Teen Smoking
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Web Pages
Health Canada - Tobacco and Schools
Information resource list.
STATIC - Students Teaching Against Tobacco in Connecticut
STATIC is a means by which the young people of Connecticut may develop a coordinated, unified front against the manipulation and targeting by Big Tobacco.
Anti-smoking group Tobaccofree.org, founded by advcate Patrick Reynolds (RJ Reynolds' anti-tobacco grandson)
Anti-smoking group offers youth a tobacco prevention message for grades 6-12, educational videos, quit smoking tips, anti-tobacco motivational speakers, and related resources. Founded by Patrick Reynolds.
Monitoring the Future: Kids' favorite cigarettes
Just three cigarette brands account for nearly all teen smoking: Marlboro (Philip Morris), Newport (Lorillard), and Camel (RJ Reynolds). These are among the most heavily advertised and promoted cigarette brands, in particular Marlboro, and Marlboro alone accounts for nearly two thirds of teen smoking.
FDA Children & Tobacco ComplianceChecker
Searchable database shows which retailers did and didn't sell tobacco to kids.
Young People and Smoking
Factsheet from ASH-UK covers prevalence, influences, effects, addiction, and prevention.
The Young Person's Cyber-Library of Information on Tobacco and Tobacco-Caused Disease
Thoracic surgeon Fred Grannis MD provides young people and their families with information on cigarette smoking, cessation, lung cancer risk, diagnosis and treatment.
Youth Media Network
Number of topics on tobacco and smoking, with focus on youth issues.
Tobacco Industry Promotion of Cigarettes and Adolescent Smoking
Longitudinal research finds that kids who reconized tobacco advertising or owned a tobacco promotional item (T-shirt, cap) were more likely to try smoking, when followed up 3 years later.
Teens Against Smoking in Kansas
Kansas youth speaking out about big tobacco companies. Join with other teens in Kansas and help create one strong voice working to expose Big Tobacco's lies.
Smokefree Kids Fact Sheet
Facts on tobacco use among children, nicotine and nicotine addiction in children, tobacco-caused disease, questions to ask candidates for public office, children and tobacco advertising.
Teen Smoking Cessation Program
The Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati's Teen Smoking Cessation Program is free and open to people age 12 to 21.
Tobacco Explained: Marketing to Youth
Heavily documented from the tobacco industry's own internal documents, reports on how the tobacco industry promotes cigarettes and smoking to youth.
Slugfest in the Smoke Ring
Washington Post article describes the approaches of the four major tobacco companies -- Philip Morris, R. J. Reynolds, Brown and Williamson, and Lorillard -- to get younger smokers, and explains why this is so important to the industry.
A place for teens to come to learn more about tobacco and tobacco use prevention and control. Teens can come here to learn more about the perils of smoking, to find out how to quit, to become an activist, or just to see what other teens around North Carolina are doing about tobacco prevention and control.
In the Mix - Smoking: The Truth Unfiltered
PBS show on smoking. Emphasis is on effects of smoking in the here and now, not just 40 years down the line.
Blowing Smoke
Blowing Smoke is an anti-tobacco curriculum designed by kids for kids to expose the exaggerated usage of tobacco in current movies.
Youth and Tobacco Facts
Factsheet on youth and tobacco from Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights.
tobaccofreekids.org Special Report: Big Tobacco: Still Addicting Kids
Research reports on tobacco industry and marketing to kids bofore and after the Master Settlement Agreement with the states in November 1998.
Tobacco and Kids: The Facts
Broad summary of issues from the Center for Tobacco-Free Kids.
Youth Tobacco Issues: A Roundtable Discussion
Session from health conference on smoking influences, smokefree programs and policies, and engaging youth in tobacco control activities.
Smoking: Cutting Through the Hype
Article for teens on smoking and its promotion by the tobacco industry.
Smoking and Tobacco Use Among Young People
5 papers (abstracts only) from RWJ Foundation sponsored study on youth tobacco practices and attitudes.
Young Smokers Risk Greater Genetic Damage
Tobacco products cause more lung cancer to smokers who start young, recent research finds; scientists think it may relate to the impact of smoking at an age when the lungs are still developing.
Study Shows Philip Morris's Anti-Smoking Ads Make Kids More Likely to Smoke
Recent research shows that Philip Morris's "Think, Don't Smoke" ads make kids more likely to smoke, while anti-smoking ads designed by health groups decrease smoking.
Addicting Kids to Nicotine
Summary of the science on how people get addicted, what nicotine does in the brain.
Smoking Sucks
Fighting for a smokefree Newfoundland and Labrador.
Alaska Native Health Board: Challenge to Quit
A unique smoking cessation research project for Alaskan teenagers.
Educational Support Materials on Cancer
Reports and slide presentations on tobacco industry youth prevention programs, kids and tobacco, and spit tobacco. In Word and PowerPoint format.
Health News: Teen Smokers
Consumer Health Interactive article examines the causes of teen smoking, such as tobacco advertising from Lorillard.
Speakers Kit: Teens and Tobacco
Slides ready for presentation on tobacco myths and facts, tobacco advertising and promotion, immediate effects of tobacco, rewards of quitting.
Age at Smoking Initiation and Lung Damage
Scientific paper examines the evidence that lung damage is greater and more lasting the younger a person started smoking.
Youth Smoking - A Burning issue
Report from a symposium held July 1999. Summary of findings, paper presentations, talks; recommendations.
Hooked on Tobacco: The Teen Epidemic
From Consumer Reports.
Sweet as Candy, Deadly as Cigarettes
Time magazine article on bidis.
Parenting of Adolescents
What parents can do to prevent teenage smoking plus fact sheets, statistics and health effects.
The Tobacco Reference Guide: Teen Smoking
36 pages of facts and quotes on the subject.
Effects of Anti- and Pro-smoking Advertising in Convenience Stores
Research finds that point-of-purchase cigarette ads at convenience stores influence teen smoking.
Teens Can Get Hooked on Cigarettes After 2 Weeks of Puffing
CNN report on a study that found that young people who experiment with cigarettes can become chemically dependent on tobacco faster than people think.
1978 Lorillard Memo
"The base of our business is the high school student" explains a Lorillard marketing expert in this formerly secret Lorillard memo.
ADVANCE for Nurses: Turning the Tide
Trends in teen smoking, campaigns that work, and the industry's counter-attack, from a magazine for nurses.
Tobacco Industry Waged False Battle Against Youth Smoking
Article from the Saint Paul Pioneer Press regarding the tobacco industry's high-profile efforts to keep kids from smoking while secretly, yet actively, opposing numerous federal, state and local efforts to combat underage smoking.
Progression to Established Smoking Among US Youths
Study presents national estimates of the proportion of yotuhs in each of 7 stages of smoking, and evaluates the effects of pro-smoking and anti-smoking influences.