Sexual Dysfunctions
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Web Pages
International Society for Sexual and Impotence Research
Professional organization informs about its structure and schedules of meetings; site also includes publications on sexual dysfunction in English and other languages.
Sexual Counselling
Sex questions, problems and concerns answered here with periodic updates.
Sexuality and Reproductive Health
SIECUS has developed this booklet to help program planners, providers, and policy makers understand the connection between sexuality and reproductive health.
Sexual Dysfunction
Evaluation and treatment of sexual dysfunction.
Microwave Sex
Frank advice to women who don't know, or can't believe their husbands are impotent.
National Foundation for Sexual Health Medicine
A nonprofit organization informs about sexual dysfunction and its treatment for both men and women; site addresses the medical community as well as the general public; includes schedules of educational programs.
Male Sexual Dysfunction
Information about male sexual dysfunction and loss of libido or sexual desire in men.
Sexual Dysfunction Classifications
Provides information on classifications of sexual dysfunctions.
British Society for Sexual and Impotence Research
Professional organization informs about research activities and annual meetings; site includes application form for new members.
Female Sexual Dysfunction: Evaluation and Treatment
The American Academy of Family Physicians discusses causes of female sexual dysfunction and explains treatment options.
Veritas Medicine: Sexual Dysfunction
Clinical trial listings and in-depth treatment information; those interested to participate in clinical trials can apply and submit personal information.
Sexual Dysfunction in Women
Online chapter of the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, with diagnosis and treatment suggestions intended for physicians.
Female Sexual Dysfunction
Information on diagnosis and treatment; includes a facility to submit questions to a board-certified physician.
Medical Celibates Network
Information for and about those who are unable to have sex due to medical reasons.
Dr. Jennifer Berman's and Dr. Laura Berman's site with articles, videos, and resource lists for women seeking advice on sexual function problems such as lack of desire, arousal, lubrication, and orgasm.
His and Her Health
Sexual and medical news and views for men and women; covering treatments for sexual dysfunction and other urology-related conditions.
PJB / Scrip Report
An analysis for the pharmaceutical industry: The Therapeutic Market for Male and Female Sexual Dysfunction. Free-access summary; full report requires subscription.
European Society for Sexual Medicine
A not-for-profit, multidisciplinary, academic and scientific organisation concerning itself with male and female sexual function and dysfunction.