Urinary Tract Infections
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Web Pages
Urinary Tract Infections in Adults
Listing causes, symptoms and treatments, from NIDDK.
Women's Health
Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of urinary tract infections.
Dr Reddy's Pediatric Office on the Web
Details such as what is the urinary tract, how does a urinary tract infection start, where is the infection, symptoms, complications, evaluation and treatment.
Information from Your Family Doctor
Risks of getting urinary tract infections, the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Urology Channel
A discussion about urinary tract infections and the urinary system, risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis and when to call your health care provider.
Abington Urological Specialists
A discussion about this disorder and its alternate name, common symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. Evaluation of recurrent urinary tract infections and prevention.
Concise fact sheet explaining the causes, symptoms and treatment of urinary tract infection. Available for down loading in Adobe acrobat format.
Women First - UTI
Contains introduction to urinary tract infection, symptoms, treatment, and prevention.
An informational monograph on Urinary Tract Infections for patient education and counseling.
Iowa Women's Health Center
Ways to prevent a urinary tract infection, helpful hints if you have one and when to call your doctor or clinic
Methodist Health Care System
A look at urinary tract infections and its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Prevention of future UTI is discussed.
Mayo Clinic: Urinary Tract Infections
Diagnosis, treatment and preventive tips. Treating recurring urinary tract infections.
Pediatric Oncall- Urinary Tract Infection in Children
Offers Q&As about this condition.
CBS HealthWatch by Medscape
Explains what a urinary tract infection is, asymptomatic bacteriuria, cystitis, causes, symptoms, risk factors and complications.
General Practice Notebook - Urinary tract infection
Clinically-oriented information.
MedicineNet.com - About Urological Disorders
Medical information about urological disorders such as urinary tract infections, overactive bladder and urinary incontinence.