Web Pages
Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
Information on the latest research, abstracts, publications and events related to nicotine and tobacco.
Addicted to Nicotine - A National Research Forum
Conference on nicotine addiction and tobacco products. All proceedings online. Includes papers on nicotine delivery systems; pharmacology of nicotine; ethnicity, gender, and risk factors for smoking initiation; economics; advertising and promotion; prevention programs; individual differences; and intervention and treatment strategies.
Smoking Experimentation and Smoking-attributable Mortality due to Joe Camel and Marlboro advertising and promotions
"Despite public denials, internal tobacco company documents indicate that adolescents have long been the target of cigarette advertising and promotional activities...(From this analysis) we projected how many future deaths in the United States can be attributed to each brand."
Testing how much a person smokes (or is exposed to secondhand smoke)
Research from the UK, University of Birmingham
Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers
"The National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invite grant applications (P50) for a Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) in tobacco use research. The intent of this initiative is to provide support for the creation of transdisciplinary tobacco use research centers (TTURCs)".
A Randomised Controlled Trial of a Community Prevention Campaign
Eight pairs of small Oregon communities were randomly assigned to receive a school based prevention program alone, or that plus a community program. Results, analysis, and discussion.
Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program
Research funding opportunities; research progress reports; conference proceedings and publications; newsletters; upcoming events.
Tobacco and Smoking Research
Office of Tobacco Control, Canada, has links to numerous tobacco and smoking research documents.
Tobacco Use Behavior Research
Publications of the Social Sciences Data Collection, UCSD. Reports and raw data available on tobacco sales, prevalence, attitudes, behaviors, and media exposure.
Research Funding From the Tobacco Industry
A public health association lays out the reasons for not accepting research funding from the tobacco industry.
Tobacco Control Policy Research
Conducts research on the formation of tobacco policy.
NIDA Research Report - Nicotine Addiction
Summary of research findings on the drug, its effects, the extent and impact of tobacco use, mechanisms, medical consequences, treatment.
Study of Teen Risk Perception of Smoking
Study finds that the vast majority of smokers do not accurately assess the risk of smoking.
Smokin' Mad
Survey finds that most smokers regret the day they took their first puff, overestimate the likelihood they'll be able to quit, and underestimate how lonig it will take.
The Ontario Tobacco Research Unit
OTRU is the research component of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy, and is a focal point for an active tobacco control research network in Ontario.
International Tobacco Evidence Network
Working to maintain a formal network of economists, epidemiologists, social scientists and other tobacco control experts able to provide rapid, policy-relevant research on country-level, regional or international tobacco control issues.
Smoker Perceptions of Light and Ultralight Cigarettes
Research finds that many Light and Ultra-light smokers are unaware that these cigarettes can give the same amount of tar and nicotine as regular cigarettes and concludes "mistaken beliefs about low-yield brands are reducing intensions to quit smoking."
UW - Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention
Academic center at the University of Wisconsin dedicated to researching tobacco dependence, providing intervention and outreach services for young people and adults, and developing policy initiatives to reduce tobacco use and resultant health and economic burdens. Tobacco facts, research study participation, grant opportunities, latest research findings.
Nicotine Perfectly Built for Addiction
Recent research concludes "it would be difficult to design a better drug to promote addiction" than nicotine.
Mechanisms of Immune Suppression by Cigarette Smoke
Research aims to learn more about how cigarette smoke suppresses the immune system, ultimately causing respiratory tract infections and cancer.
NIDA Research Report - Nicotine Addiction
From the National Institute on Drug Abuse, report on nicotine, nicotine delivery systems such as cigarettes and other tobacco products, the extent and impact of tobacco products, treatments for nicotine addiction, and gender differences.
Smoker's Misperceptions of Light and Ultra-light Cigarettes May Keep Them Smoking
Research finds that many Light and Ultra-light smokers are unaware that one Ultra-light/Light cigarette can give them the same amount of tar and nicotine as one regular cigarette, and this mistaken belief may be keeping them smoking.
Monitoring and Evaluation Program
Monitors trends in tobacco use in Wisconsin, evalutes statewide programs and policies, and assists local communities in program evaluation and communicating findings to state and local leaders.
Evaluation and research of the American Legacy Foundation's programs.
NIDA Notes - A Collection of Articles on Nicotine Addiction
About 12 items summarizing various research from 1995 to 2000.
Tobacco Control Archives Collections
List of archives of interest to researchers; hosted by UCSF. Some online.
Tobacco Control Policy Research: Current Research Results
Abstracts of research articles on tobacco promotion, media, tobacco control, African American populations, industry strategies, cigars.
Monitoring the Tobacco Epidemic: Data Sources
Abstracts from conference presentations on measuring prevalence, demographics, and trends.
Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors in Tobacco
Poster session from health conference focuses on factors affecting tobacco use.
Special Populations and Tobacco
Poster session from recent conference looks at tobacco and ethnic minorities, low income Americans, people with disabilities.
Measuring National Tobacco Usage
Poster session from health conference focusses on stats: prevalence, demographics, longitudinal groupings.
The California Tobacco Control Program and Declines in Cigarette Consumption and Mortality from Heart Disease
Article in the New England Journal of Medicine; California's aggressive anti-tobacco program saved 33,000 lives overall, but when it was watered down by the Governor in 1992, 8300 lives were lost.
Roswell Park Cancer Institute Journal Updates - Tobacco
Large set of research reports organized by the Institute on active and passive smoking, policy, cost, health effects, and the tobacco industry. Abstracts or full text available online for most.
Clearing the Smoke: Assessing the Science Base for Tobacco Harm Reduction
Online book runs to 700 pages and has chapters on: harm reduction, tobacco products, nicotine pharmacology, tobacco smoke and toxicology, cancer, heart disease, birth defects, and tobacco industry marketing of health claims.
University of Vermont Office of Health Promotion Research
Citations and abstracts of research done at U Vermont on tobacco use prevention.
Joe Un-Cool
Teenagers are more likely to think smoking is cool after they've watched their Hollywood idols light up on screen -- unless they've just seen an advertisement reminding them of the real effects of tobacco, research finds.
The Impact of Tobacco Control Program Expenditures on Aggregate Cigarette Sales: 1981-1998
Econometric analyses of the impact of tobacco control expenditures on aggregate tobacco use show that state tobacco control programs work.
Canadian Tobacco Research Initiative
Collaboration between a group of Canadian agencies and governments. Supports researchin tobacco control, aims at research directly relevant to program and policy, and that research results used more systematically to inform tobacco control programs and policies.
Centre for Tobacco Research Control
Develops and evaluates interventions to prevent smoking and encourage cessation; investigates the tobacco industry's marketing activity and determines how to counter them; evaluates specific policy approaches to tobacco control.
The Young and the Breathless
Harvard Public Health Review article covers research being conducted on increasing tobacco use in college students.
Preventing Lung Cancer: Isolating the Tobacco Industry
Pamphlet from Cancer Research UK makes the case against accepting tobacco industry funding of research.
The Economic Consequences of Tobacco: Dispelling the Myths
Economist summarizes the research and dispells the myth that reduced smoking will cost jobs.
The Institute for Global Tobacco Control at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
The Institute strives to prevent death and disease from tobacco use around the world through research, education, evaluation, and policy development.
Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program
Supports research that focuses on the prevention, causes, and treatment of tobacco-related disease and the reduction of the human and economic costs of tobacco use in California.
TTURC Partners
A seven university, collaborative effort to study new ways of combating tobacco use and nicotine addiction, and translate the results and implications of this work for policy makers, practitioners, and the public.
JAMA Tobacco
Recent papers published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on tobacco and related topics.
Smoking and Tobacco Research Guide
Annotated bibliography; supplies links when cited source is online.
Tobacco Use in British Columbia
Results of extended telephone survey in BC, Canada, looks at trends, provincial breakdown, aboriginal use, south east Asian use, alternate tobacco forms, and teen use.
Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education
Repository for scholarship published by the Center spanning policy and historical research, economics, and science.
Most Smokers Do Not View Themselves At Increased Risk for Health Problems
Contrary to assertions that "everyone knows", research finds that most smokers underestimate the risk.
University of Minnesota Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Center
Reducing tobacco harm through research, training, communication and public policy.