Web Pages
Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service
Official site for the support group of people who grow up with an alcoholic parent.
Adult Children of Alcoholics Resources
Includes information, research, and characteristics, including relationships.
ACA Teddys' Rule
Information, encouragement, and materials. Includes list of meetings in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Adult Children of Alcholics
Details of how to get to English speaking ACA meetings in Tokyo, Japan, and information about the organization.
Raiguel, Jill - Adult Children of Alcoholics
Life skills and keys to effective living. Innovative teachings, exercises and books by award-winning author and personality Jill Raiguel.
Dr. Janet Woititz's ACOA Resources
Described as the mother of the Adult Children of Alcoholics movement, Dr. Woititz was a pioneer in the ACOA movement. The site offers insights into ACOA as well as information on Woititz books.
Adult Children of Alcoholic and Other Dysfunctional Families
Contains basic information on the ACoA program and has a current list of meetings in Victoria, Australia. People from any kind of dysfunctional family are welcome to attend.
National Association for Children of Alcoholics is a non-profit organization supporting children of alcoholics.
Adult Children Of Alcoholics
A descriptive page regarding the symptoms of ACOA.
Adult Children of Alcoholics: A Personal Story
Story of an ACOA member who tells of her experiences.
Miracles In Progress ACoA Group Chatroom
Offers online ACoA meetings twice a week and 12 step support. Also provides 12 Step information and resources, mailing list and message boards.
Role Responses to Parental Substance Abuse
Describes some of the roles that family members assume: the family hero, the scapegoat, the lost child, and the mascot.
Jump Start: Recovery in the Fast Lane
This site includes a look at ACA and ACOA, personal stories and jump-starts to recovery regarding acceptance and boundaries.
Adult Children Anonymous - Inner Peace Group
An informational site for individuals interested in learning about this organization and adult child recovery. Located in Ottawa, Canada.
An Unofficial ACOA Page
The characteristics of adult children of alcoholics. Presents the problem and a solution.