Support Groups         
Web Pages
Generations: Colorectal Cancer Registry in Hong Kong
Explains what this Asian-based entity does, and provides access to a support group and a newsletter. Colon Cancer
Extensive listing of web sites.
General information on colorectal cancer with emphasis on a monoclonal antibody diagnostic test.
Understanding Cancer of the Large Bowel
Online booklet from the UK organization CancerBACUP addressing causes and treatments of this disease.
Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Registry
Johns Hopkins University resource including information about research and the genetic basis of the condition. Colorectal Cancer
General summary includes risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Colorectal Cancer Week
News and information about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Small subscription charge.
ISOPAH Clinics Australia
Encourages the prevention, screening and early diagnosis of colorectal cancer.
Berkshire Surgical Information
Provides instruction for colonoscopy preparation and practical information for colon cancer surgery.
Oncologychannel: Colon Cancer
Outline view of this condition.
An Overview of Colonoscopy
Discussion about this procedure.
University of Chicago: Section of Gastroenterology
Overview of colorectal cancer aimed at both the lay and professional level.
ASCRS: Colorectal Cancer
Brief fact sheet from the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons.
Colon Polyps and Colon Cancer
Thorough discussion of polyps and tumors in lay terms.
ALtruis Biomedical Network: Colon Cancer
Addresses risk factors, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
BUPA: Bowel Cancer
Fact sheet from this UK entity includes causes, symptoms and treatment.
The Colon Cancer Project
Conventional, experimental and alternative therapies.
MCW Colorectal Cancer: Risk Factors and Screening
Discussion from the Medical College of Wisconsin Physicians and Clinics.
MCW Colorectal Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment
Summary view from the Medical College of Wisconsin Physicians and Clinics.
NYU: Virtual Colonoscopy
Use of an imaging technique for screening at the New York University School of Medicine.
What You Need to Know about Cancer of the Colon and Rectum
Online brochure for patients and their caregivers from the U.S. National Cancer Institute.
Imperial Cancer Research Fund
UK charity offers information about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of bowel cancer. Also gives details on fundraising.
Colon Cancer Screening
Article on symptoms, prevention and common terms.
General Practice Notebook: Colorectal Cancer
Clinically-oriented information.
MEDLINEplus: Colorectal Cancer
U.S. National Library of Medicine compilation which provides links to select related subjects. Colon and Rectal Cancer
Resource of the U.S. National Cancer Institute addresses screening, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and clinical trials. Colorectal Cancer
Gives general information about the condition including links to institutional sources. Also links to related Spanish language publications.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Colorectal Screening
The Screen for Life campaign promotes regular procedures for those 50 years and older. Laparoscopic Surgery for Colon Cancer
Presents a discussion of the procedure.
El Salvador Atlas of Gastrointestinal Video Endoscopy
Case reports of colon cancer with associated visual clips of the pathology.
Cancer Treatment Centers of America: Colorectal
Gives information on research, risk factors, detection, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Mayo Clinic: Colorectal Cancer
Gives information about causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and coping strategies.
Rhode Island Cancer Council: Colorectal Cancer
Fact sheet presentation on many aspects of the disease including surgery and other treatment options.
eMedicine Health: Colon Cancer
Consumer health resource center providing an overview of the condition and its causes, symptoms and treatment.
RadiologyInfo: Colorectal Cancer
Guide to radiation therapy including treatment options, procedure description, side-effects and follow-up protocol.
Lynn's Bowel Cancer Campaign
Information and support including symptoms, diagnosis and practice guidelines by this UK initiative headed by Lynn Faulds Wood, a TV consumer advocate.
NEJM: Colorectal Cancer
Article selections from the New England Journal of Medicine in related areas.
Testimony on Medicare Colon Cancer Prevention Efforts
Presentation to the Senate Special Committee on Aging discussing Medicare's efforts to increase awareness and screening for colon cancer.
Medicine Online: Colon Cancer Information Library
Collection of articles and information about this form of cancer.
Jackson Gastroenterology: Colon Polyps and Cancer
Patient information about this cancer and its prevention.