Web Pages
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Detailed information on this opportunistic infection, from The Body.
Cytomegolovirus (CMV) Infection
From the Centers for Disease Control. Includes at risk population, transmission, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
Project Links
Categorized links on cytomegalovirus.
CMV Support Group
This site is for people that have been affected by congenital CMV. Members include parents, family, therapists, and doctors. Also provide an e-mail listserv, informative CMV links, active member list, and parents links.
Daniella's CMV Story
Daniella was born 6-13-99 with congenital CMV. This site has a detailed story of Daniella's diagnosis and accomplishments, as well as pictures and links.
Cytomegalic Inclusion Body Disease
Information sheet about CIBD, compiled by NINDS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.