Personal Pages
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Web Pages
Because Depression Sucks
The diary of one person with depression and a chat facility.
Thomas John Sova
Sova vs. City of Mt. Pleasant Michigan. Warns parents with children who suffer from depression to keep their children away from the police.
Catherine's Mental Health Website
Personal experiences of mental health, poetry, services, disorders, medication, DSS benefits and a support forum.
Grant's Home Page for Information on Depression
Along with his own personal battle with depression, the site offers links, articles on depression, health supplements, anxiety and meditation and some alternative sites. Also find poetry, essays, books and where to find support groups.
Faith and Depression
A page of encouragement to those who may be suffering from depression.
Depression and Creativity
Personal experience of depression with a focus on creativity and mental illness.
Sola's Asylum
My uncensored emotional asylum of depression and rage.
Depression and Suicide Awareness
Information on depression in high school and college students, depression in women and general depression from a clinical depressed individual.
An Inside look
Personal look at depression from a 14 year old male.
Information on depression from a personal perspective.
Voices of Depression
Introduces a compilation of writings by people suffering from depression. Includes a link to Andrew's resourceful depression page.
Lifting the Fog on Depression
Provides resource links to depression sites. Also includes Kerrie's story about her own battle with depression.
Depression and Alcoholism: A Diary
A Depression sufferer's day to day account of his battle with depression and his urge to drink. Includes a forum of people with similar problems.
Stop The Blues
Conventional treatment for depression normally involves toxic drugs and psychotherapy. Personal account of overcoming this disease by following a natural food diet.
Focus Therapy for Depression
Why do people get depression? How to help them and what causes depression.
Depression Poems
Empathetic poems for those who are hurting, grieving, or depressed. Includes inspirational support.
James Blackburn: Depression, Surviving, Starting Over
Well known prosecuter discusses his painful depression and how he survived and is starting over. Discusses his book Flame-out: from prosecuting Jeffrey Macdonald, to doing time to waiting tables, the Jim Blackburn story.
Illusions In The Dark
A personal view of depression. Understanding the illness with medical facts and dealing with it through art, poetry, and medication.
The Voices of Suicide
A personal accounts page which discusses suicide, depression and other subjects. Includes poetry, a message board and chat room.
Andrew's Depression Page
A firsthand account of the trials and tribulations of the disorder and ways to treat it.
Hope In Sight - Christians With Depression
Comfort and hope from God's word. Share your story and read what others have shared.
Be Free
Created by a woman recovering from depression. With inspirations, quotes, gifts, resources and awards. Help for people who are lost, depressed or anxious.
Information on depression, personal stories and poems, message board, articles, book reviews, depression test, self-injury information, and links.
Depression Information
A place made for teens by a teen on causes of depression and advise.
Mandys Depression Home page
Writings by one with the personal experiences of depression, rape, abuse, miscarage and self harm. Includes resources and links on these and related subjects.
Depression Journal
Selections form a young woman's secret journal about her struggle with depression.
Fading Out
A personal story about life, depression and God in the center of it.
The Lonely Darkness
A personal experience of depression, what it is, how it feels, how to cope with it.
Catatonia's Hideout
About her struggle with depression and self-injury, containing of information and resources. Online diary, poetry, survey, and ramblings.
Things To Be Happy About
A list of submitted things to be happy about when experiencing depression.
Escape from Clinical Depression
Medical student tells personal story of insight into an origin of depression. Learned helplessness, negative feedback control, and defense mechanisms are among the ideas discussed.
Depression Resources
Links to a wide variety of information from scientific findings to personal stories from depression sufferers.
Screaming In Silence
A personal account of living with depression, suicide, and self harm.
Depression Resources Page
Clearinghouse of internet resources regarding mental health, depression, and optional treatments. Additional links to journals, prayer resources, and suicide prevention.
Rhyme Of The Ancient Wanderer
Information and support for those who suffer from Dysthymia and other depressive disorders.
Michaels Domain
Personal story of a struggle with depression and self injury.
Links to mental health sites and short personal story.
Positively Mental
Journal focusing on living with and managing depression and mental health problems.
This is Who I am
Mmy journey into depression, eating disorders, and self injury.
How to Fight Depression.
Short text about depression in light of the bible, the classics, and media reports.
Life as a teenager with depression. Understanding depression and coping with it and with other psychiatric conditions.
Help For The Lost
Personal page offering peer support to those who feel depressed.
Fallen Angel
A journey through the mind of a manic-depressive/borderline personality.
Black Dreams
A depression related site where visitors can either read my thoughts while depressed or submit their own work.
Undoing Depression
Richard O'Connor speaks as a suicide survivor and therapist when he gives advice for depression prevention. Includes a lecture calendar.
Tales from the Depressed Zone
The story of one young man's battles with depression, social phobia, overeating, and sexual addiction.
Depressed? Read Abraham Lincoln's Words
Description of Abraham Lincoln's depression and his advice to others who were also suffering from it.
A Depressed Soul
I suffer from clinical depression... this is my story amd my recovery thanks to great support
The Man Behind The Mask
The story of Michael Cyrus Marek and his struggles with depression, self injury, and anxiety.
Living with Mental Illness
Personal experience of depression and PTSD. Includes extracts from her diary and a poem.
Abi's Page
Personal story, diary, and poetry about depression and domestic violence.
Quitting Oxazepam
Personal experience with quitting Oxazepam (Serax).
Darkness Falls: The Depths of Depression
Personal experience with depression, facts about depression, and poetry.
A View from My World.
online journal of depression victim.
The Ugly And Depressed Times
Deals with everday sadness and lonliness. Photograph gallery, thoughts, and a personal story.
Exposed Souls
Emotions, poetry and journaling inspired by depression.
Silent Words
personal account of living with BPD, depression, suicidal ideation, self harm, suicide, self hatred. What it's like to be mentally ill and 'labelled'
Skin Deep
Poems, inspirational quotes, and information for those suffering from depression, self harm, or suicidal thoughts.