Web Pages
Comprehensive information about Toxoplasma gondii and AIDS-related conditions, from The Body.
Cat Fanciers' Association: Health Committee - Toxoplasmosis and Pregnancy
Addresses the concerns of pregnant cat owners about the disease.
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
Includes symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of this protozoal disease.
Protozoan parasitic disease transmissible from animals to people. Includes transmission routes, dangers to people, prevention, and symptoms in cats.
CDC Division of Parasitic Diseases : Toxoplasmosis
Features symptoms, fact sheet, laboratory tests, and articles.
Medlineplus: Toxoplasmosis
Includes articles and links.
Kidshealth: Toxoplasmosis
Focus is on the disease in children. Features signs, sypmtoms, prevention, and treatment.
eMedicine: Toxoplasmosis
Article by Joseph Sciammarella, MD, FACP, FACEP, DABMA.
Facts About Toxoplasmosis
Includes symptoms, prevention, and diagnostic tests.
Medlineplus Medical Encyclopedia: Toxoplasmosis
Features symptoms, prevention, treatment, illustrations, and prognosis.
Toxoplasma gondii
Photomicrographs of the stages of the organism that causes toxoplasmosis.
Toxoplasmosis in Cats and Humans
Cornell Feline Health Center provides a comprehensive fact sheet about toxoplasmosis.
Handbook of Ocular Disease Management: Toxoplasmosis
Information on the effects of the disease on the eye.
Congenital Txoplasmosis
Fact sheet about the disease in infants.