Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome
Home>Conditions_and_Diseases>Neurological_Disorders>Dysautonomia>Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome
Web Pages
List for Women
Instructions on how to receive a weekly newsletter for women with mitral valve prolapse syndrome. Details as to the contents of the newsletter.
Living Well with Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome
Roger Easterbrooks offers information, help for ultra and highly sensitive people, people with anxiety, depression, panic attacks or shyness.
Provides medical information and suggestions on how to find a doctor who can help with mitral valve prolapse syndrome.
MVP Syndrome Information
A short personal story about MVPS. How it was and how it is now.
MVPS Research and Support
A personal website dedicated to the support of those with mitral valve prolapse syndrome.
Society for Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome
Information about the organization as well as this disease and MVP. Extensive data base includes FAQs.
Yahoo Group
Information about mitral valve prolapse syndrome sent to your email box.