Web Pages
H.E.A.R. - Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers
a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the real dangers of repeated exposure to excessive noise levels which can lead to permanent, and sometimes debilitating, hearing loss and tinnitus.
EARLog Series - Overview and Index
Elliott Berger's acclaimed series of technical monographs on hearing and hearing protection.
Hearing impairment assessment - ISO 1999
Script allows one compute amount of hearing loss due to level of noise and years of exposure.
Hearing Conservation Council
Information about this British registered charity. Includes the constitution, applying for and donating funds and contact details.
Hearing damage and loud music
Document on the relationship between loud noise and ear damage with particular reference to young people and loud music.
National Hearing Conservation Association
This professional association seeks to prevent hearing loss due to noise and other environmental factors in all sectors of society.
WHO Guidelines on Community Noise
The World Health Organization defines community noise as that which occurs from outside the industrial workplace.
Deafening Sound
Originally produced for broadcast on Nebraska ETV, explores this noisy, sometimes deafening world. The web site contains much of the content from the TV program and helps to educate the public on hazardous noise.
Guide to Noise Induced Hearing Loss Legislation
Gives basic information for your rights under the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act for hearing conservation in Western Australia.
NIDCD - Wise Ears!
Educational materials from a campaign to prevent noise-induced hearing loss.
Decibel Ruler
Interactive site from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Illustrates the meaning of decibel levels.