Personal Pages
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Web Pages
Tourette Syndrome
Offers links to resources about TS and other mental health issues.
Devin's Tourette Syndrome Homepage
What Is Tourette Syndrome?
Jon's Mom's Tourette Syndrome Page
I had a dream..... a dream that everyone understood the struggles that kids with Tourette Syndrome go thru day by day.... I hope with in time i can share with everyone who visits this site any information they need to know to understand this disorder.
Tourette Syndrome Links
Links to other TS sites
Bobbie Vanover's Tourette Syndrome Home Page
Internet links to sites about Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (provided by a fellow Mom and Child/Family Advocate)
Leonard Misner's Tourette Syndrome Page
Personal experiences with Tourette Syndrome.
Blaine Losier's TS Homepage
Information about Tourette Syndrome, as well as some useful links. Gives a personal perspective on TS from the experiences of a 13 year old boy, including some tips on how to deal with TS.
Into Eternity
Offering information on Tourette Syndrome, home schooling special needs children and web site design.
Allen Mohs' Tourette Syndrome Support
Description of struggles with undiagnosed TS, and how that shaped this man's personality. Message board provided for people with TS and their family and friends.
Tourette Syndrome Phenomenon
Mark Kozlowski provides basic information about TS and its characteristics, symptoms, medications, genetics, and parenting of TS children.
Our Busy Home
A family of profoundly gifted children with Tourette Syndrome Spectrum Disorders. Visit the message board, resources for parents, and resources for kids.
Tourette Syndrome 101
Provides personal views and experiences with Tourette Syndrome, types of tics, and lesser known symptoms. Attempts to explain the genetics and chemistry of TS in layman's terms, and refutes prior medical research into its cause and probability.
A Mother's Coping Guide
Offers some positive aspects of Tourette Syndrome to encourage children and parents, and help their relationships.
The Coffee Chronicles
Musings on living with Tourette Syndrome through a different perspective. Also covers OCD, ADHD, ADD. Offers a book exchange, guest writers, home of the NOFF award, and a school section.
Billy's Tourette Syndrome Page
College student discusses symptoms, genetics, brain chemistry, treatments, medications, and how exercise helps him control tics.
The Tourette Tiger
Personal thoughts, insights, and resources for Tourette's Syndrome Plus as experienced by Darin Bush.