Articles and Research
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Web Pages
ADD--Diagnosis, Treatment and Ethical Issues
Articles on a variety of ADHD-related topics for adults and children.
Women with AD/HD: It Affects You and Your Family
The special challenges women with AD/HD face when they enter relationships and raise a family.
Nutritional Treatment for ADHD
Information updates to "The LCP Solution: The Remarkable Nutritional Treatment for ADHD, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia" by B. Jacqueline Stordy, Ph.D. and Malcolm J. Nicholl.
Fifty Tips on the Management of ADD
The classic, by Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. and John J. Ratey, M.D.
ADDvance 2001
Resources for women and girls with ADD and ADHD.
If He Outgrew It, What Is He Doing in My Prison?
Doctor discusses study of imprisoned men for prevalance of ADHD and effectiveness of medication for behavioral
ADD/ADHD: Facts, Prevention and Treatment Strategies
Research and clinical successes in treatment and scientific research information. Includes nutrition, lifestyle, and medical options and precautions.
A bi-weekly newsletter for women with Attention Deficit Disorder. Featuring articles, resources, humor, tips, advice and support.
Classroom Tips for Your ADD CHILD
This article will help parents to learn innovative techniques and common sense tips to help their ADD child succeed in school.
ADD/ADHD Newsletter Index Page
Ten ADD ADHD related newsletters archived here on the web for parents and teachers. Each newsletter is about eight pages long with several articles.
Relative Effectiveness of Stimulants, EEG Biofeedback, and Nutraceuticals
Data comparing the effectiveness of stimulants to EEG Biofeedback training and to ATTEND nutraceutical medicine in the treatment of attention disorders.
All Kinds of Minds
Research institute in North Carolina, USA. Articles and skill-building resources targeted at clinicians, educators and students.
Adult Attention Deficit Disorder: Diagnosis, Coping, and Mastery
Original articles on adult ADHD and ethics, medication, coping skills, family issues and psychotherapy.
Electronic Book on Attention Deficit Disorder
Online book by a practice of pediatric neurologist with extended discussions about medications, tips and suggested readings. Not peer reviewed.
ADD and ADHD Newsletter
Newsletter for mental health professionals, families, and patients.
Hunter in a Farmer's World: Articles on ADD
ADD/ADHD selections from Thom Hartmann's books and other writings.
Disorders: ADD/ADHD
Features a nutritional analysis of ADD/ADHD.
UCLA ADHD Genetics Study
Basic information on ADHD, genetic research, the genetics of ADHD, and current NIH-funded study of ADHD genetics. UCLA Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics.
Helping Your Child Succeed at School: Parent as Coach, Advocate and Partner
Information on how parents can advocate for their child or teen while maintaining the child's sense of responsibility.
ADD/ADHD and Optometric Eye Care
Articles by optometrists and educators on attention deficits and vision.
Pediatric Oncall- ADHD Information page
Commonly asked questions on ADHD. What is ADHD? What are its causes and treatment?
Could It Be Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?
Dr. Greene discusses the signs that point to ADHD and the signs that point to the normal turbo-speed pace of the average toddler.
Abstract of Research on ADHD
ADHD research that looks at intense exercise as an alternative treatment for ADHD.
Attention and learning resources for parents, teachers, healthcare professionals and children
Bedwetting and ADHD
Treatment options for individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Enuresis.
ADHD - Understanding the Problem
A three-part article describing ADHD, including information on effective alternative treatments.
Is ADHD Being Overdiagnosed?
Article discussing how ADHD is the wrong diagnosis in too many cases.
Adult Attention Deficit Disorder: Diagnosis, Coping and Mastery
Articles on diagnosis, new medications, coping strategies, and reviewed links to selected ADHD web sites.
ADHD and Family Life
Article about how having a child with ADHD affects parents and the family in general.
Behavioral Treatment for ADHD: An Overview
Behavioral treatment for ADHD.
NINDS Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder Information
Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) information sheet compiled by NINDS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
ADHD Comorbidity: What's under the tip of the iceberg?
Co-morbidity of ADHD and depression, anxiety, drug abuse and bipolar disorder - diagnosis and treatment.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Health Factsheets from BUPA
Factsheet explaining the causes, symptoms and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, available for downloading in Adobe Acrobat.
Benefits of Fitness and Exercise to ADHD Children
This is research outlining the benefits of exercise to ADHD children. It outlines how exercise can change brain chemistry and improve negative behavior.
Attention Deficit Disorder: What is ADD?
Describes Attention Deficit Disorder with and without Hyperactivity. Includes suggestions for classroom modifications, counseling and treatment, and a resource guide.
Addiction and Attention Deficit Disorder
Information and links concerning the prevention of substance abuse in individuals with ADHD and treatment of suffering from both ADHD and an addiction.
Problems in Identification and Assessment of ADHD
The mass media and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) following the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) 1994 publication of revised ADHD criteria.
Gifted Students with ADHD: Between Two Worlds
Strategies for students who are gifted but also have ADHD.
ADD-ADHD Natural Treatment
Treating ADHD with Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins.
Methylphenidate and ADHD
Health hazards of using stimulant medications to treat Attention deficit hyper-activity disorder, ADHD.
ADD and ADHD Research - Search for the Origin
Unifying theory for present ADD and ADHD research linking norepinephrine, epinephrine, cortisol, glucose and the brain.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder a Fraud
Articles critical of the ADD and ADHD diagnosis and stimulant treatment by an adult and child neurologist. Not peer-reviewed.
The Coincidence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Creativity
Full text of the paper authored by Dr. Bonnie Cramond.
Drake Institute of Behavioral Medicine
Links to published research articles on ADD/ADHD, Stress Disorders and EEG Biofeedback.
The ADD/ADHD Source
Information on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, signs and treatment modalities.
ADHD And Women
The influence of gender roles in marriage and employment on ADHD in women.
ADHD Drugs and Substance Abuse
A Medical College study found that stimulant medications used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children do not lead to substance abuse later in their lives.