Web Pages
CDC Health Topic: Smoking/Tobacco Control
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention information.
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
"Strengthening national, state, and local tobacco prevention and control activities to reduce the nation's #1 preventable cause of death".
Smoking Kills - A White Paper on Tobacco
UK Department of Health report.
CDC's TIPS: Tobacco Information and Prevention Source
Maintained by the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health. Covers tobacco-related issues, statistics, news, research, data, reports, quitting tips, educational materials, publications, . Also sections dedicated to youth.
Smoke Free Birmingham
Posters, screen savers, videos, printed information, and factsheets on smoking, quitting, and going smokefree.
Indiana Prevention Resource Center Tobacco Resources
Fact sheets and lots of links.
Information on Drugs of Abuse: Nicotine
Resources on nicotine addiction from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
The Maryland Tobacco Page
Health effects of Smoking; smoking costs; fact sheets.
Minnesota Institute of Public Health: Tobacco Related Issues
Factsheets on economic costs of tobacco, tobacco and the workplace, and tobacco and pregnancy and parenthood.
Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People
U.S. Surgeon General's 1994 report.
Smoke Free Maryland - Smoking Costs
Succinct, bottom-line, answers: what's it costing us?
White House Sought to Soften Anti-Terrorism Legislation in Support of Tobacco Companies
The Bush administration sought to use anti-terrorism legislation, rushed through Congress in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, to shield U.S. tobacco companies from foreign lawsuits alleging cigarette smuggling and money laundering.
Secondhand Diplomacy
After closed-door meetings with cigarette makers, the Bush administration is seeking to derail a global tobacco treaty.
Tobacco Free Billboards
An article about anti-tobacco billboards replacing cigarette industry advertisements. Department of Public Health launches a new anti-smoking media initiative.
The Decade-Long Scandal that Makes Enron Look Like Small Potatoes
Columnist Herb Denenbert comments on how little the government does about tobacco's toll.
Smoking Health Issues "Still Ignored"
The deaths of five million people in the UK from smoking-related diseases have been partly blamed on decades of government inaction.
U.S. Government Actions to Promote Tobacco
12 page document lists actions by the U.S. government to promote cigarettes and spit tobacco around the world.
Tough on Drugs -- Weak on Tobacco
Article in medical journal outlines how and why the government of Australia does little about tobacco, and government funding for tobacco control is small compared to government funding of other public health issues.
White House Sought to Soften Anti-Terrorism Legislation in Support of Tobacco Companies
As Congress rushed to pass a bill aimed at cracking down on terrorists, the White House pushed a measure that would protect the tobacco industry.
Regulation of Tobacco Sales, Marketing, and Use
Summary of US federal regulation by CDC shows enabling legislation by date.
State by State breakdown of tobacco statistics
From the Center for Disease Control. See where your state stands!
States Hooked on Tobacco Money
State governments work to protect Big Tobacco: Wall Street Journal article.