Long QT Syndrome
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Web Pages
Cardiac Arrhythmias Research and Education Foundation
Information and stories about Long QT Syndrome.
SADS Foundation
A non-profit organization providing information on Long QT Syndrome
European Information Center
English language version of European site on Long QT Syndrome. Information about this disorder as well as links to other resources.
Vanderbilt Medical Center
Explains Long Q-T Syndrome and its symptoms and treatment.
National Center for Biotechnology Information
A brief discussion on Long QT Syndrome and its treatment for symptoms.
Heart of the Matter
Conway, an 11-year-old and his family deal with little known Long QT Syndrome.
Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome
Information about SADS UK and the Ashley Jolly Sudden Adult Death Trust, which raises awareness of Long QT and supports families who may have experienced sudden death of a young person.
American Heart Association
Looks at what Long Q-T Syndrome is, the symptoms and treatment.