Treatment and Therapies
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Web Pages
ChronicIllnet: Focus on HIV/AIDS
AIDS & HIV Information
Texas AIDS Health Fraud Information Network
TAHFIN works to expose questionable and dangerous HIV treatments that can cause harm to Texans with HIV.
Information, resources and links on treatment issues, specifically resistance and adherence to HIV therapy.
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Database
A compilation of information from studies appearing in medical and scientific literature and other places.
Physicians' Research Network: HIV Treatment Resources & Info for Health Care Providers
Provides HIV/AIDS treatment information, tools and support to HIV/AIDS health care providers.
AIDS Research Information Center
Sponsored by AIDS Medical Information Service (AMIS), provider of treatment information via mail, e-mail, and telephone.
Critical Path AIDS Project
AIDS treatment information from the point of view of persons with AIDS (PWAs) and AIDS treatment activists.
AIDS Treatment Information Service (ATIS)
Provides information about federally approved treatment guidelines for HIV and AIDS.
NATAP (National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project)
Reports on the latest HIV drug treatments, therapies, and conferences.
Surviving AIDS - NOVA Online
The companion Web site to a program originally broadcast on NOVA on February 2, 1999, providing a look at the cutting edge of AIDS research.
HIV Drugs Database
Database of anti-retroviral drugs approved for use in the USA
AIDS Treatment Project (ATP)
A volunteer-based group of people working to give HIV positive people information and understanding about HIV and AIDS, helping them to make informed choices. Programs include treatment information phone line, treatment information fax to doctors, and a series of leaflets and brochures.
AIDS Treatment Data Network
AIDS treatment information organization.
Trans-Activated Defensin
Potentially powerful anti-HIV agent that selectively kills the infected cell by the expression of a natural cell-suicide toxin.
Neurology Complications of HIV and AIDS; Care and Research
Treatment of AIDS/HIV problems such as neuropathy, memory disturbance, dementia, headache, pain, shingles, Bell’s Palsy, myopathy, spinal cord disease and gait disorders.
Veritas Medicine: HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials and Treatments
Clinical trial listings and in-depth treatment information about HIV/AIDS. Perform a personalized search to find ongoing clinical trials that match your needs.
An online resource for phenotypic drug resistance testing and the PhenoSenseª HIV drug resistance assay.
Forum for Collaborative HIV Research
Forum for Collaborative HIV Research develops strategies to address unanswered questions about optimal treatment of HIV disease.
Disarming a Deadly Virus: Proteases and Their Inhibitors
This article traces the basic research that led to the development of life-lengthening drugs, protease inhibitors, beginning with scores of scientists seeking a deeper understanding of human biochemistry.
NewsRx Report Series on AIDS and HIV Vaccine Research
Get the latest information and news on AIDS and HIV Vaccine Research with's series of monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports.
HIV and AIDS treatment
Elementary information about anti-HIV drugs, combination therapy, groups and names of antiretroviral drugs. UK-based.
HIV Drug Interactions
Laboratory and clinical findings relating to potential drug interactions between medications used to treat HIV infection. Universtity of Liverpool maintains this site.
Starting antiretroviral treatment
Information about HIV treatment, CD4 count, viral load, starting treatment, and adherence
Continuing HIV treatment
Issues that you may face when continuing your antiretroviral treatment including basic information on resistance, side effects, and Structured Treatment Interruptions (STIs).
Say Sistah
An HIV/AIDS behavior modification program targeting women of color. The curriculum is based on the integration of spiritual healing, clinical assessment, and traditional HIV/AIDS prevention models.
HIV Medication Guide
The comprehensive guide includes patient education, medication schedules, and drug interaction information.
Virtual Hospital: AIDS Information
Booklet, including the HIV Patient Manual.
HIV / AIDS Medical Practice Guidelines
Treatment guidelines for HIV infected adults and adolescents.
Medical International Consulting Agency, Inc
Provides information on the development, research, and clinical trials of MM-1, a proposed treatment for HIV/AIDS.
HIV/AIDS Drug Info-Site
Information about drugs and treatment of HIV/AIDS, news updates, a memorial wall and resource links.
Target HIV Fusion
Official site about Fuzeon, the first in a new class of anti-HIV drugs known as fusion inhibitors.