Lobbyists   State      
Web Pages
The Buying of the Congress - Transcripts, David Kessler
Public Integrity interview with David Kessler, MD, Ph.D. Topics include tobacco industry lobbying, power, money, and strategies in Washington.
Common Cause -- Tobacco Industry Political Giving
Outlines and summarizes by company a ten year history of campaign contributions, soft money, PACs.
CRP: Tobacco Tally
Center for Responsive Politics has "a snapshot of what Big Tobacco is contributing to Congress, and who's getting the money".
The Inhalers
"They may not smoke tobacco products, but some in Congress are addicted to the industry's money." Common Cause on tobacco money in Congress: how much, who gets it, and what it buys.
The People & The Power Game: Transcript of The Unelected: The Media & The Lobbies
"The cigarette industry knows its way around Capitol Hill and usually gets what it wants...Polls show that most Americans support strong anti-smoking laws, but only a handful have passed. Most have died in Congress. Cigarette companies are the masters of inside lobbying, the money game".
Tobacco Industry Activity in the U.S.
Reports on industry activity by state; extensive and recent reports available for Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, Missouri, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin.
The Buying of the Congress - Transcripts, Henry Waxman
Public Integrity interview with Congressman Henry Waxman. Not entirely about tobacco, but substantial material.
Paying the Price: How Special Interests Block Common Sense Solutions
Report from Common Cause on influence of tobacco interests in Washington; covers goals, methods, and effectiveness of tobacco industry lobbying; special section on tobacco and the 2000 presidential campaign.
Center for Responsible Politics: Tobacco Tally
Shows House and Senate recipients of tobacco money for 1995-96 and 1997-98 by name; summary information from 1979 through 1998.
The People & The Power Game: Interview with Henry Waxman (D-CA)
PBS: The Tobacco Lobby: Money, "grassroots", and telemarketing.
Tobacco Lobying in 1997 and 1998
Shows amounts spent by each tobacco company, both lobbying and campaign cash, for all election cycles since 1990.
Senate Tobacco PAC Money and 1998 Tobacco Votes
Report from Public Citizen.
George W. Bush: Calling for Philip Morris
Article in The Nation covers George W. Bush's tobacco connections, his record on tobacco.
Texans for Public Justice Lobby Watch
Reports on lobbying in the state of Texas include reports on tobacco industry activity: "Rove a Mile for a Camel", "Second-Hand Smoke", "Death Merchants Hire More Accomplices", "Philip Morris' Newest Smokers", "Health Hypocrisy", and "Tobacco Spends Big Bucks for Political Favor".
Warning: Philip Morris Wants Regulation
Independent analysis of Philip Morris's call for regulation finds ways Philip Morris's proposed regulation would protect the industry, not the customer.
Republican National Committees
The tobacco industry is a top giver of "soft money" to both political parties, but lately Republicans have been getting about 80% of tobacco money.
Serious Money: The Top 100 Contributors
The number one contributor to political parties in 1995-96 was Philip Morris, the largest tobacco company in the world. This report lists all of the top 100 contributors.
Sweethearts of Big Tobacco Report
Who are the top ten tobacco PAC recipients in the Senate? How about the House? This report tells all! Some well-known names, including elected officials involved in national legislation affecting Big Tobacco.
Tobacco PAC money: how it works
Report from the Center for Responsibe Politics on tobacco money taken by Congress and voting records on bills affecting the tobacco industry.
Tobacco Hard & Soft Dollar Summary for the 105th Congress
From the Center for Responsive Politics: the scorecard on who among your elected representives took tobacco money.
Cancer Converts Tobacco Lobbyist
Victor Crawford, retired tobacco industry lobbyist dying of cancer, gives a revealing interview on what he did for the industry.
Tobacco PAC Contributions and 1998 Tobacco Votes
Analysis of votes on a major tobacco bill includes a complete listing of every Senator, their vote, and how much money their campaign has taken from the tobacco industry.
Washingtonpost.com: Big Tobacco Filters Into Campaign Coffers
Many different ways an elected official can take tobacco money; this article summarizes.
Undermining Popular Government: Tobacco Industry Political Expenditures in California, 1993-1994
Documents how the tobacco industry influences law in California.
Common Cause Report: Tobacco Political Giving Report
Reports which members of Congress have taken tobacco money, and how much.
Tobacco firms Dip Deep to Lobby Hard
A.P. reporting on industry lobbying.
Industry's Biggest PAC & Soft Money Beneficiaries In The Senate Kill Tobacco Legislation
Common Cause reports on the amount of tobacco cash taken by legislators who killed recent tobacco control legislation, compares it to legislators who supported the legislation.
Tobacco lobbying in the 1996 primary
How Philip Morris paid for presidential debates, and bought goodies for reporters at the party convention.
Blowing Smoke: Big Tobacco's 1998 Lobbying Skyrockets
Tobacco companies spent record amounts in the first half of 1998: an average of $81,000 for each member of Congress. Public Citizen report.
Bush Administration Tobacco Industry Ties
Lists cabinet and senior administration officials with strong tobacco industry ties, and describes those ties.
Victor Crawford on 60 Minutes
Interview with ex-tobacco industry lobbyist Victor Crawford, on how the industry influences Washington.
Pack Contributions: Tobacco lobbyists do a smokin' business with politicians
Recent reports identify Philip Morris as the single largest contributor to politicians. A report on Colorado politicians who've taken money, and what Big Tobacco has gotten in return.
The Marlboro Hombres
Report on Costa Rica vacation enjoyed by two Colorado legislators, courtesy of Philip Morris.
Tobacco Institute Lobbying report for 1989
Internal tobacco industry document outlines its lobbying activities in 1989 such as pre-empting local smokefree laws.
The People & The Power Game: Interview with Mike Pertschuk
Industry funding of other groups to lobby for tobacco or not to lobby against tobacco; stealth lobbying; money; front groups.
U.S. Support for Tobacco Overseas: Going Out of Business?
Industry influence in different administrations is compared.
Tobacco Industry Political Influence
Item from a tobacco FAQ.
Big Tobacco's Spends $81,000 per Member of Congress on Lobbying in First Half of 1998
Report on spending in 1998.
Tobacco Lobbying Outlays Soared in 1998
Covers money spent and industry resoures invested, e.g. putting 192 lobbyists into Washington, about one for every three members of Congress" Names the major lobbying firms and lobbyists used.
Pro-tobacco lobbying expenditures
1992 data briefly examined.
Molly Ivins on Tobacco Bill Death
Columnist Molly Ivans comments on the lobbying behind the death of the McCain tobacco bill.
Tobacco Diplomacy
Tobacco industry contributions to U.S. political parties and figures were followed by U.S. pressure on other countries to drop their tobacco regulation.
California's Gov. Wilson Sabotaged Anti-Tobacco Effort, Groups Charge
Article in the Christian Science Monitor covers Wilson's efforts.
Bush White House May Blow Smoke at War on Tobacco
Covers tobacco connections, money, and influences in George W. Bush's administration, and considers what it's buying.
Air Tobacco: Campaign Travel on Tobacco Industry Jets
Report on tobacco industry giving free jet travel to politicians.
Big Tobacco's Dollars Douse Push for Fire-Safe Cigarettes
LATimes article.
Top All-Time Givers To Congress: Philip Morris
Profile of Philip Morris, one of the top all-time givers of money to Congress, provides 12 year itemized totals, breakout by party and by year.
Tobacco Industry Funded Campaign Against Wyoming Smokefree Restaurants
The tobacco industry funded more than three-quarters of a campaign against a proposed Wyoming restaurant smoking ban.
Tobacco companies put match to Tory funding
British tobacco companies withdrew sponsorship estimated to be worth millions of pounds after Liam Fox, the shadow health minister, issued statements critical of the product.
Donatations to Australian Parties
Itemizes donations to Australians political parties by date and amount.
U.S. House Votes on Federal Tobacco Lawsuit Show Influence of Tobacco Campaign Contributions
Analysis shows that House members who voted to protect the tobacco industry have taken over five times as much tobacco money as those voting to support the federal lawsuit.
Philip Morris is Top Contributor to GOP
Tobacco giant Philip Morris was the number one source of campaign money to the Republican party in the 2001-2002 election cycle, a report finds.
Big Tobacco's Front Groups for Tort Reform
Tobacco industry documents show how the industry created and funded dozens of front groups.
Candidates get by with (a lot of) help from their friends
Article in the Minnesota Star Tribune documents how tobacco cash affects state legislation.
The Secret Campaign by Big Tobacco To Take Away Individual Rights
Extensive documentation on ATRA and CALA, a PR campaign organized and financed by the tobacco industry to weaken individual civil justice rights.
The Struggle centred on Brussels
Industry lobbying in Europe focusses its efforts in Brussels; Philip Morris is the strongest player, putting 40 lawyers into place to lobby 20 Commissioners, for example.
The Lack Of Corporate Accountability
Column by Molly Ivans reviews PAC and soft money, including tobacco money, spent in 1997.
Philip Morris -- Checkbook Democracy
INFACT report on Philip Morris's lobbying against FDA regulation.
Buying Influence, Selling Death
Report from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids breaks down tobacco industry political spending by state, party, and soft versus hard money, and finds that Congress and political parties have taken more than $8 million in tobacco cash in the most recent election cycle.
Good Times for Tobacco Lobbyists
News article: "members of Congress have received millions in campaign contributions from tobacco companies for years, but the money and manpower dedicated to the industry's lobbying efforts outweighs its federal election spending by nearly eight to one".
Pay To Play: Special Interest Money in the 1997 New Jersey Legislative Elections
Report from the Center for Analysis of Public Issues covers "following the money"; Philip Morris and tobacco money are mentioned.
Buying Influence, Selling Death: Big Tobacco's Campaign Contributions
Common Cause report details the ways in which the tobacco industry seeks to buy political access and influence, the correlation between tobacco contributions and Congressional votes, and what the tobacco industry expects from the new Congress and Administration in return for its money.
Lobbying the Attorneys General
A two-day retreat of golf, tennis, and a world-class spa sparks questions over whether the Republican Attorneys General Association is accepting money from interests including tobacco.
Tobacco Money in Politics: Over $25 million
Common cause study.
Big Tobacco and Astroturf
Tobacco industry documents show how the industry creates and uses fake grass-roots groups ("astroturf") to lobby.
Politicians Getting Indirect Tobacco Money
Washington Post article shows how tobacco money streams into policians through stealth channels, such as Kraft foods for Philip Morris.
Wisconsin Attorney General Asked to Look at Philip Morris Lobbying
Wisconsin state Senatory believes the tobacco giant may be violating the Master Settlement Agreement master settlement ban on lobbying.
Tobacco: Long Term Contribution Trends
Summarizes trends of $42 million of tobacco cash spent on political campaigns for 10 years. Broken out by party, and soft/PAC money.
Top Recipients: Tobacco
Identifies top takers of tobacco cash among candidates for elected office.
"Involvement in the Political Process"
Reviews court- released documents, mostly industry memos, that address specific industry political efforts to defeat or preempt enactment of laws and regulations.
Involvement in the Political Process
Once secret industry memos and documents address specific industry political efforts to defeat or preempt enactment of tobacco laws and regulations.
Smoke and Mirrors: Tobacco Industry Influence on "Grassroots"
Public Citizen report on the tobacco industry's influence on the "grassroots" campaign for liability limits.
Tommy Thompson and Tobacco
Report on the tobacco money, tobacco record, and tobacco industry connections of Bush appointee Tommy Thompson, director of HHS, in charge of CDC, NCI, and the Surgeon General's office.
Tobacco: Political Issues
Chapter from the Tobacco Reference Guide covers tobacco lobbying and influencing in politics at the state, local, and federal (US) level.
Tobacco Lobbying Continues
"Each day that Congress meets, the nation's four largest cigarette manufacturers spend more than $100,000 pushing their agenda on Capitol Hill." News article explains how the money is spent.
Who's Tobacco Friendly?
ABC News connects voting records of Congresspersons with the tobacco money they've taken.
Regulating the Tobacco Industry: Congress Takes a Bye
Public Integrity report on death of the McCain bill.
House Speaker's Trip Paid For by Philip Morris
Kentucky House Speaker Jody Richards acceptance of a 5-day trip to Costa Rica becomes an issue when it's learned that it was paid for by Philip Morris; short article.
Delivering for Dollars
Report from Public Citizen includes timeline showing tobacco contributions to Congress and Congressional action on tobacco bills.
Investigative Report: Under the Influence
Center for Public Integrity report on George W. Bush's ties to corporate interests; tobacco interests documented.
Common Cause Report: Return on Investment: Nicotine Fix
1997 report on tax breaks given by Congress to the tobacco industry after tobacco became a top giver of soft money.
Congress Watch Publications
Public Citizens publications on tobacco industry influence on the U.S. Congress.
Tobacco PAC Contributions
Senate and House recipients of tobacco cash between 1997 and 2000, along with amount taken by each recipient.
Industry Donations Favor Bush, Republican
Philip Morris is the second biggest contributor to the GOP in the current election; Center for Reponsive Politics report identifies top 10 Congressional recipients of tobacco money
The Quiet Victory of the Cigarette Lobby
Article originally published in 1965 in the Atlantic Monthly looks at the tobacco industry's power in Congress.
Control of "Grasstops" Government
1993 Philip Morris memo reveals much about industry strategy and tactics for influencing government.
Pro-tobacco group sponsors retreat for lawmakers
Dozens of congressmen and congressional aides spent the weekend at a lavish resort in a getaway sponsored by the tobacco industry's lobbying group.
Direct Lobbying of Political Parties by the Tobacco Industry
Industry documents show how Philip Morris ran its campaign in Australia, and which politicians took money from the tobacco giant.
Tobacco Political Action Committees, 2000
Summary of political action committee giving by tobacco company, comes to about $2.4 million, broken down by company.
The Tobacco Presidency
Essay discusses the tobacco connections of George W. Bush.
Jesse Helms's honeypot
Column by Russ Baker comments on the Helms Center, and why the tobacco industry is a heavy funder.
The Politics of Tobacco
Northwestern University School of Journalism coverage of tobacco industry lobbying.
Philip Morris' Latest Smoke Screen
BusinessWeek news analysis finds Philip Morris's call for FDA regulation "has little to do with health -- and a lot to do with self-interest."
Big Tobacco Crashes the Party by Funding Fetes
Seattle Times article on tobacco money at the 2000 DNC convention. Barred from the official sponsor status at the convention, the industry instead gave undisclosed and unregulated gifts to buy private parties for lawmakers.
Tobacco Wars: Canada
Article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal describes the tobacco industry's power in Canada.
Tobacco Industry Spent More Than $20 Million to Lobby Congress in 2002
New report totals that cash the tobacco industry spent to lobby Congress in 2002: over $100,000 per day every day Congress was in session, not even including campaign conributions.
Tobacco Industry Spent $10.6 Million to Lobby Congress in First Half of 2003
As Congress conducted negotiations over major tobacco legislation for the first time in years, the tobacco industry spent over $10 million to lobby Congress, over $116,000 every day Congress was in sessoin.