Web Pages
Smoking costs faced by employers
Costs due to increased absenteeism, productivity, insurance; summary of research.
Smoking-Attributable Medical Care Costs
Identifies the medical care costs attributable to cigarette smoking for the United States for 1993; describes in detail the collection of econometric models that are used to calculate these costs.
BERA - Reports
Set of reports on medical and other costs of smoking.
Economic Impact of Smoking in Pacific Islands
Complete online book. Outlines the different types of cost; who bears the cost; estimating the costs; future smoking costs trends in developing countries; policy implications.
CDC's STATE: Tobacco Behavior, Economics & Health Cost
Can select a state and find out the smoking-attributable expenditures for that state. Breaks the cost down by ambulatory, hospital, nursing home, drug, and other expenses.
Tobacco Facts: The Cost of Tobacco
Factsheet from Youth Media Network summarizes cost of hospitalizations, lost earnings, doctor visits, care of low-birth-weight babies. All sources cited.
Smoking costs factsheet
From the Missouri Health Department. Covers costs from treating disease, fires, lost productivity, workplace injuries.
Fire Safe Cigarette
Cost of fires started by dropped (not fire safe) cigarettes.
Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life Lost, and Economic Costs
CDC report; every pack of cigarettes costs $3.45 for medical care attributable to smoking and $3.73 in productivity losses, for a total cost of $7.18 per pack.
Medical Costs of Smoking in the United States
Article examines the literature available, the estimates arrived at, their validity, and their implications.
Smokers Filling Hospitals
The cost of smoking in terms of healthcare at one Irish hostpial is estimated: the hospital's budget was about £177 million per year, and about half the 500 to 600 patients were there because of smoking.
Per capita costs of tobacco use (in 1993 U.S. dollars)
Costs shown broken down into direct health care costs, costs of indirect mortality and indirect morbidity; for Canada, the U.S., and Australia. Supporting research identified for each cost estimate.
State Estimates of Total Medical Expenditures Attributable to Cigarette Smoking, 1993
1993 report breaks down costs by state.
Estimates of Smoking-Attributable Deaths at Ages 15-54, Motherless or Fatherless Youths, and Resulting Social Security Costs
Research paper estimates the cost of Social Security payments to children of parents killed by cigarettes.
Economic Damages and the Tobacco Litigation
Collection of evidence introduced into trial on the costs tobacco products place on the smoker, the family, government, and society; most documents in PDF format.
The Cost of Smoking in California, 1999
Extensive report adds up the cost to $15.8 billion, breaks it down by type of cost, disease, gender, county, and includes estimates for lost productivity, secondhand smoke. PDF format.
The Economic Implications of Tobacco Product Sales in a Nontobacco State
Research concludes that "reducing or eliminating tobacco product spending in Michigan will increase employment in the state, as well as health."
Smoking-Attributable Medical Care Costs Incurred by the State of Texas: 1967-2007
Complete report available online.
Smoking and Lifetime Medical Expenditures
Research concludes "the cumulative impact of excess medical care required by smokers at all ages while alive outweighs shorter life expectancy, and smokers incur higher expenditures for medical care over their lifetimes than never-smokers".
Costs of Health Damage and Productivity Losses Attributable to Smoking in Germany
The European Journal of Public Health: scientific article.
Smoking cost to employers
Article reports on the cost of higher insurance premiums, greater sick time, smoke breaks, lost productivity, higher fire insurance rates, higher maintenance costs.
Motherless and Fatherless Youth and Smoking-Attributable Deaths
Abstract and full text of article.
Costs of Smoking in Australia
Community costs; direct costs; lives lost; disease and death; intangible costs; hospital costs; fires; other costs.
Costs of Tobacco Consumption in Sydney
Report estimates the medical costs of tobacco in Central Sydney, Australia.
The Global Politics of Tobacco
A look at the global costs of growing and using the crop.
Smoking, tobacco costs Medicaid $12.9 billion annually
Report: Smoking, tobacco costs Medicaid $12.9 billion annually Report measures the national Medicaid cost of smoking and tobacco at $12.9 billion/year; more than the tobacco settlement payments will cover.
Smoking-Caused Fires Cost $27.2 Billion Annually
Analysis shows smoking is a leading cause of fires and death from fires globally, resulting in an estimated cost of nearly $7 billion in the United States and $27.2 billion worldwide in 1998.
Impact of Cigarette Smoking on Medicaid Costs is $322 Billion in 25 Years
University of California health care economists created the first detailed picture of the impact of cigarette smoking on Medicaid costs in all 50 states.
Smoking Cessation and Absence from Work
Scientific article: quitting smoking reduces absences from work.
Costs of Employee Smoking in the Workplace
Research measures costs to employers of smoking in the workplace in Scotland.
Cost of Tobacco-Related Disability Among U.S. Veterans
Economic report estimates the cost of tobacco-caused disease among currently living U.S. veterans.
Costs of Smoking are Triple Those of Illicit Drugs
Results of a study on the social costs of drug use in Australia.
The Economic Consequences of Smoking in Ontario
Research measures the total cost of smoking in Ontario is US$2.91 billion. Associated with these economic costs are health-related harms: 69,318 hospital separations; 1,007,647 days stay in hospitals; 11,648 deaths resulting in more than 171,443 person-years lost.
The Cost of Smoking in Canada, 1991
Smoking-attributable health care costs in Canada were $2.5 billion (CAN). Additional costs included $1.5 billion for residential care, $2 billion due to increased absenteeism, $80 million due to fires, and $10.5 billion due to lost future income caused by premature death. This report has the details.
Health Care Costs of Smoking
Abstract of recent research estimates percentage of total health care costs attributable to smoking.
The Economics of Tobacco
Includes summary of the cost of smoking in the UK.
Economics of Tobacco
What are the costs? Who pays? And are anti-tobacco policies cost-effective? Short paper considers these questions.
The Health Care Costs of Smoking
Economic analysis concludes cigarettes and other tobacco products represent about 10% of all health care costs in America.
Money To Burn
News story itemizes some of the costs of smoking.
$72.7 Billion: Smoking's Annual Health Care Cost
The total cost of caring for people with health problems caused by cigarette smoking is about $72.7 billion per year, according to health economists at the University of California. "You expect a figure of this magnitude for the impact of smoking on health care, when you consider that one in five deaths per year is due to cigarette use," said the study's author. Smoking accounted for 11.8 percent of all medical expenditures in the U.S.
Death and Taxes
Analysis of Philip Morris study on economics of tobacco use.
Motherless Or Fatherless Youth And Social Security Survivors Insurance Costs
Estimates cost of Social Security payments made for youths who became motherless or fatherless due to tobacco use.
Cigarettes Not Only Cause More Time Off Work, But Also Lower Productivity
Reserach summary. Estimates that tobacco products cost employers $47 billion dollars in 1990.
Young Healthy Smokers Take Significantly More Days Off Work
Research that followed over 80,000 employees for over 2 years finds smoking has significant costs for employers, even among younger workers.
Secondhand Smoke Costs
Secondhand smoke costs you $70 per year, according to an economic analysis by a Indiana University professor.
Medical-Care Expenditures Attributable to Cigarette Smoking -- United States, 1993
From OncoLink, the medical bill from smoking: about $72 billion a year. Medicare costs: about $20 billion.
The Costs of Alcohol, Tobacco and Illicit Drugs in Canada, 1992
Tobacco generated more costs than alcohol, and more than 7 times as much as all illegal drugs combined.
Economic Impact of Smoking
Very short factsheet, but all sources cited.
Truth About Tobacco: Economic Costs
Cost of tobacco in Canada from worker absenteeism, fires, and lost income due to premarure death.
The Health Costs of Smoking
Short factsheet measures the UK cost of tobacco products in different ways.