Web Pages
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights
Works to pass legislation at all levels of government to protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke and protect youth from tobacco addiction.
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)
Nation's oldest and largest antismoking organization takes legal action and provides information about the problems and costs of smoking.
Individual advocate in Kentucky.
Ontario Tobacco-Free Network
Volunteer-directed, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco use. Updates on Canada and the U.S. Extensive resources area. In English and French.
Illinois Coalition Against Tobacco
Pulls together information on tobacco, nicotine and addictdion, secondhand smoke, media advocacy, youth, tobacco additives, and women and tobacco.
Breed's Tobacco Activism Guide
A comprehensive guide to the Internet for the Tobacco Control Advocate by Dr. Larry Breed, DrPH covers dozens of topics and outlines activism responses to tobacco, with an emphasis on knowledge before action.
RI Tobacco Control Network
The Rhode Island Tobacco Control Network has a local calendar, factsheets, RI state laws on tobacco, RI communities with tobacco control ordinances, and advocate training.
Smoke Free Maryland Home Page
Avocacates for a smokefree society. Features information on the economic costs of tobacco use.
National grassroots organization founded in 1977, best known for its successful Nestle and GE boycott campaigns. Features information on the tobacco industry, explodes the myths pushed by tobacco industry PR (e.g. "smoking is an adult custom"), and invites action on a new boycott of the tobacco industry.
ASH-UK - Action on Smoking and Health
Resources for advocates include tobacco history, factsheets, schools resources, presentation resources, discussion, policy analysis, and an extensive analysis of the tobacco industry based on industry internal memos.
Making it UNCOOL
Article by Robert Worth in The Washington Monthly. He thinks we should make fun of tobacco products.
Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
Covers everything from tobaco marketing to constituents of secondhand smoke to economic costs of smoking in Canada.
International Network of Women Against Tobacco (INWAT)
Founded in 1990 by women tobacco control leaders to address the complex issues of tobacco use among women and young girls.
Virginia GASP home page
Factsheets on tobacco and the tobacco industry developed by Virginia GASP. Extensive summary of tobacco industry misconduct.
Non Smokers' Movement of Australia
Fighting the tobacco industry, tobacco advertising, smoking in public places and "all out-of-touch politicians who support this bogus industry". Newsletter with timely updates; publications and factsheets on tobacco history, industry strategies, and smokefree environments.
The Shuster Project - Tobacco Industry Fraud & False Claims Issues
Award-winning site examines non-health related tobacco industry fraud and false claims issues, presenting authentic tobacco company documents to illustrate tobacco company policies, practices, procedures and claims. Features grassroots programs and interactive content. Offers a related book for publication.
ASH Australia
Factsheets, letters, analysis, white papers, stories, comments, and newsletter cover tobacco control, tobacco disease, cancer, addiction, advocacy, media, youth smoking, films and entertainment, tobacco policy, and smokefree public places.
Tobacco Post - Canada's best anti-tobacco site
Canadian coverage of tobacco wars. Covers friends and opponents of the industry in Canada.
Arizona Tobacco Education and Prevention Program
Produces a variety of public outreach material on tobacco and smoking, including radio ads, TV commercials, posters, billboards, theater hall slides and merchandizing items. Performs policy analysis, provides training and technical assistance, and help in quitting.
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: World Health Organization
Advocates for strong global action to control the spread of tobacco.
GASP of Colorado
Smokefree dining database, advocacy, and lots of educational articles.
World No Tobacco Day Ecards
Send an ecard to encourage someone you know to take action against tobacco use.
Get Outraged
"Tobacco is the largest single cause of premature death in the developed world, responsible for about 30% of all deaths among persons 35 to 69 years of age." Dedicated to "exposing tobacco industry lies and deceit and helping ordinary citizens get involved in the fight against Big Tobacco."
American Lung Association Action Network
How to get involved to support clean, safe, air, and healthy lungs, with policy change, strong legislation, and advocacy.
Center for Tobacco Free New York
Lets you send e-postcards to tell your elected officials how to spend tobacco settlement money and stop smoking in New York State.
Prescription for Change
"To help a persistent cough, go to aisle 8. To get a persistent cough, go to aisle 14" Advocacy to urge pharmacies to stop selling tobacco products.
Pro-Youth Pages: Boycott Philip Morris
Discusses how tobacco products are marketed to youth, and calls for a boycott of Philip Morris.
NO PATSY Homepage - National Organization of People Attacking Tobacco Sales to Youth
Canada's Tobacco Activist Headquarters - Top stories from NO PATSY - Canadian coverage of tobacco wars, the battles, the lawsuits, the government actions.
Tobacco Control
Research paper. Extensive and fully documented look at Arizona's Proposition 200. Concludes: "health advocates in Arizona successfully fought tobacco industry attempts to divert the health education funds and pass preemptive legislation. But the executive branch limited the scope of the program to adolescents and pregnant women, and prevented it from attacking the tobacco industry or focusing on secondhand smoke."
San Francisco African American Tobacco Free Project
The San Francisco African American Tobacco Free Project fights the pervasive infuence of the tobacco industry in our community. "We used to pick it -- now they want us to smoke it!"
Coalition for a Tobacco Free Pennsylvania
Provides news and information for advocates, policy analysis, a discussion forum, and searchable databases of smoking cessation programs and smoke-free restaurants in Pennsylvania.
Urges boycott of R. J. Reynolds products as long as company advertises in magazines with a substantial readership in the under 21 year old age greoup.
Coalition for a Tobacco Free Vermont
The Coalition "believes that Vermonters care about clean air and the health of our fellow neighbors, friends, and family. Our goal is to empower Vermonters with information and tools to influence our state government to work toward a Tobacco Free Vermont."
Tobacco Cases 1830 - 2000
Near-exhaustive compilation of lawsuits against the tobacco industry.
Tobacco War: Inside the California Battles
Charts the dramatic and complex history of tobacco politics in California over the past quarter century. By Stan Glantz and Edith Balbach.
MASCOT: Multicultural Advocates for Social Change on Tobacco
Statistics, factsheets, and discussion on tobacco policy, smokefree workplaces, retailers selling to youth, industry quotes on nicotine and addiction, and medical costs due to smoking.
Frontline: Interview with Stanton Glantz
Covers the Brown and Williamson papers, how they got to Glantz, what we've learned from them about the tobacco industry, how the industry tried to intimidate Glantz and UCSF to suppress them and why UCSF stood up to the industry where ABC and CBS did not.
Tobacco To 21
Ohio-based organization; advocates making 21 the minimum age to buy tobacco. Describes tobacco history; industry promotion; tobacco and health; addiction; costs of tobacco use; use by children; and public policy.
National Clearinghouse on Tobacco and Health (NCTH)
Information and networking services for tobacco use prevention and reduction programs, projects, resources, and advocacy in Canada.
Nicotine Victims
Focus is on tobacco product addiction.
Join the Joe Chemo Campaign!
Official site of Joe Chemo can provide the Joe Chemo costume for qualified groups and individuals to smoke up an antismoking event.
A Chicago teen fights to get Walgreens, the nation's largest pharmacy, to stop selling tobacco products.
Timiskaming Tobacco-Free Coalition
Supports protection from secondhand smoke, tobacco prevention and reduction, in Timiskaming Canada.
Connecticut Stop Tobacco-Save Kids
Site is dedicated to wipe out tobacco use by kids in 10 years or less.
Advocating for the Public's Health
Slide presentation on "using media advocacy to cut through tobacco's smoke and mirrors" was developed by the University of Connecticut, Department of Community Medicine and Health Care.
Health Canada: Tobacco
Information from Health Canada on smoking and tobacco use. Reports, statistics, studies, news releases, and regulations.
Jeffrey Wigand, Ph.D.
Tobacco whistleblower whose story is featured in the movie 'The Insider'
GLOBALink - The International Tobacco Control Network
A central place for all tobacco-control advocates. GLOBALink is a clearinghouse on tobacco: News bulletins, Discussion groups, List servers, free web-hosting, free listserver.
The Tobacco Scandal: Where is the Outrage?
Speech given by Dr. Koop in September 1998. Dr. Koop found the real scandal at the time was Big Tobacco's power in Congress. He gives his reasons for outrage at that scandal, in moving and vivid terms.
Tobacco Money in Politics: Over $25 million
Common cause study.
Information on smokefree restaurants, smokefree apartments and condos, coalitions, and research.
Big Tobacco Sucks
Campaign against Transnational Tobacco mobilizes students to use the investment power of their universities to challenge the global tobacco industry's violation of human rights, public health, and the environment; site requires Flash.
Licensed to Kill, Inc.
Parody of cigarette industry marketing makes points about how the industry makes its money.
NJ Breathes
Information and advocacy for tobacco education, smokefree air, and coverage of cessation, in New Jersey.
Smokefree Advocacy
ANR and its members are involved in numerous clean indoor air campaigns around the nation. ANR action alerts give you an opportunity to take steps to protect your health and the health of your community.
The Tobacco Wars American Style
Canadian physician Terry Polevoy looks at the U.S. tobacco scene.
Developing Coalitions for Tobacco-Free Youth
Why tobacco is a community issue; forming a coalition; developing the coalition's membership and expertise; planning for action; communicating with the community.
Virginia SLAM!
Leslie Nuchow got a lucrative offer from Philip Morris to be part of their "Woman Thing" promotion; she said no, and instead founded Virginia SLAM! an organization opposing tobacco industry use of music to promote smoking.
Students Oppose Smoking
Organization founded by student smokers and non-smokers dedicated to easing the problem of student tobacco use in Montgomery County, Maryland.
Public Citizen: Tobacco
Amicus briefs, litgation summaries, testimony, comments, and articles by Public Citizen regarding tobacco regulation, litigation, and legislation.
Adbusters: Philip Morris Uncommercial
Features Quicktime movie of an upcoming uncommercial by Adbusters, questioning Philip Morris's right to exist.
The Globalization of Tobacco
Report from CorpWatch. Essays and speeches on the global marketing and politics of tobacco.
Tobacco Free Mass advocates for funding and policies that reduce tobacco use, the leading cause of preventable death and diseas in the Commonwealth, and reducing the public's exposure to secondhand smoke.
Ontario Campaign for Action on Tobacco
Founded in 1992 to support the Ontario Tobacco Control Act to reduce tobacco sales to minors, eliminate tobacco sales from drug stores and vending machines, and make more public places smoke-free. Since then, has worked for smoke-free workplace and public place by-laws, has done research on the costs of smoking and the impacts of second-hand smoke, and assisted health agencies in developing and implementing tobacco control policies.
Advocacy Institute: Tobacco Control Project
Supports research, education, communication, training and advocacy for tobacco control and a smoke-free society.
AIRSPACE Action on Smoking and Health
British Columbia, Canada-based group of "Sworn Enemies of the Tobacco Industry" advocates for smokefree air, protection for children, and smokefree workplaces.
Alliance of Boulder County on Tobacco and Health
Citizens and organizations advocating policy decisions, educational and prevention efforts to address the problem of tobacco in their communities. Provides tobacco news, issues, analysis, advocacy; factsheets and policy papers.
Robert Sklaroff's Tobacco Page
Robert Sklaroff, MD, writes about his decades-long effort to fight Big Tobacco.
The Conscientious Consuming Boycott Against Tobacco Companies
Calls for the boycott of all the products (both tobacco and non-tobacco) of tobacco companies.
PIRG: Smokefree Environment Campaign
Public Interest Research Group, a consumer organization, finds that Big Tobacco does a lot that affects the public interest.
International Non Governmental Coalition Against Tobacco
News, resources, events, facts and figures, materials.
Singer/songwriter Forms Coalition to Fight Tobacco Industry
Leslie Nuchow rejected a lucrative promotion offer when she learned it was from Philip Morris. Then she formed Virginia SLAM! a coalition of musicians, music industry professionals and community activists working against the tobacco industry's manipulation of music to promote smoking.
Non-Smokers' Rights Association / Smoking and Health Action Foundation (Canada)
NSRA and SHAF have been at the forefront of tobacco control efforts in Canada and around the world for the past quarter-century.
Louisiana Cancer and Lung Trust Fund Board
Committed to the prevention of addiction to tobacco.
The End of Tobacco Sales and Investments at the University of Washington
Chronicles a succesful campaign to end sales of tobacco on campus and investments in the tobacco industry at the university. Includes presentations given to the University, slides, talks, and related news items.
Partnerships Between Attorneys and Public Health Professionals to Support Local Tobacco Control Efforts
Historically, the greatest deterrents to local tobacco control efforts have been 1) lack of policy guidance; and 2) tobacco industry legal intimidation. This paper outlines an approach that deals with both problems.
Smoke Free Maryland Voting Records Site
"Did your lawmakers vote for Big Tobacco or You?" Smoke Free Maryland's Voting Records Page examines each candidate's record on the issues.
SIF Research: Tobacco's Changing Context
Explores the different approaches that shareholders can take in formulating a response to tobacco, such as divestment, modification of investments and shareholder resolutions. A sampling of institutions, including pension funds, universities, insurance companies and foundations, along with their responses, is included.
New York City Coalition for a Smoke Free City
The Coalition for a Smoke-Free City is an anti tobacco advocacy group committed to making New York a smoke-free city
A Smokefree World
Personal page of Robert Starkey.
Advocacy Info: Tobacco
Information from the American College of Cheest Physicians on tobacco advocacy.
Action In The War Against Big Tobacco
Letters, press releases, and correspondence advocating for a tobacco free society. Emphasis on what ordinary citizens can do.
Promoting Clean Indoor Air Legislation
ASH publication.
Countering Big Tobacco's Lies and PR -- Creatively
Collection of humorous, hard-hitting, innovative and inspiring counter-advertising examples and ideas from around the world.
Coalition for Clean Air and Clean Lungs
"The world's first organization to address quality of air issues for residents in group housing." What you can do to protect yourself from secondhand smoke in apartments, at home, in the workplace, in public places. Also tobacco industry information, news, and analysis.
Cigarette Litter
Organization dedicated to drastically reducing the amount of cigarette litter through educational campaigns.
Tobacco Survivors United
A network of survivors, families, and friends of men and women who have overcome the damanges of tobacco products; informs the public and advocates for a smokefree society.
Mobilizing the Gay and Lesbian Community Against Tobacco
Short item on community-based organization against tobacco promotion.
Philip Morris Info Sheet
From a Stanford University student organization responding to Philip Morris recruiting on campus.
NYPIRG: Tobacco
Information on secondhand smoke, tobacco divestment, clean indoor air laws; downloadable book on Big Tobacco and what you can do.
Essential Action: Taking on Tobacco
Background papers, analysis, and resources for smokefree advocacy including workshops, factsheets, letter writing campaigns, and pairing tobacco control groups in the US and Canda with groups in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union.
NAAAPI: Tobacco Control Advocacy
The National Association of African Americans for Positive Imagery (NAAAPI) has worked since 1990 to reduce the effects that the tobacco industry has had on the African American community and communities of color.
Tobacco Free Hall County
Group located in Grand Island, Nebraska, is dedicated to promoting lives free of smoke. Features award winning materials on secondhand smoke.
Altria Means Tobacco
Site provides resources to help researchers, community activists, and the public develop counterstrategies to the Philip Morris name change to Altria.
Advocating for Tobacco Policy Change
Pamphlet developed by the Praxis Project provides resources for smokefree advocates.
MASSPIRG: Tough On Tobacco
Tobacco control and prevention programs, information on youth and tobaco, the tobacco industry, and local clean air initiatives.
Organizes a boycott of the many non-cigarette products made by tobacco giants such as Altria and R. J. Reynolds.
Tobacco Free U
Works on college campuses to prevent starting, promote quitting, prevent exposure to secondhand smoke, and utlimately create tobacco-free campuses across the nation.
Toxic-Tobacco Law
Describes the proposed Toxic-Tobacco Law, how it differs from Prohibition, what it will accomplish, and how supporters can help get the Law passed.
Coalition for a Healthy Future, California
A campaign to raise the tobacco tax by $1.50 and earmark 20 cents for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in California
New York State College Alliance Against Tobacco
Network of student coalitions at colleges and universities throughout New York State educating and advocating against tobacco and for smokefree dorms, buildings, and events.
Protect Local Control
Working to allow localities - not states or nations - to write their own ordinances about smoking in public places.
Grim Reaper Society/Association des Faucheuses
An accounting of Tobacco-related deaths, highlighted by the figure of death: the Grim Reaper.
Don't Pardon Big Tobacco
Allows anyone concerned about the tobacco industry's practice of marketing to kids to send an instant fax to President Bush telling him not to weaken the US government's lawsuit against tobacco companies.
Kids Before Profits
Lets you send a letter to your elected officials asking them to take action to protect kids from tobacco.
Philip Morris Can't Hide
Presents video on Philip Morris's name change to Altria, and offers ideas for taking action.
Montana statewide initiative to help prevent the death and disease that comes from tobacco use. - See For Yourself: The Spiked PSA
A Quicktime video clip of an anti-smoking ad aired in California until it was pulled by the governor.
British Medical Journal - Shareholder Actions: Changing the Behavior of Tobacco Companies and Their Allies
The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility has developed strategy for dealing with the tobacco industry and its allies by using their stock to challenge issues through shareholder resolutions.
Tobacco Control Supersite
Addressing contemporary issues in international tobacco control with particular relevance to Australia.
Tarbox, Barb
Victim of smoking-related cancer. Led crusade across Canada to stop children from starting to smoke. Includes story, short commercials she recorded, transcripts of those commercials, and donation information.
Alliance for Lung Cancer Advocacy, Support, and Education
Nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people with lung cancer improve their quality of life provides resources for smokefree advocates: legislative news and alerts, events, speakers, and calls for action.
A broad-based coalition fighting for smokefree workplaces.
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Working to expose Big Tobacco's lies, the Campaign reveals the truth about the deadly effects of smoking, tobacco's corporate public relations campaigns to convince the public that it is a reformed industry, and the advertising and marketing tactics tobacco companies use to entice youth as their new customers.
Fight With Fact
Wisconsin effort uses fact in the fight against Big Tobacco.
Advocates for smokefree workplaces in Oregon.
Taking Down the Marlboro Man
Extended news article covers Infact activism and its connection to the FTCC.
Michigan Smoke-Free Dining Act Petition Drive
Lets you support smokefree restaurants in the state of Michigan.