Repetitive Strain Injuries
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Web Pages
RSI-UK: UK-specific information on Repetitive Strain Injury
Information for people in the UK suffering from or concerned about RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury).
Avoiding Repetitive Stress Injuries
Web page which explains how the Alexander Technique can help.
A list of stretching exercises you can do to avoid repetitive strain injuries or to reduce the inflammation.
Computer related repetative strain injury
As more and more work, education and recreation involves computers, everyone needs to be aware of the hazard of Repetitive Strain Injury to the hands and arms resulting from the use of computer keyboards and mice.
The Harvard RSI Action
Discussing Repetitive Stress Injuries, like carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis of the hands and wrists.
Repetitive Strain Injury
Information on recognizing the signs of RSI, how to treat it, and how to avoid it. Includes a discussion forum.
GuitarBase Articles-RSI
Prevention of repetitive strain injuries. Most musicians are aware of the tremendous stresses exerted on their bodies by playing an instrument.
Natural Life Magazine #40
Protect yourself from repetitive strain injuries.
Office Safety Related Sites
Information on how to set up the computer workstation to minimize eye strain, muscle aches and repetitive strain injuries.
Repetitive Strain Injury:
Causes, treatment, and prevention; slide presentation by Jeff Okamoto of the Hewlett Packard Corporation.
Information for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, tendonitis, or other forms of Repetitive Strain Injury.
Los Angeles Repetitive Strain Injury Support Group
Monthly meeting schedules and contact information. Protect yourself from injury at the computer and learn what to do if you're already injured.
RSI Site
A little educational project by students from Holland presenting brief RSI definitions, medical indications and treatment information.
Information and advice about preventing and managing repetitive strain injury, by Deborah Quilter.
Repetitive Strain Injury
Discusses RSI, preventative ergonomics, symptoms, and various medical and home treatments for this painful condition.
OOS Dunedin
A personal experience with Occupational Overuse Syndrome, OOS/RSI in a work environment.
Computer Athlete
Repetitive strain injury support group serving the greater San Diego area. Special emphasis on computer use.
Music Injury
Discusses injuries to your hearing, health, muscles and joints that threaten your enjoyment of music. Learn how to treat and prevent pain.
Causes, prevention, symptoms and treatments of Repetitive Strain Injury, a condition placing stress on muscles and joints. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a form of RSI.
Tennis Elbow
From sports medicine, a look at this disorder and how it can be treated. Written by Edward M. Staub, M.D.
Typing Injury FAQ
Educational site about this common repetitive strain injury. Good information and links to other useful sites.
Minor RSI - A Personal Strategy
A layperson's strategy for coping with minor repetitive strain problems - including warming up, working area arrangement, and equipment.
Repetitive Motion Disorders
Information sheet about the symptoms, treatment, research and organizations. Compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
Hand Care for Musicians
Series of daily exercises to promote blood flow, mobility and healing in the hands of musicians and computer operators.
Repetitive Strain Injuries - What we can Learn from Musicians
The Alexander Technique's long history of helping musicians with RSI problems.
Workstation Ergonomics
Recommended dimensions and organization of the work area, along with physiotherapeutic exercises, stretching and theraband, for aiding workstation posture. Links to Swiss/Pezzi Ball exercises.
VDT Workstation Checklist
Detailed guidance for workers who want to identify, evaluate and eliminate repetitive-strain injury hazards in the workplace.
R.S.I. Information and Support Group
Established in 1989 to share information, support each other, learn about services available, learn ways to prevent rsi and to help the injured worker return to a productive lifestyle, and to network with other rsi groups.
Online community dedicated to sharing information about repetitive stress injuries and related topics.