Web Pages
This web-site provides an interactive multimedia database about the laparoscopic surgery and other microinvasive techniques. Includes picture and video database.
Provides information focused on endoscopic evaluation of digestive disorders. Gastrolab is a medical research centre in Vasa, Finland.
San Diego Institute for Pancreaticobiliary Disease
Dr. Iman Mikhail, utilizing ERCP and general endoscopy. Information on practice, articles, hospital affiliations, and contacts.
Endoscopic Gastroplication
Information on endoscopic suturing - a new medical procedure for the treatment of gasto-esophageal reflux disease (GERD).
National Institute of Health (NIH) Consensus Statement Gbout Gallstones and Laproscopic Cholecystectomy
Provides consensus guidelines developed by multiple disciplines to address all aspects of treatment of gallstones including timing of surgery and different treatment modalities.
Contains a collection of endoscopic ultrasound videos of live procedures prepared by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
Hyderabad Institute of Laparoendoscopic Surgery
Information on advantages of laparoendoscopic surgery, procedures, and history of laparoendoscopic surgery.
Endo Club Nord
An international forum for practice-oriented gastrointestinal endoscopy.
Notes on Cyber Gastroenterology
Presents the practice of gastroenterology and provides the public with information regarding an overview of digestive disorders with images and videos.
Endoscopic Ultrasound Online
This page aims at providing a systematized and updated literature review service as well as coordinating and exchanging information about ongoing EUS activities.
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Online service is provided for Gastrointestinal Endoscopists including general information, discussion forums, a library and other publications.
Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Information on this diagnostic technique, including indications, procedures and papers, in diagnosis of GIT tumours.
My Endoscopy Procedure
An individuals personal endoscopy experience. Photos included.