Graves' Disease
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Web Pages
Frequently Asked Questions About Graves Disease
National Graves Disease Foundation overview of this condition.
Graves' Disease
Dr. Paul Fitzgerald, UCSF Medical Center San Francisco, CA. Discusses symptoms, exophthalmos, skin myxedema and treatment options.
Thyroid Information Page
Links to sites and personal information from an individual with Grave's Disease.
Thyroid Clinical Pathology
Includes a case study of Grave's Disease, lab testing, and thyroid metabolism. May be of most interest to those with some medical knowledge. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Tulane University School of Medicine.
Thyroid Related Eye Disease
Information on Graves' ophthalmopathy from EyePlastics.
Graves' Ophthalmopathy - VisionChannel
Learn about diagnosis and treatment of Graves' Ophthalmopathy and Graves’ disease. Graves' Ophthalmopathy may occur long before, at the same time as, or long after thyroid disease is diagnosed and treated.
Medstudents: Graves' Disease
Graves’ disease, also known as Parry’s or Basedow’s disease or diffuse toxic goiter, is a disorder with three major manifestations: hyperthyroidism with diffuse goiter, ophthalmopathy, and dermopathy. A review of the key concepts of management of hyperthyroidism, including definition, etiology, prevalence, incidence, pathology and clinical features.
Thyroid Eye Disease
An article outlining treatment of exophthalmos in graves disease through naturopathy, supported by acupuncture, acupressure and magnetic treatment in addition to eye-care and eye balls exercises.
Daisy's Graves' Disease Site
A personal site intended for support and education. Information on symptoms, diagnosis, laboratory tests, treatments, Graves Ophthalmopathy.
Q&A - Graves' Disease
Disease description and information about exophthalmos commonly experienced by some Graves' patients.
Graves' - Treatment of Children and Neonates
Special considerations in the treatment of thyrotoxicosis in children and therapy of childhood Graves' Disease.
Suite101 - Graves' Disease
Articles about the clinical course, symptoms, autoimmune nature, diagnosis and treatment options related to Graves' disease. Feature articles include discussions of the environmental triggers of Graves' disease and suggestions for holistic healing. - Graves' Disease
Signs and symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and self-care of Graves' disease.
Pediatric Graves' Disease
University of Mississippi, medical paper regarding use of I-131 radioactive iodine for use in pediatric Graves' disease patients.
Postgraduate Medicine: The Many 'Faces' of Graves' Disease
Diagnositic testing and disease management options for Graves' disease.
Pretibial Myxedema in Graves' disease
From The Doctor's Doctor, description of pretibial myxedema, a dermatology complication sometimes found in Graves disease.
Radioactive Iodine
Provides a description of a I-131 treatment for hyperthyroidism.
Overview of Graves' disease
Dr. Nancy Snyderman explains this disease.
Information regarding Graves' Disease as the leading cause of hyperthyroidism as well as other causes. Thyrolink provided by Merck KGaA.
Patient Information - AARDA
From the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association. Overview of Graves' Disease, symptoms and complications.
Focus on Thyroid - Diseases & Conditions - Hyperthyroidism
Anatomy of the thyroid gland. Explanation of Graves' Disease as the leading cause of hyperthyroidism.
Focus on Thyroid - Medical Dictionary - Graves disease
Description of this disease, factors that trigger the onset and current treatments.
Thyroid Federation International - Thyroid Eye Disease
Personal account that explains the physical and emotional impact that TED has on a person.
Cigarette Smoking and Thyroid Eye Disease
The association between cigarette smoking and ocular diseases such as Graves' Ophthamopathy. From the Hong Kong Medical Journal.
Graves' Eye Disease
Learn about clinical features and treatment for this condition also known as thyroid eye disease (TED) or Graves' Opthalmopathy (GO). From the Thyroid Foundation of Canada.
The National Womens Health Information Center
Frequently asked questions about Graves' disease.
Personal Experience with Graves' Disease
Diary that discusses diagnosis and treatment of Graves by a Graves patient.
Abbott Laboratories: Graves' Disease
Symptoms, classic clinical signs and diagnostics of Graves' disease.
Thyroid Eye Disease (Graves' Disease)
Description of TED as seen in Graves' disease including exophthalmos, edema and dry eye associated with this eye disease.
Gail Devers Talks About Graves' Disease
An interview with the Olympic gold medal winner regarding her personal experience dealing with Graves' disease.
Yahoo! Groups Graves Support
Listserv offering information, discussion and support for those with Graves' disease, their family and friends.
Treating Graves' disease at Angeles Vision Clinic
Patient information site on Graves' eye disease (Graves' Ophthalmopathy) both management and treatment including orbital decompression surgery.
Thyroid Eye Disease
Review of Graves' ophthalmopathy, including symptoms, treatments, information and resources.
Hyperthyroidism and Graves' Disease
The thionamides, propylthiouracil (PTU) and methimazole (MMI, Tapazole) also known as antithyroid medications, use as a treatment for Graves' disease.
Graves Eye Disease - Angeles Vision Clinic
In depth patient information site on: "Graves Eye Disease", "Infiltrative Thyroid Ophthalmopathy". Graves Disease, hyroid optic neuropathy, orbital decompression, Antithyroid drugs, Radioactive Iodine,
Medical Abstract from BMC Nuclear Med regarding the optimal dose of I-131 for treatment of Graves' disease.
PubMed medical abstract regarding risks of Graves Ophthalmopathy after treatment with radioactive iodine, I-131.
Graves Disease Support Club
Support for sufferers of this disease. Weekly scheduled online chat.
The MediBoard Network - Graves' Disease and Thyroid Discussion
A message board for patient to patient support for sufferers of Graves' disease and thyroid disease. Weekly scheduled online chat.
Pam B.'s Autoimmune Thyroid Disease Journal
A personal journal about fighting autoimmune thyroid disease. Lots of resources and links.
Graves' Disease Resource Page
In-depth information, support, personal stories, photos, links for Graves' patients and their families. Includes before and after photos surgeries for Graves' eye disease.
My Personal War With Graves' Disease!
Personal site by a Graves' Disease sufferer. Discusses the importance of early detection and correct diagnosis.
Graves Eye Disease
Personal account of the progression of Graves' Eye Disease and surgeries to correct. Medical Encyclopedia: Hyperthyroidism
Definition, causes, incidence, and risk factors.
Thyroid Disease and the Eye
American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery provides information about how Graves' disease affects the eye and treatments -- including orbital decompression, eye muscle surgery, eyelid surgery and prisms.
Graves Disease and RAI
Support board for people with this condition to help each other. Most participants have had radioactive iodine treatment. Includes background information, personal stories, and links to related sites.