep Kids Healthy
Head Lice Treatments for children, plus advice on resistance, anti lice shampoo, such as rid, nix, ovide, and how to remove nits.
Pediculosis Hub
A brief definition of pediculosis, followed by links to overviews, research articles, fact sheets and images.
U.S. National Library of Medicine
Provides definition, causes, risk, symptoms, tests, treatment and prevention of head lice.
Canadian Paediatric Society
Advice for parents on how to deal with head lice.
Lice and Lindane - DrGreene.com
Read an article explaining the adverse effects of using a common pesticide to treat head lice and scabies.
Lice Solutions Resource Network, Inc.
A nonprofit head lice awareness and control center. Provides facts about the condition, answers to common questions, and an overview of de-lousing products on the market.