Public Policy
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Web Pages
Tobacco Control Resource Center
Information on tobacco products and manufacturer liability from Northeastern University School of Law in Boston
American Lung Association on House Republican proposal
Point by point analysis of the (now dated) proposal. Concludes that it "flunks the test set by Drs. Koop and Kessler and the public health community for effective tobacco control legislation."
Tobacco Control Archives
is a central, organized source of information on tobacco. Its purpose is to collect, preserve, and provide access to papers, unpublished documents and electronic resources relevant to tobacco control issues primarily in California.
Tobacco Control in California: Who's Winning the War
Tobacco Use Behavior Research, Cancer Prevention and Control Program, University of California, San Diego. Overview, analysis, and evaluation of what causes smoking and what's effective in prevention and cessation.
Florida Tobacco Control Clearinghouse
A one-stop shop for tobacco resources/news related to control, prevention, and cessation.
Analysis of the Proposed 1997 Resolution
Analysis of the Master Settlement Agreement by Fox, Lightwood and Glantz; examines whether it lives up to its billing and what it's likely to do for the industry and for the public.
HoltzReport: Tobacco Control
Index of and links to tobacco control stories and research by independent journalist Andrew Holtz, former CNN Medical Correspondent and Kaiser Family Foundation Media Fellow. Includes analyses of the Truth campaign in Florida and the ballot campaign that raised the tobacco tax in Oregon. Also, links to NPR archives and other information on tobacco issues.
State Programs Can Reduce Tobacco Use
National Cancer Policy Board report. Report covers: what is the evidence that state programs make a difference? counteradvertising and education; establishing smokefree workplaces and public spaces; increasing prices through taxation; supporting treatment programs for tobacco dependence; reinforcing youth access restrictions; monitoring performance and evaluating programs.
Smoking Cessation: A Systems Approach
A Guide for Health Care Administrators, Insurers, Managed Care Organizations, and Purchasers. Cost and effectiveness of various quit smoking methods; best practices; recommendations.
Smoking Prevalence and Tobacco Policies in the Member States of the European Union
Info as of 1997; overviews of different tobacco policies and tobacco use in Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Sweden, Italy, the UK, Denmark, Netherlands, Finland, Portugal, France, Greece, Germany, Spain, and Ireland.
IIRC: Tobacco Investment
"The one place institutional investors, corporate executives, public health officials and other interested parties can go to get comprehensive, up-to-date, impartial information on the tobacco investment debate." Covers recent industry history, shareholder resolutions, legal situations, advertising and promotion of tobacco, and divestment.
The Communication Initiative - Communication Interventions
Numerous papers and summary introductions to programs on smoking and health worldwide.
Reducing the Addictiveness of Cigarettes
Can cigarettes be made less addictive? Scientific paper examines the question.
Australia National Tobacco Strategy
Aims to improve the health of all Australians by eliminating or reducing their exposure to tobacco in all its forms. Papers on policy approach, tobacco harm minimization, restrictions on marketing, taxation, education, passive smoking, cigarette ingredient disclosure.
Do Workplace Smoking Bans Reduce Smoking?
Economic research examines the effect of smokefree workplaces on tobacco product consumption.
The Master Settlement Agreement and the Future of State and Local Tobacco Control
Paper provides a legal and public policy analysis of selected topics and provisions of the multistate Master Settlement Agreement of November 23, 1998, including effects on other legal actions, tobacco advertising, youth access, lobbying, and the national foundation.
Addressing Tobacco in Managed Care
Tobacco use reduction conferences, papers, research results, and best practices of interest to health plans; health effects; secondhand smoke; effectivess of media campaigns; effectiveness of quit smoking methods.
Tobacco Related Local Laws in New York
Laws regulating tobacco vending machines, smokefree workplaces and public places, and cigarette advertising in various cities and communities across the state of New York.
ASAM and Nicotine
Scientific analysis and policy recommendations on tobacco products, from the American Society for Addiction Medicine
Curbing the Epidemic
Complete online book. "About 500 million people alive today will eventually be killed by tobacco use". Global Trends in Tobacco Use; The Health Consequences of Smoking; Do Smokers Know Their Risks and Bear Their Costs? Measures to Reduce the Demand for Tobacco; Measure to Reduce the Supply of Tobacco; The Costs and Consequences of Tobacco Control; An Agenda for Action.
Tobacco Control Policy Briefing Papers
Papers from the Advocacy Institute on preemption; treating tobacco dependence; counter advertising; secondhand smoke; youth access; special populations.
Tobacco Epidemic: Health Dimensions
WHO factsheet. "Half a billion people now alive will be killed by tobacco products" and other descriptions of the size of the problem.
Study: Two-pronged effort can cut smoking deaths by 40%
Purdue study on smoking prevention.
The Opium Wars of the 21st Century: Tobacco and the Developing World
"The struggle against tobacco is not being won, it is being relocated. The tobacco wars of the next century will increasingly be waged among vulnerable populations ill equipped to cope with the slick marketing techniques and the dirty tricks perfected by the tobacco industry."
Tobacco control advocates must demand high-quality media campaigns: the California experience
Paper based on media research and analysis of California's tobacco education campaign. Everyone asks what works in anti-smoking education: here are answers.
Tobacco, public health, and public policy
Panel discussion at conference. Covers different health and policy aspects. Participants include Stan Glantz, Luanne Nyberg, and Bill Novelli.
Koop-Kessler Report on Tobacco Policy and Public Health.
Facts, findings, and recommendations on regulatory policy, research policy, public education, youth and tobacco, performance objectives, current users of tobacco products, secondhand smoke, and future of the tobacco industry and of tobacco control efforts.
Tobacco, Health and the Law
Syllabus, reading lists, and online reading materials for a course given at The University of Dayton Law School. Covers history; populations and demographics; proposed laws, regulation, and litation; tobacco and the third world countries.
Addressing Tobacco in Managed Care-- Bibliography Fall 1998
Annotated technical bibliography on tobacco cessation, policy, clinical practice guidelines, smoking costs and cessation cost effectiveness, secondhand smoke, physician intervention, pregnancy, spit tobacco, and youth.
Tobacco Control and the Precede-Proceed Model
Follows a single issue, tobacco control, through the phases of the Precede-Proceed model of health promotion.
How to Fight Big Tobacco and Win
Describes anti-tobacco programs in California, Minnesota, and Massachusetts.
Testimony on Smoking Cessation
"Other than immunization, smoking cessation is the most cost-effective prevention intervention for adults"
Position Statement on Tobacco on College and University Campuses
American College Health Associations outlines a recommended policy for college campuses, aiming at providing smokefree environments and achieving tobacco use reduction.
Tobacco: A Legal and Policy Issue of the Elderly
Policy paper examines impact of tobacco on older people: addiction, secondhand smoke, smoking cessation and health care coverage, smokefree environments for children and grandchildren.
Addressing Tobacco In Managed Care
Set of research articles on how and why tobacco use is a priority in managed care, and what can be done about it.
Death Is Inevitable
Examination of theoretical justifications for coercive public health policies.
Review of Smoking Prevention and Control Strategies
Review of measured results of different prevention and tobacco control strategies.
World No-Tobacco Day 1997
Series of papers on tobacco control and public policy from a conference in 1997.
Anti-Tobacco Measures Prevent Cancer
California's tough anti-smoking measures and public health campaigns have resulted in a 14% decrease in lung cancer.
Taking Action to Reduce Tobacco Use
1998 NRC report. Organized into different policy recommendations.
Toward a Tobacco Free California
Two extensive policy reports: A Model for Change: The California Experience in Tobacco Control (31 pages, pdf), and Toward A Tobacco Free California: Strategies for the 21st Century 2000-2003 (54 pages, pdf). Both outline tobacco control programs which are effective, and provide a basis for estimating the rate at which effective programs can reduce tobacco use.
Smoking Cessation and Prevention
Bibliography of research; citations to literature on effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of prevention and cessation methods.
Smoke Free Europe - A Forum for Networks
October 1996 conference in Helsinki.
Tobacco Death Toll
1993 World Bank policy paper: magnitude of the problem; economic costs; what can be done; policy recommendations.
Death and Tobacco Taxes
Health and economic analysis concludes that a 10% increase in tobacco tax would save over 5,000 lives a year.
Achievements in Tobacco Cessation: Case Studies
Case studies from Maine, Washington, and Oregon; measurements of improvements provided.
Motorsport Sponsorship as a Vehicle for Tobacco Prevention
Paper presented at a conference on social marketing analyses the effectiveness of an innovative tobacco prevention program: sponsoring a race car.
The Impact of the 1997 Tobacco Tax Increase on Cigarette Consumption in Alaska
Graphs consumption; measures price elasticity.
AMWA Position Paper: Tobacco Control and Prevention
The American Medical Womens Association outlines its stand and proposed policy initiatives.
State's Antismoking Ads Working, But So Are Prosmoking Ads
Research finds that antismoking ads from health groups do decrease smoking, but prosmoking ads from cigarette companies likewise increase smoking.
The Tobacco Companies and Bankruptcy
UCSF policy analysis paper; concludes that while bankruptcy would change the scene, it wouldn't favor the tobacco industry over public health.
Economics of Tobacco Control
500 million people alive today will die of tobacco-related diseass. Modest action by governments could prevent millions and millions of deaths, without harming economies, according to this report.
Tobacco Control Policy Research
Research monographs released by the University of Massachusetts; covers policy making, how money gets spent, local control, tax battles, winning against the tobacco industry and its allies.
Smoke-Free Families
Innovations to stop smoking during and beyond pregnancy: a new national partnership that can dramatically improve the health of mothers and their babies, while saving lives and cutting health care costs.
FindLaw Legal News: Tobacco
Updates on tobacco law from international to local, tobacco ligitation updates, and tobacco industry documents that feature in tobacco law.
The Case Against Tobacco Advertising
Scientific and policy analysis by the Coronary Prevention Group, a nonprofit organization that does not accept corporate funding.
The Norwegian ban on Advertising of Tobacco Products -- Has it Worked?
Careful analysis of consumption and prevalence rates, among different populations and in general.
Kids, Tobacco, and the Civil Enforcement of Latent Laws
Paper comparing different approaches to getting laws enforced that prohibit sales to kids. Compares Driscoll, Mangini.
Report and Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Tobacco Investments
University of Michigan considers whether to own tobacco stock; a report of the committee appointed to study the question.
Economics of Tobacco Control
Global trends in tobacco use, health consequences of smoking, do smokers know their risks and bear their costs, measures to reduce the demand for tobacco, measures to reduce the supply of tobacco, the costs and consequences of tobacco control.
Restricting Youth Access to Tobacco: Does it Reduce Youth Tobacco Consumption?
Summary of the research by ANR concludes the evidence is poor that youth access strategies are effective in reducing consumption.
Clean Indoor Air as a Youth Protection Strategy
ANR analysis puts forward a short summary of smokefree environments as a youth tobacco protection and prevention strategy.
Presents Dr. Connie Pechmann's smoking-related research.
How The Tobacco Deal Compares To Standards
Analysis by Brion Fox and Stan Glantz of how the proposed June 20th 1997 "global settlement" deal compared with established standards.
Tobacco Control: Enforcement and Effectiveness of Federal and State Youth Access Laws
1998 report by the Congressional Research Service casts doubt on effectiveness of industry-sponsored programs and industry-sponsored youth access legislation, whose main purpose appears to be pre-empt local programs.
Presentation by Dr. Fenton Howell, Irish Medical Organisation.
Presentation made to the Joint Committee on health and CHildren of the Houses of the Oireachtas, Parliament of Ireland, on tobacco and health.
Smoking, The African American Community and The Proposed National Settlement
Scholarly article analyzes how well the proposed June 20 1997 federal tobacco deal addresses the impact of tobacco on the African American community; internal tobacco industry documents are cited on how the industry targetted African Americans.
Social Climate of Tobacco Control
Report from the Social Science Research Center at Mississippi State University; covers tobacco control in Mississippi and in America; youth and adult smoking prevalence trends.
New Canadian Tobacco Package Warnings Effective
Research shows the new graphic Canadian cigarette warnings are effective.
Tobacco Control in Jails
What can be done about secondhand smoke in perhaps the ultimate "group housing" -- jail. Guide to implementation of a smokefree policy; planning for change; a tale of two jails; resources.
Making the Case: Counter Advertising as a Tobacco Use Deterrent
Counter advertising can be effective, but its effectiveness depends on factors such as adequate, long term funding; ability to administer the campaign from political interference; a broad-based focus rather than one exclusively tragetting children.
CDC confirms tough anti-tobacco campaigns reduce smoking rates
The federal government says tough anti-smoking campaigns have been successful in several states.
Policy on Nicotine and Tobacco
Short policy statement from Virginia Commonwealth University outlines College on Problems of Drug Dependence position on nicotine and tobacco use.
Harris Poll: Tobacco Addiction
Reveals that 70% of all people still smoking have tried to quit, on average four times, and most are aware of tobacco's health effects; poll results called a metric of the power of tobacco addiction.
California Tobacco Policy Experience
Papers and factsheets on adult smoking trends in California; California's tobacco education media campaign; do doctors advise their smoker patients to quit smoking; the response of Californians to secondhand smoke; youth smoking trends in California.
California's Anti-Tobacco Campaign Sees Fewer Lung Cancer Deaths
Nursing Week article discusses a payoff of California's anti-tobacco campaign: fewer lung cancer and bronchial cancer deaths.
Kentucky Legislators' Views on Tobacco Policy
Research into policymakers' views in a tobacco state performs a survey of 116 Kentucky legislators. Surprisingly, they were highly supportive of reducing the state's dependence on tobacco and more supportive of tobacco control policies than expected.
Final Report of The Advisory Committee on Tobacco Policy and Public HealthAction on Smoking and Health (ASH)
The Koop-Kessler report, nicely HTML-ized.
Only Aggressive Anti-Smoking Ad Campaigns Succeed
UCSF research analyses anti-smoking campaigns, concludes that only aggressive ad campaigns backed by public health advocates succeed.
State Programs Offer Lessons on Anti-Tobacco Media Campaigns
Reuters article summarizes research and experience.
CECHE Tobacco Policy Fact Sheets
Set of short papers from CECHE, a private nonprofit health policy organization. Addresses US policy that affects international tobacco use; tobacco advertising and promotion; women and tobacco; smuggling.
Clearing the Smoke: Assessing the Science Base for Tobacco Harm Reduction
Online 300 page book.
Tobacco Advertising After the Settlement: Where We Are and What Remains To Be Done
Paper in the Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy examines what the Master Settlement Agreement between the tobacco industry and the states has and has not accomplished.
The Political and Ethical Responsibility of the Physician in controlling the Tobacco Epidemic
Editorial from the Eurpoean Respiratory Society explores what physicians can and should do to combat tobacco. Tobacco Politics and Policy
Collection of stories from the Washington Post on tobacco politics and policy.
Tobacco Control in Arizona: A Roundtable
Summary of recent experiences and results in programs to reduce tobacco use.
International Tobacco Control Poster Session
Health conference features policy analysis, program evaluation, and presentation of innovative programs.
State and Local Tobacco Control Programs and Evaluation
Poster session from health conference examines a number of programs focusing on the community or local level.
Impacts on Tobacco Use and Policy
Poster session from health conference: cigar smoking among college students, engaging youth in tobacco control activities, and developing health warning messages.
National and State Tobacco Policy and Program Evaluation
Programs in New York, Florida, California, and nationally in the U.S.
Case Studies in Tobacco Control Policy Development
Abstracts from conference presentations.
Rethinking Stop-Smoking Medications- Myths and Facts
Position paper from the Ontario Medical Association, June 1999, outlines policy best supported by the medical science on cessation aids.
Smoking is a Major Cause of Blindness
Editorial in a health journal considers the scientific and policy merits of a new pack warning.
Tobacco Control Blueprint
From the Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Foundation, guidelines and policy recommendations for research, programs, advertising and promotions, and international issues.
Report on the CRD Smoking Control Bylaw
Region in British Columbia considers and adopts a smoke-free local ordinance; paper outlines the policy considerations including ventilation.
Jeffrey E. Harris, MIT Home page
Online copies of Dr. Harris's economic analyses, most dealing with costs and prices of tobacco products.
Tobacco Control in the 21st Century: Comprehensive Approaches, Role of Cessation
Synthesis of papers presented at the 3rd International Heart Health Conference, Singapore, 28 August to 2 September 1998.
Students Entering College as Nonsmokers 40 Percent Less Likely to Take Up Smoking When They Live in Smoke-Free Dorms
Harvard School of Public Health research finds that smokefree policies reduce both secondhand smoke and tobacco addiction.
The Effect of Tobacco Advertising Bans on Tobacco Consumption
Paper in the Journal of Health Economics; concludes that comprehensive bans reduce consumption, limited bands have little or no effect.
The Economic Case Against Tobacco Stocks
While some investors avoid tobacco stocks for moral reasons, this article discusses economic reasons for avoiding investing in tobacco stocks.
Investment In Tobacco Control
State by state breakdown of tobacco use among adults, among youth; deaths related to smoking; smoking attributable medicaid expenditures; lung cancer death rate; tobacco control funding; tobacco excise taxes; cigarette sales.
Litigation and Public Health Policy Making: The Case of Tobacco Control
Journal article examines the arguments for and against using litigation as a policy tool, with specifics drawn from tobacco control.
CRS Report: Tobacco Control: Enforcement and Effectiveness of Federal and State Youth Access Laws
Report examines effectiveness of youth access as a tobacco control strategy.
Cigarette Law
Article in law digest reviews the history of how cigarettes got exempted from almost all product liability law, and considers if the behavior of the tobacco industry would have been different without those exemptions.
The Physician's Role in Public Policy on Tobacco
Presentation-ready slides from the American College of Chest Physicians.
In Memory of James Beattie Morison M.D.
Includes three papers Dr. Morison wrote on smoking in Canadian children, 1960 through 1982.
A Public Health Analysis of the Proposed Resolution of the United States Tobacco Litigation
Institute for Health Policy Studies of the University of California assembles a complete analysis of the proposed 1997 "resolution" that weighs and measures its impact on health.
Tobacco Law Compendium
Searchable by case, legislation, bylaw, or legal literature, as well as document text. In English and French.
A Sweet Deal for Big Tobacco
Analysis of the proposed "global tobacco settlement" of 1997 concludes it would have kept the tobacco industry profitable and done little for the public.
Report on Tobacco Industry Denormalization campaigns
Report provides an overview of tobacco denormalization mass media campaigns, with a particular focus on tobacco industry denormalization campaigns.
Scientific Basis for Various Regulatory Aapproaches for Tobacco
Testimony by Dr. Jack Henningfield on the health effects of tobacco and the scientific basis for various regulatory approaches.
Public Citizen: Tobacco Policy Papers
Discussion and analysis of tobacco policy options including litigation, legislation, regulation, and deals with the industry; focus is on the proposed deal of 1997.
Tobacco Policy Research
Paper by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation explains the reasons for tobacco policy research, and summarizes its own programs in this area.
California's Anti-Tobacco Media Campaign
Article on California's anti-smoking ads, what works, and how to have impact with a fraction of the money that the industry spends promoting tobacco.
CDC Releases Data on Smoking Prevalence, Attitudes
Prevalence ranged from 12% to 30 in 2000; high levels of public support were found - even among smokers - for smoke-free policies.
Combating Tobacco Smoking
Slide presentation by Dr. Ann McNeill of St. George's Hospital Medical School, provides a survey of the tobacco iondustry, smoking, cigarettes, the public health burden, prevention, cessation, and policy approaches.
John R. Garrison address to the Senate
1998 testminony of John Garrison, President of the American Lung Association, to the U.S. Senate Committee on Judiciary; outlines tobacco facts and related public policy aims and means.
A tobacco-free Europe
Publications, factsheets, and reports compiled by WHO and other organizations on the effects and trends of tobacco use in Europe.
Conference on Tobacco and Treatment Products - Conclusions, Treatment
Major conclusions: treatment works, treatment is cost effective, treatment is essential to reducing the death toll.
Federal Preemption Now a Barrier to Local Tobacco Ordinances, Health Law Perspectives, Health Law and Policy Institute
Short report from the Health Law and Policy Institute on case law affecting state regulation of tobacco promotion.
Channing Bete Company Tobacco Policy
The Channing Bete company explains why it has decided not to accept tobacco industry money.
IPF 2003 - Tobacco Economics Research and Advocacy
Policy research in Romania seeks to analyse the factors affecting tobacco consumption in that country.
State System
CDC report provides demographics of cigarette usage in each state.
Tobacco Control In Canada
Canadian experience and skills in smoking prevention and cessation.
Risk Perception and Communication: Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Child Health
Tobacco use and ETS issues present a significant challenge to conventional notions of risk communication. Conventional forms of message delivery, have failed utterly in the case of tobacco use. Paper examines this quandry.
The Basis for the Federal Tobacco Law Suit
Policy and law analysis makes the case that the U.S. Department of Justice should sue the tobacco industry for costs the product incurred, and industry deception and coverup which resulted in increased use.
PBS - Dr. David Kessler
Dr. Kessler responds to tobacco industry arguments, lays out the case for regulating tobacco products.
In Memory of James Beattie Morison M.D.
Includes three papers Dr. Morison wrote on smoking in Canadian children, 1960 through 1982.
Health Behavior Research Group
University of Waterloo, Canada, research group; features papers and summaries of ongoing projects in tobacco use reduction, public policy, enabling communities to plan smoking reduction, improving cessation outcomes, and measuring and assessing progress in tobacco use reduction.
Smoking Cessation is Cost Effective
Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds that smoking cessation programs are cost-effective.
The "Global Settlement" with the Tobacco Industry: 6 Years Later
Analysis compares the provisions of the proposed 1997 "global settlement" with what was achieved without it, finds the settlement has little to offer.