Web Pages Diagnosis and Treatment of Bladder Cancer
Article on this disease by Dr. Robert Badalament.
Medical Enterprises: Synergo
Description of a commercial treatment modality involving a hyperthermia device used in the treatment of superficial bladder cancer.
BUPA: Bladder Cancer
Fact sheet from this UK organization addresses causes, symptoms and treatment.
UrologyChannel: Bladder Cancer
Provides information regarding diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
BTA: Bladder Cancer Test
Outlines information about a commercially available test.
Bladder Cancer Web Cafe
Information and resources including guidance in treatment options. Bladder Cancer
General information about the disease.
SavonHealth: Bladder Cancer
Gives information about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
Imperial Cancer Research Fund
This UK charity offers news and information about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer. It also gives details on fundraising. Bladder Cancer
Comprehensive information from the U.S. National Cancer Institute.
Johns Hopkins: Bladder Cancer
Scientific information describing anatomy, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and ongoing research. Bladder Cancer
Overview treatment of the subject.
M.D. Anderson: Bladder Cancer
Center-specific as well as general information about the condition from this Houston, Texas institution.
Vincent Sussman: Bladder Cancer Survivor
Story of a former research chemist including links and a chat room.
Rhode Island Cancer Council: Bladder Cancer
Information presented in a fact sheet format describing this disease including methods of its detection.