Postpartum Depression
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Web Pages
Postpartum Depression, Anxiety and Psychosis
One woman's account of her decent into and back out of postpartum depression and anxiety.
Postpartum Support International
A self-help support network, research guide and international bibliography on postpartum depression. Includes a self-assessment test.
Center for Postpartum Health
Addresses the pregnancy and birth needs of women and their families, before and after delivery, particularly as it pertains to the development of depression and other mood disorders.
Postpartum Feelings
Identifying and dealing with postpartum blues, serious depression and psychosis.
The Association for Post Natal Illness
Information and advice from the UK charity. Includes available leaflets and newsletter.
Baby Blues Connection
Volunteer association providing information, resources and phone support to postpartum mothers.
An article about postpartum depression including risk factors, diagnosis and treatment.
The Royal College of Psychiatrists
Patient information including useful Do's and Dont's to prevent Post Natal Depression.
A Lighter Shade of Blue
Post partum adjustment, depression and anxiety. A resource for women to learn about symptoms and treatments.
About Postpartum Depression
Information regarding diagnosis and medications.
Pregnancy and Depression
A compilation of online information about depression during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Focus is primarily on antidepressants and most links are to research-based information.
Kids Health
Includes information on severity, diagnosis and treatment.
Postpartum Depression
Information regarding assessment of risk, causes and treatment options.
Post Natal Depression
Information, stories and support forum.
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
Developed to assist primary care health professionals to detect mothers suffering from postnatal depression.
The Functions of Postpartum Depression
A research article proposing an evolutionary function for postpartum depression.
Causes, symptoms, risk factors and ways to cope.