Evidence Based Medicine
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Web Pages
How to find the evidence - the basics
Short course designed for health professionals to provide an overview of the information resources available to locate research evidence and the process of translating a clinical question into an effective search strategy.
Evidence-Based Medicine
Collection of resources and techniques by the University of Hertfordshire.
CEBM - Centre for Evidence Based Medicine
Information, resources and techniques composed by CEBM of Warneford Hospital, Headington, Oxford.
Randomised Controlled Trials - a user's guide
Online book by Alejandro R Jadad. From trials to decisions - the basis of evidence based health care.
The Unit for Evidence-Based Practice and Policy
Compilation of resources, techniques and links put together by the University College London.
Bandolier Home Page
Journal on evidence-based health care with online edition.
Effective Health Care bulletins
A bi-monthly bulletin which examines the effectiveness of a variety of health care interventions. Based on systematic review. Full text available online.
Effectiveness Matters
A bulletin providing updates on the effectiveness of health interventions. Subscribe to the paper version(free) or view the full text published articles online.
Health Evidence Bulletins - Wales
Collection of evidence based information on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a number of common serious health problems.
Netting The Evidence
A ScHARR (School of Health and Related Research) introduction to Evidence Based Practice on the internet. Support and access to helpful organisations and useful learning resources, such as an evidence-based virtual library, software and journals.
Oxford Pain Internet Site
Systematic reviews of pain management. Excellent knowledge base and examples of evidence based medicine.
Cochrane Collaboration
Preparing, maintaining and promoting the accessibility of systematic reviews of the effects of health care. General information, help for newcomers and guidelines, manuals and software.
Update Software
Electronic publishing and software development in health care, with the emphasis on Evidence Based Medicine and Cochrane productions.
The Cochrane Library
Online version of this big and current collection of reviews and meta-analyses in Healthcare. The Cochrane Library is available on a subscription basis.
UNC Critically Appraised Topics
University of North Carolina Medical School assembled this collection.
URMC - Critically Appraised Topics
University of Rochester Medical Center presents its collection of short summaries of the evidence to focused clinical questions (CATs).
Health Information Research Unit - Evidence-Based Health Informatics
HIRU at McMaster University conducts research in the field of health information science and is dedicated to the generation of new knowledge about the nature of health and clinical information problems, the development of new information resources to support evidence-based health care, and the evaluation of various innovations in overcoming health care information problems.
UM Evidence-Based Pediatrics
From the University of Michigan with critically appraised topics, information on learning EBM and links.
Delivers daily Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters (DailyPOEMs) by email and produces the InfoRetriever database system of filtered, synopsized, evidence-based information next to a regular print newsletter "Evidence-Based Practice".
An Introduction to Information Mastery
From the Michigan State University. Basic concepts of Information Mastery, Evidence-Based Medicine, and critical appraisal of the medical literature.
Golden Hour - Medical Information center
Israel based tool for Evidence Based Medicine information retrieval. Free medical databases; medical software; consulting services and more.
ACP Journal Club
Evidence Based Medicine for better patient care from the American College of Physicians. Limited access. Members of the ACP and subscribers have full access.
Evidence-Based Medicine Group of The Scottish Intensive Care Society
An evidence-based resource for critical care.
Lothian Evidence-based Mental Health
Part of the University of Edinburgh and Lothian Primary Healthcare Trust. Provides tools for assessing evidence and some critical appraisal topics.
Portal with links to evidence-based resources in current medicine and complimentary and alternative medicine therapies, some original material in the form of commentaries. Compiled by Constantine Kaniklidis, medical researcher.
Informed Health Online
Updated evidence-based health information for consumers and clinicians, as well as education about health research and evidence.
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme
Evidence-based approach in health and social care. CASP aims to enable individuals to develop the skills to find and make sense of research evidence, helping them to put knowledge into practice.