Personal Pages
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Web Pages
Hand to Mouth
The story of one woman's struggle with and recovery from bulimia. An educational and humorous performance available at schools, theatres or organizations.
Free From Compulsive Eating
Learn how to overcome the compulsion to overeat. A recovery process that deals with the underlying causes of compulsive overeating.
Recovery is Possible
A woman's personal journey through recovering from anorexia.
Anorexic Web
Personal stories, photos, poems, and song lyrics about eating disorders. Includes information about anorexia in males, celebrities with eating disorders and links to resources.
Bulimia and Related Disorders
Personal story of what it is like to suffer from an eating disorder by an abuse survivor. Thoughts about telling friends and family, coping strategies, being unloved, and the mind-body connection.
Abandoned Beliefs
History of a woman recovering from Anorexia, thoughts about the role family and friends played in the battle, link list and recovery tools.
Judy's Story (Anorexia Nervosa)
A description of the book, Judy's Story. Take a trip through Judy's recovery journey.
Cherry Boone O'Neill
Dedicated to the author of the autobiography "Starving For Attention", Cherry Boone O'Neill. She suffered from Anorexia Nervosa and wrote about her life and victory over the disease.
Hope' s Eating Disorder Place
A site aimed at helping those who have eating disorders and helping those without to understand what it is like to have one.
Sozzy's ED Page
Thoughts and feelings of a 17 year old girl who suffers from an eating disorder (bulimia with anorexic tendencies).
Love Your Body, Love Yourself
Explores how a woman's body image is developed. Poems that experiment with ways to bring the body and soul into harmony.
Eating Disorders - Dipsy's World
Written by a sufferer of bulimia to provide support, help and advice to others. Contains information on both anorexia and bulimia, with symptoms, causes, treatment and health risks.
Learning to Conquer Bulimia
A fictionalized story of a girl learning to overcome her eating disorder.
The story of a young girl who suffers from anorexia.
Pumpkin's E.D. Page.
An eating disorder site created by a young girl who suffers from an eating disorder for other young females who suffer from eating disorders.
Eating Disorders
A personal web site that provides information and help for those suffering from anorexia and bulimia.
Clo's Eating Distress Website
By a sufferer from Ireland to help other sufferers. Her life story, advice for parents and carers, and link list. Also poetry, stories and artwork of other people with eating disorders.
Pisces Rising
An honest diary-like portrayal of the struggles of living with an eating disorder, depression, self-injury and alcoholism.
Quest for Recovery
The story of one girl's journey towards recovery of an eating disorder.
Anorexia and Self Injury
LiveJournal community giving support for those suffering from eating disorders and self-mutilation: to help each other out, make friends who will understand, discuss without fear of judgement.
Shanda's Clouds
Anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and eating disorders and the life it claimed. Links, photos, and a memorial tribute.
A personal account of my battle against an eating disorder. It includes definitions, signs and symptoms, statistics, the dangers of eating disorders and pregnancy, and many useful links.
Breaking Free
Story of a girl who suffers from bulimia and self injury. Information about issues like eating disorders, treatment and recovery, self injury, abuse, addiction and suicide. Includes a Bulletin board.
Girl From In The Shadow
Personal experiences of a young girl. (Might be triggering)
Eating Disorders Journals
Read the diaries of those living with anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating. Post on the journalers' bulletin boards.
Dying Inside Website on Eating Disorders
Includes personal story, information on anorexia, bulimia, COE, BED, over-excersize, and stories from others who suffer. Information on where to go for treatment.
Skaters and Eating Disorders
About eating disorders (including anorexia, bulimia, and ED-NOS) as they relate to both figure skaters and the general public.
Anorexia - Getting Better Step by Step
Help with recovery from this eating disorder through information, advice and tips, plus support from other (recovering) anorexics.
My Starving Soul
Personal experiences with anorexia, bulimia, and self-harm. Includes 'a day in the life of me', poetry, and the dangers of eating disorders.
Close To Death
Personal account of recovering from anorexia and bulimia.
Drowning in the Darkness
Information to help sufferers and their loved ones. The site contains definitions, affirmations, a story and other useful information.
A recovery site for sufferers of eating disorders and their carers, run by Anna Paterson, an author of books about this subject.
Amas Veritas
Site of a girl dealing with depression, anorexia, PTSD, and self injury. Includes poetry, journal, books, quotes, an ezine, art, photography, lyrics, links, and a calorie counter.
The Shrunken Shrink
Eating disorders from the perspective of an eating disordered psychology student.
Karen's Story
Description of the recovery from bulimia nervosa through religious beliefes after 11 years of battle. Advertises also the author's autobiography 'The Monster In The Mirror'.
Beth's Eating Disorder Site
Personal views, links, poems, and music.
I Believe...
Support to others who struggle with eating disorders and personal story of battles with these illnesses.
Eating Disorder Petition
Discussion board and Eating Disorders medical coverage petition.
A House of Perfect Chaos
Personal struggle with Eating Disorders and self-inflicted violence.
Anorexia: My Friend and My Enemy
Personal story, thoughts, writings and homework assignments from a therapy. Also diary and blog of the recovering author who suffered from Anorexia since the age of 13.
Eating Disordered: My Shared Hell
Personal view about the struggle with bulimia and general information on eating disorders.
Personal story of an anorexic woman and the experiences of her life partner. Articles and background information about eating disorders. Information about EDSHED (Exeter District Self Help for Eating Disorders) a group founded by the author.
Anorexia As Is Pages
Collection of personal stories and poems from people with eating disorders.
Innocent Reflections: Diary of an Eating Disorder
Photos and personal information from a college student battleing with an eating disorder.
Dying to Win
Biography, pictures and online journal of a girl struggling with an eating disorder. Includes an article by the author about the influence of the media on the subject.
Working at a Snail's Pace
Site from a young woman struggling with Anorexia and Bulimia. Includes links to recovery oriented websites, list of celebrities suffering from an eating disorder, poems and stories from the author and others, and self-help excercises.
The Anorexia Journals
Information, resources and insight into eating disorders, as well as the thoughts and poetry of a girl struggling with anorexia.
The Yummy Life
Support and information on the effects of dieting and body image in the media. Including motivational tips, quizzes, FAQ`s and myths.
Searching For Hope
About a young women in recovery from anorexia, her life and stuggles including photos, poems, advice and links.
Finding My Wings
Essays, facts and pictures about eating disorders and self injury from a bulimic girl.
Overcoming Anorexia: A Personal Account
Article detailing the characteristics of the author's anorexia and how she overcame it.