American Lung Association         
Web Pages
Conscientious Consuming Tobacco Company Boycott
Conscientious Consuming is evaluating the conduct and activities of product manufacturers when purchasing consumer products. This action involves the boycott of non-tobacco products of tobacco companies.
Tobacco Technical Assistance Consortium
TTAC builds capacity to achieve effective tobacco prevention and control programs and policies, by providing information and technical assistance.
National Network on Tobacco Prevention and Poverty
Mission is to identify resources and advocate for the elimination of tobacco use among the poor.
High Country ASSIST Home Page
Community organizations and hundreds of its citizens have formed a coalition-alliance to significantly reduce the death and illness associated with the use of tobacco products.
Saskatchewan Coalition for Tobacco Reduction
Facts and resources on tobacco control for Saskatchewan residents.
DOC: Positive Health Strategies for the Clinic, Classroom, and Community
Doctors Ought to Care (DOC). "DOC has not been afraid to take risks in dealing with our nation's major health issues. A far cry from pamphlets and preaching about the 'dangers', DOC focuses on changing attitudes that have been molded by misleading advertising in the mass media."
International Union Against Cancer
Cigarette smoking is the greatest avoidable cause of disease and death in the world. This program aims to change attitudes to tobacco use in society and to promote a comprehensive strategy to eradicate tobacco production, sales, promotion, and use. Conferences, tobacco control factsheets, publications, news.
Still Waiting to Exhale
Public Citizen report on "Do Nothing Republican leaders do their thing for Big Tobacco contributors".
Coalition for a Tobacco Free Mobile
Effects of tobacco; prevention and education; quitting; smokefree environments; youth and tobacco; news and resources; from Mobile, Alabama.
American Council on Science and Health
Articles on smoking, tobacco, and public policy.
Colorado Tobacco Education and Prevention Alliance
Statewide coalition of organizations and individuals committed to reducing tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke throughout Colorado through education and advocacy.
Tobacco Free Initiative
World Health Organization provides information on tobacco's health impact, secondhand smoke, economics, youth, industry conduct, women and tobacco, and advocacy for tobacco policy change.
International Society for the Prevention of Tobacco Induced Diseases
Details about this scientific, medical organization which is aiming at prevention of diseases caused and/or worsened by tobacco use. Includes publications, meetings and contact information.
Burning Down the Houses
Report from Public Citizen on tobacco money in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Muskoka-Parry Sound Health Unit
Smoking, quitting, worksite cessation program; tobacco survey; smoke-free area restaurants; talking to kids about smoking; tobacco's impact on the environment.
Canadian Council for Tobacco Control
Health information; industry documents; links to related sites.
Sevier County Tobacco Coalition
The single most preventable cause of death and disease in Tennessee is the use of tobacco products. Our main focus is a healthy community for our residents.
Nursing World: Letter to Philip Morris
American Nurses Association open letter explains their stand, and details why they doubt PM's "youth smoking prevention" campaign is anything but a public relations gesture.
American College of Chest Physicians > Speakers Kit
Slides, notes, newsletter, and other resources for speakers on tobacco topics.
American College of Chest Physicians
It's the chest physician, the cardiac specialist, or the oncologist, that breaks the prognosis to the family. This website goes to the response of the medical community to preventable disease and death.
Erie-Niagara Tobacco Free Coalition, located in upstate New York, offers local tobacco law and factsheets, facts about secondhand smoke, E-Z letters to take action, and tobacco documents.
Tobacco Control Resource Centre
Working with medical associations across Europe to educate doctors, help patients, and inform public policy on tobacco.
Canadian Cancer Society: Tobacco and Cancer
Committed to helping Canadians choose not to smoke, or to quit if they are already smokers. Educational material to help prevent smoking, about the effects of secondhand smoking, and about how to quit. Also advocates to reduce the marketing of tobacco products to young people, and to protect non-smokers from secondhand smoke.
VicHealth Centre for Tobacco Control
Conducts research and undertakes policy development work designed to advance tobacco control efforts in Australia and internationally. This site provides information about the centre and its research programs as well as links to important repositories of knowledge on tobacco control both in Australia and Internationally. It is designed for use by researchers, potential researchers, policy makers and advocates.
Pride: Tobacco Free Nebraska
Factsheet on impact of tobacco in Nebraska, secondhand smoke, and tips for teens.
The American Legacy Foundation
Promoting tobacco-free generations; vision is to become the preeminent authority in tobacco prevention by funding cutting edge research, marketing and education programs that tell the truth about tobacco use.
Smoke Free Wisconsin
Promotes effective tobacco control policies that will protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke; prevent the initiation of smoking, especially among children; and ensure that there is a well-funded, comprehensive and effective statewide tobacco prevention program.
STRIKE Headquarters
A college advocacy initiative to strike a blow against Big Tobacco by providing students with the facts about tobacco products, what they do to the customer, why, and who the tobacco industry targets.
CHARGe Coalition
Based in Georgia; forum in which strategies can be developed, coordinated, and implemented to prevent and reduce tobacco use.
New York State College Alliance Against Tobacco
A network of student-driven coalitions at colleges and universities throughout New York State. Advocates for smokefree dorms, buildings and events; on-campus treatment for tobacco dependency; prohibition of tobacco sales and advertising on campus.
National African American Tobacco Education Network - NAATEN
A collaborative of national African American organizations united in the fight to prevent and reduce tobacco use among African Americans.
Tobacco use in British Columbia
Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada. Summary of the "number one preventable cause of death in British Columbia, killing more than 5,800 people and costing the provincial government hundreds of millions of dollars annually."
American Cancer Society
Harmful effects of tobacco, Quitting Tips, Great American Smokeout, Smoking Legislation, Risks for Children and Teens.
Coalition for a Tobacco Free Pennsylvania
Coalition of statewide and local organizations that have come together to combat Pennsylvania's number one cause of preventable disease, disability and death: tobacco use.
C-Health - Smoking
Tobacco news with a focus on Canada, smoking and health information.
Commit To a Healthier Brant
Demonstration site of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy; aims to demonstrate innovative approaches to reduce tobacco use in Brant County, Ontario through prevention, protection and cessation initiatives.
Cheshire Coalition for Tobacco Free Youth
New Hampshire based coalition. Events; news; factsheets; moke-free restaurant listings; media resources.
Colorado Tobacco Education and Prevention
Tobacco information and facts, local programs and coalitions, smoking cessation programs, prevention tips, best practices for prevention, state and local laws and ordinances.
Imperial County Tobacco Free Zone
Community tobacco education campaign in Imperial County, California.
Health Canada Tobacco Home Page
Tobacco related information; in English and French.
Koop Institute
The C. Everett Koop Institute at Dartmouth has projects on tobacco, nicotine, addiction, public heatlh.
Kentucky Action
Statewide coalition in partnership with health, educational, and government for decreasing tobacco use and strengthening tobacco control policy.
Smoke-free Ottawa
Aninitiative sponsored by the Ottawa Council on Smoking and Health, in partnership with Regional Heart Beat Committee, and Cancer Care Ontario Region East. Goal is to support the successful implementation of the new smokefree bylaw.
Los Angeles County Tobacco Control Alliance
A collective of six coalitions focused on six communities in L.A. County - Hispanic, African American, youth, women, Asian Pacific Islanders, and Gay & Lesbian - committed to curbing tobacco use among these groups.
Minnesota Partnership for Action Against Tobacco
Mission is to reduce the harm that tobacco causes the people of Minnesota. Resources to help you quit; research; intervention; news; secondhand smoke public information.
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Tobacco research and intervention.
Smokefree organization at Virginia Commonwealth University; site features smokefree stories, quit help, posters on smoking and quitting, behavioral strategies for success in beating nicotine.
Tobacco Education and Prevention Coaliation
Based in Wasco-Sherman, Oregon; offers factsheets, with references for each fact, on smoking, cigarettes, teens, spit tobacco, cigars; also list of local smokefree dining, newsletter, toll-free quitline, and videos available for lending.
Louisiana Cancer and Lung Trust Fund Board
Tobacco news, tobacco control efforts of the organization.
Morrow County Tobacco Coalition
Coalition of businesses, schools, county agencies, the community, families and youth, dedicated to providing a tobacco-free environment for the youth of Morrow County, Oregon within five years.
Sponsored by the Arizona Program for Nicotine and Tobacco Research.
North Coast Tobacco Prevention Network
Mission: to reduce the number of tobacco victims and prevent the pain and suffering they must endure. Online newsletters, factsheets, and articles.
Ontario Tobacco Research Unit
Established in 1993 to foster and conduct research, monitoring and evaluation contributing to programs and policies to eliminate tobacco-related health problems in Ontario.
SWAT, Studnets Working Against Tobacco, a statewide anti-tobacco youth movement in Oklahoma. "The Tobacco Industry has targeted teens for years. It's time for it to stop, and now Big Tobacco becomes OUR TARGET!!!"
Oklahoma Tobacco Use Prevention
Tobacco's toll on Oklahoma; Oklahoma's prevention programs; news and events.
Smoking Stinks; Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Dangers of tobacco; youth focus.
Oregon Tobacco Prevention and Education: Information Central
Tobacco use reduction: the program, the science, the people, the laws, the secrets, the tools, the press. One-stop access.
Research for International Tobacco Control
Mission is to create a strong research, funding and knowledge base for the development of effective tobacco control policies and programs that will minimize the threat of tobacco production and consumption to health and human development in developing countries.
Project UpInSmoke
Dedicated to spreading the truth about the dangers of smoking and how evil those tobacco companies and their supporters really are. Also offers a way to help crack down on stores selling cigarettes to minors.
Rhode Island Non-Smokers
Guide to smokefree dining by city or town, college campus smoking policies, legislative updates and how to take action for smokefree workplaces, and tobacco industry tactics to fight smokefree workplaces and public places.
Oregon tobacco education program; focus is on empowering youth to identify and counter pro-tobacco influences in their community.
Bismarck Tobacco Free Coalition
A pro-active organization dedicated to promoting a healthy, tobacco free environment in North Dakata. Area smokefree dining, smokefree advocacy, local tobacco news.
The Schuylkill County Tobacco Free Youth Coalition
Dedicated to helping young people to avoid tobacco addiction, with information about the Coalition and its Tobacco Free Ballfield Project.
Smoky Lies
Computer animated movie developed at Dartmouth.
Survivors and Victims Empowerment Project
The Survivors and Victims Empowerment program identifies, trains and works with tobacco survivors and acts as a resource for groups in North Carolina. Youth listen and learn when a survivor of a tobacco-related illnes shares their story.
Go smokefree! Health Canada Tobacco Control Programme
Health Canada's Tobacco Control Programme regulates tobacco and promotes initiatives that reduce or prevent the harm associated with smoking.
Technical Assistance Legal Center
TALC provides assistance to California cities and counties developing local laws to restrict tobacco advertising and youth access to tobacco products in their communities. Recommendations on ad restrictions that are legal; information on what the state settlement does not accomplish in this and other areas.
Tobacco Free Kansas Coalition
Mission is to reduce the prevalence of tobacco use and addiction and to assist Kansans in avoiding the negative health and economic impact of tobacco use. News, factsheets, information, resources.
Contra Costa Tobacco Prevention Project
Dedicated to reducing and ultimately eliminating tobacco use and exposure in Contra Costa county, California, by developing projects that change the social and cultural norms related to tobacco.
Education, news, research, and analysis.
Capital District Tobacco-Free Coalition
Capital Region of New York State provides information on secondhand smoke, educational resources, medical resources, business and organization resources, information and support for people quitting smoking.
Massachusetts Tobacco Control Program
Health program features reports on the program itself, tobacco industry advertising, youth smoking in Massachusetts, local and statewide programs, research, and policy initiatives.
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH UK)
Pressure group and registered UK charity, lobbying for a comprehensive national programme to tackle the epidemic of tobacco-related diseases. Excellent collection of links and resources. Focus on Europe
Trans-Atlantic Conference on Tobacco
Sponsored by the Koop Institute, a group of health care professionals at Cambridge University and at Dartmouth Medical Center met to discuss tobacco policy, research, and prevention/treatment strategies.
Ontario Medical Association: Tobacco Issues
Papers on secondhand smoke, tobacco industry, stop-smoking medications, smokefree workplaces, cigarette package labelling.
GLOBALink - The International Tobacco Control Network
Tobacco news, factsheets, resources, directories, calendar, petitions, tools for community tobacco control.
Ontario Tobacco-Free Network
Network consisting of the Canadian Cancer Society Ontario Division, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, and the Ontario Lung Association. Working together to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco use. News and updates; publications; links to related organizations.
Australian Council on Smoking and Health
Dedicated to raising awareness in the community on smoking and health issues in Australia. Educational campaigns, quit programs, library, and tobacco industry secrets.
Tuscola Partnership for Tobacco Reduction
A community-based coalition in Michigan that includes human services agencies, schools, and the public.
Chemung County Reality Check
Youth led movement with the goal of exposing the truth about tobacco and the manipulative marketing practices that the tobacco industry uses to target teens.
Smokefree Indiana
Reducing tobacco use for a healthier Indiana. From Ball State University. "How-to" emphasis.
Smoke Free Leicester - Smoke Free Alliance for Leicester
Promoting a smoke free Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland by giving health advice, information and education.
Pennsylvania Alliance to Control Tobacco
Statewide alliance whose focus is grassroots tobacco public policy and advocacy.
New Jersey GASP
Advocating since 1974 for smokefree air and tobacco-free lives. Resources on secondhand smoke, its health effects, smokefree workplaces and restaurants, legislation and litigation, tobacco marketing, and solving secondhand smoke problems.
Tobacco Wisconsin
Current and accurate information on tobacco control resources, research, and technical assistance.
Southwest Washington Health District: Tobacco
Focus on prevention, secondhand smoke, smokefree restaurants and workplaces.
Asthma, Tobacco, Air Quality, Asthma Clinical Research Center, Tuberculosis
The mission of the American Lung Association of Metropolitan Chicago is to reduce the pain and suffering caused by lung disease, the third leading cause of death and disability in the United States.
"We're Iowa teens fighting the tobacco industry's corrupt efforts to manipulate us into using their addictive, deadly product." Counteradvertising, graphic images of tobacco disease, TV ads, information on tobacco addiction and quitting.
American Public Health Association - World Federation of Public Health Associations
Statement on tobacco control and combatting the tobacco industry, paper on the same topics.
Tobacco Free Lane County
Oregon organization supporting smokefree environments and tobacco use reduction.
Minnesota Smoke-Free Coalition
Established in 1984 to reduce tobacco use in Minnesota; goals are to prevent children from beginning a lifelong addiction to tobacco, to help those who want to quit smoking and to protect non-smokers from exposure to secondhand smoke.
Smoke-Free For Health
Non-profit organization formed to protect Floridians from exposure to second-hand smoke. Focus is to ensure the passage of a constitutional amendment in Florida to prohibit smoking in indoor work places.
Tobacco Dependence Program
Dedicated to reducing the harm to health caused by tobacco, through education, treatment, research and advocacy; a program of the New Jersey School of Medicine and Dentistry. Cessation guidelines for individuals and clinicians; tobacco-free policies; chemical dependency and nicotine; consultation and training services.
Hillsborough County SWAT
Students Working Against Tobacco. New stories or installments every 3-4 weeks. Topics include the battle over tobacco, consumer culture, forming personal identity, and creative expression.
American Medical Women's Association
Organization of over 10,000 women physicians and medical students dedicated to the care of the woman patient; letter of support for US federal lawsuit against the tobacco companies.
American Heart Association
AHA has a lot of resources on tobacco, cigarettes, smoking, and spit tobacco.
Illinois Tobacco-Free Communities
Current projects and programs, cost of somking calculator, quit tips, kids area, and tobacco industry deception tactics.
SmokeLess States
National tobacco policy initiative that supports statewide coalitions with the goal of reducing tobacco use. Online newsletter, factsheets and information on tobacco taxes, secondhand smoke, and quitting smoking.
Tobacco Free Montanta
Coalition of groups in Billings and Yellowstone County, Montana; offers opportunities for tobacco action, prevention, and cessation.
Health Action Council of North Carolina
Partnership of the American Lung Association and the American Cancer Society; tobacco news and resources, instructional videos on tobacco and smoking, policy network, and youth programs.
GASP of Nebraska
Nonprofit organization founded in 1989, dedicated to the elimination of secondhand smoke in the workplace.
Had Enough Wisconsin?
Wisconsin Tobacco Control Board has information on corporate lies and influence, taking action locally, secondhand smoke, teen action, quitting, and tobacco facts and news.
Get R.A.G.E. - Get Real, Get Active, Get Going, Get Empowered.
Youth advocates across the state of South Dakota take on Big Tobacco.
Oregon Tobacco Prevention and Education Program
Oregon Public Health services provides tobacco facts, scientific information about tobacco, tobacco laws, tobacco industry secrets, and tools for health programs and smokefree advocacy.
Community Tobacco Control Coalitions in New York
Provides listings for tobacco control and smokefree coalitions in communities across New York state.
Warren County Communities Against Tobacco Coalition
Develops community based strategies to reduce smoking and public exposure to secondhand smoke and supports programs that help smokers quit smoking throughout Warren County New Jersey. News, events, smokefree dining guide.
SmokeFree Michigan
Michigan Citizens for SmokeFree Air, a grass roots statewide organization working for smoke-free environments wherever the public gathers. Features smokefree dining guide for Michigan; also tobacco news, analysis, and advocacy.
Smoke-Free Jacksonville Florida
This site is dedicated to reducing the number of smokers, increasing public awareness on the dangers of tobacco usage and preventing the use of all forms of tobacco.
Smoking Stops Here
Maryland organization provides information and ways to get involved in the fight against tobacco.
Tobacco Free Iowa
An organization that helps clear the air of secondhand smoke to minimze Iowa lung cancer.
Tacoma-Pierce County Tobacco Prevention
How tobacco ads target kids; tobacco compliance checks; tobacco cessation resources; Pierce County smokefree dining guide; truth in outdoor tobacco advertising.
Alabama Tobacco Prevention and Control
Goals include eliminating environmental tobacco use exposure, promoting quitting, preventing initiation, and identifying and eliminating disparities among populations.
Domini Social Investments: Tobacco
Investment firm describes why it will not invest in any companies deriving identifiable revenues from the manufacture of tobacco products.
The Cancer Research Campaign
UK cancer prevention program has focus on reducing tobacco product use; provides information on smoking trends, women and smoking, pro-tobacco influences in the UK, and quitting.
Tackling Tobacco
Programs and information for students, teachers, and health care professionals about tobacco, from Texas A&M.
Tobacco Free Spokane
Programs, tobacco facts, calendar, and tobacco free sports.
Tobacco Action Coalition of Long Island
Prevention, cessation, and protection from tobacco products are the focus; cessation resources, pending legislation, teen scene, news, events, and related sites.
Tobacco-Free Miami-Dade Community Partnership
News, updates, and coalition advocacy for a tobacco-free Florida.
Reality Check
Reality Check is a youth-led anti-tobacco movement that encourages youth to fight the manipulative marketing tactics of the tobacco industry.
SmokeFree Communities Project
A tobacco control collaborative serving the communities of Brookline, Milton, Newton, Waltham, and Wellesley, Massachusetts.
Tobacco-Free Michigan
Dedicated to promoting tobacco-free environments and to improving health and quality of life through education and advocacy; provides action alerts, legislative updates, Michigan tobacco news, smokefree restaurants, tobacco resources, and a bulletin board.
The Cancer Council of New South Wales: The Tobacco Web
Factsheets on the history of smoking, smoking in Australia, smoking and cancer, other health effects of smoking, secondhand smoke, young people and smoking, women and smoking, the tobacco industry, quitting smoking.
The Tobacco Web - The Cancer Council NSW
Covers the history of smoking, smoking in Australia, smoking and cancer, secondhand smoke, women and smoking, the tobacco industry, smoking and the environment.
Tobacco-Free Ohio
Organization dedicated to reducing tobacco use among Ohioans and eliminate individuals' exposure to the health hazards of secondhand smoke in public places.
Central Iowa Tobacco-Free Partnership
Committed to saving lives through community education that reduces tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke; provides information, resources, and smoke free dining guide.
Suffolk Youth Partnership for Health
Aims to give everyone the right to live, learn, work, and play in a smokefree environment, as well as protect Suffolk youth from the tobacco industry.
Oregon's Tobacco Prevention and Education Program
Fact sheets, news, and progress reports on tobacco in Oregon.
The Heart Foundation Queensland: Tobacco Control
Information on smokefree lifestyles, smoking versus other causes of death, effects of secondhand smoke on the heart, and holding the tobacco industry accountable.
SAVE: Empowering Survivors of Tobacco Sickness
Trains survivors of tobacco-related illness to speak with children and teens in schools and community groups about smoking and the effects of tobacco products.
Southwest Alliance Against Tobacco
North Dakota organization aiming to improve the health of communities by promoting tobacco free lifestyles and smoke free environments, advocating for tobacco control laws, and educating the public on all health issues relating to tobacco
Wisconsin organization supporting smokefree air.
Asian Pacific Islander Tobacco Education Network
Programs, personal tobacco stories, tobacco industry targetting of ethnic minorities.
SmokeFree North Carolina
Advocates for smokefree businesses and public places in North Carolina.
Denver Alliance on Tobacco and Health
Empowering Denver to reduce tobacco use through prevention, education, and advocacy; provides information on secondhand smoke, quitting smoking, area ordinances and laws, and resources and training on tobacco.
Colorado Breath: Bar and Restaurant Employees Against Tobacco Hazards
News, education, and advocacy for restaurant and bar workers.
Tobacco-Free Coalition of Oregon
About TOFCO Projects Help Me Quit News Room Contact TOFCO Take Action A coalition of businesses, organizations and individuals who advocate for programs and policies that will decrease the toll of tobacco use in Oregon
Project Action of Hamilton, Fulton and Montgomery Counties
Tobacco control coalition for three counties near Albany, New York, features smokefree dining guide, facts on smoking and secondhand smoke, quiting smoking, and smoking and pregnancy.
Smoke-free Guilford
Tobacco control and prevention in Guilford County, North Carolina; provides list of smokefree dining and lodging in Cuilford, information on smokefree workplaces, and tobacco free schools.
Breathe Easy Tulsa
Smokefree restaurants, smokefree recreation, and schools in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
California Youth Advocacy Network (CYAN)
Dedicated to the support of youth and young adult tobacco control advocacy throughout California. By providing young people and agencies working with young people with the tangible tools for action, CYAN strives to mobilize a powerful statewide movement for tobacco control.
Tobacco-Free Ways
Pima County, Arizona organization offers ways youth can fight tobacco, resources on cigarettes and quitting, and tips.
Wyoming Tobacco Prevention
Smokefree restaurant list, quitting resources, news, and data reports on tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure in Wyoming.
Greene County Tobacco Free Coalition
Smoke free dining guide, tobacco facts, and help quitting smoking in Greene County, NY.
Northeast Colorado: Tobacco Prevention
List of smokefree dining in northeast Colorado; tobacco facts; quitting tips.