Web Pages
American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians (ACOEP)
Information about this specialty society representing Osteopathic Emergency Physicians. Public and members only areas.
American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM)
A specialty society. It represents over 2400 emergency physicians. Content is open to all.
American Board of Emergency Medicine
Evaluates specialists in emergency medicine applying for certification and recertification; grants and issues, to qualified physicians, certificates or other recognition of special knowledge and skills in emergency medicine; and suspends or revokes same.
American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)
About this specialty society. It represents more than 19,000 emergency physicians. There are both public and member only areas.
Association of Emergency Physicians (AEP)
Founded in 1991 to represent "in the trenches" emergency physicians defined as those who largely practice clinical emergency medicine.
Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine
An international multidisciplinary organization for crash injury control.
Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors
Scientific and educational organization, whose main purpose is to establish and maintain high standards of excellence in emergency medicine training programs.
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Information on the society's aim to foster emergency medicine's academic environment in research, education, and health policy.
National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP)
(NAEMSP) - About this association representing physicians responsible for EMS programs as well as non-physicians dedicated to out-of-hospital emergency medical care.
Emergency Medicine Residents Association
About the EMRA, a professional society for residents (and students) in training for emergency medicine. It serves over 4500 residents and students, and is affialiated with the American College of Emergency Medicine.
New Hampshire Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians
Emergency Medicine, Medical CME, Emergency Department news, EMS news, Emergency Nurses, Emergency Physician jobs.
Society for Emergency Medicine in Singapore
Official website for SEMS - online information on upcoming events, newsletter, nursing and paramedic chapters.
American Emergency Ultrasonographic Society
Offers information about the organization, joining, certification, education and resources, a journal and contact details.
Asian Society for Emergency Medicine
Promotes the science and art of emergency medicine in Asia and assists in the training and establishment of guidelines in care. Membership information, list of officers, and events.