Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
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Web Pages
National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Dedicated to eliminating birth defects caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy and improving the quality of life for those individuals and families affected.
Texas Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Consortium
Dedicated to prevention, education, and support.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Resources for information.
Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit
Research and advocacy unit, headed by Dr. Ann Streissguth. Includes resources such as support groups, an events list, and a publications list.
FASAT(Ontario) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Assistance and Training
To improve the lives of children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effects (FAS) by training the professionals and parents who work with and care for these children, to provide assistance and support for them and their families, and to facilitate activities related to the prevention of FAS.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Statistics and other information on fetal alcohol syndrome and how it can be reduced.
Alcohol and Pregnancy Don't Mix
A Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet. What happens when you drink alcohol and how can it affect your baby when you're pregnant.
Resource information for those affected by this diagnosis.
A Preventable Tragedy
Information about FASworld, a world wide self help group dedicated to raising awareness for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Links and a support group available.
Mayo Clinic: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
A description of the syndrome and how to avoid it.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
A review of contemporary research, by Anuppa Caleekal, with implications for alcohol and prenatal education.
FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
The implications of adopting an affected child.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Diagnostic and Prevention Network
Located in Seattle, WA., this organization diagnosis and works with children diagnosed with this disorder.
Alcohol Related Birth Injury Resource Site
A resource for information on FAS, as well as FAE. Providing assistance with research information and pamphlets for school age children to adults.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - Is It Worth the Risk?
Diagram showing effects, and discussion of the other possible consequences of drinking during pregnancy.
Alcohol During Pregnancy
Statistical information regarding those affected by FAS.
Fetal alcohol syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects
How to prevent a child from being exposed to the risks of alcohol related problems.
What Can We Do About Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?
An article by Ann Pytkowicz Streissguth, PhD, addressing prevention and cause.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - A Pregnant Pause
Emphasizing the education of expectant mothers in an attempt to reduce the number of occurrences of this preventable diagnosis. Lists symptoms, effects, statistical information and physical features of FAS.
FAS Alaska: Project Facts
Information on intervention techniques for educators, family support, and a list of most frequently asked questions.
FAS - State of Alaska DHSS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Website
Provides screening and assessment, resource materials, and information on support groups in the Alaska area.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
A list of causes, symptoms, tests, treatment, and possible complications of the disease.
Fact Sheet - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
A list of causes, and recommendations on how to handle alcohol and pregnancy.
FASlink - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Link for Information and Support
A comprehensive list of possible damage done by alcohol use, a brain image, and additional statistical information.
FAS Community Resource Center
A collection of articles discussing this diagnosis.
Teaching Students with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effects
A resource guide developed for teachers to help counter attention difficulties, social skills, memory problems and other common symptoms.
NE Consultation
A Colorado prevention center, containing training information, facts, support groups, and a chat room.
Active Learning: Bridging the Gap for Fetal Alcohol Effect Children
Article by Debbie Evensen, discussing concerns about the educational implication of teaching prenatally alcohol/drug exposed children.
The Family Village Library Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Test
Contact information, chat rooms, forums, and links to resource information.
Crime Times
Article discussing the costs to society when a child is the victim of prenatal alcohol exposure.
Region3 FAS/E Partnership
Support and education for families, including links and a message board.
A Consultation, Education and Training Service located in Portland, Oregon.
Post Adopt
An on-line support resource for any parent who is caring for a child who has challenging behaviors, such as FAS.
FAS Information
A personal account of what it is like to live with Fetal Alcohol Effects and how to prevent this from happening to someone else.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Movie
Online movie regarding this preventable condition.
Four-State FAS Consortium
Seeks to improve the science base on diagnosed cases, risk factors, prevalence and prevention of FAS/FAE. Objective, activities, information about FAS, links to related sites.
FAS - Implications for Correctional Services
Diagnosis and risk in regards to entering the correctional system.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Information for the prevention of FAS. Lists possible difficulties an individual with this disease may encounter, as well as prevention activities.
For Kids Sake! Radio: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Transcript of radio show delving into FAS and fetal alcohol effects (birth defects that result when a pregnant woman drinks alcohol).