Polycystic Kidney
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Web Pages
PKD Foundation
A site for patients, medical professionals and researchers of polycystic kidney disease. Information about the organization, news and a survey.
Cecilia Maida's Page
Working to increase public awareness of polysystic kidney disease. Contact information and related links.
PKD Access Center
Information about polycystic kidney disease, the symptoms, causes and progression. Research and support group.
NIDDK: Polycystic Kidney Disease
In depth look at this disease and its symptoms, treatment and diagnosis.
Joel R. Cooper: The Medical Reporter
In-depth look at polycystic kidney disease, what destroys the kidney function in PKD, problems associated with it and what can be done to help one self.
Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease
National Center for Biotechnology Information a division of the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health gives a description of this disease.
Information from Your Family Doctor
Symptoms, the organs affected, diagnosis and what it is are some of the things discussed about polysystic kidney disease.
Glenn Foley Wings Foundation
Glenn Foley, a veteran NFL quarterback, and his foundation have created this informative, educational site to help educate and inspire others to help fight polycystic kidney Disease.
An article on the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of polycystic kidney disease.
Polycystic Kidney Disease Information
For people with PKD who wish to look up research about this disease, ask each other questions and be there to encourage one another. Links to other sites, a chat room and a message board.
Vanderbilt Medical Center
An article about polycystic kidney disease.
Mary Elizabeth's Page
A personal site about polycystic kidney disease with chat room for sharing and support.
An overview of Cystic kidney disease, including a description, the types, causes, diagnoses and treatment.
Melanie's PKD Page
The personal story of experiences with polycystic kidney disease and resources.
Methodist Health Care System
Looks at polysystic kidney disease and tells what it is and the different types, inherited and non-inherited.
Mayo Clinic: Polycystic Kidney Disease
A description of the disease as well as how to detect and treat it.
Mamas Health
Polycystic Kidney Disease, what it is, they types , symptoms and statistics.
PKD of Virginia Foundation
Includes information about the foundation and its mission, news and current research, links and contact details.
General Practice Notebook - Adult polycystic kidney disease
Clinically-oriented information.