Web Pages
The Safer Cigarette: What the Tobacco Industry Could Do..and Why It Hasn't Done it
ASH-UK paper; a survey of 25 years of patents for innovations to reduce toxic and carcinogenic chemicals in tobacco smoke.
Why Low Tar Cigarettes Don't Work and How the Tobacco Industry Has Fooled the Smoking Public
Smokers could be forgiven for believing that low tar cigarettes deliver less tar to the smoker's lung. However, the actual tar exposure, and hence health risk, from smoking low tar brands may be the almost the same as for conventional cigarettes. ASH-UK report.
Cigarette design - additives, low-tar and 'safe' cigarettes
ASH UK Paper on development of "free nicotine" product.
"Light" Cigarettes, Heavy Damage
National Cancer Institute finds that low-tar, low-nicotine cigarettes are no safer than any other cigarettes, contrary to tobacco industry marketing messages of less risk.
Additives Found in American Cigarettes
Ingredients added to tobacco in the manufacturing of cigarettes by the five major American cigarette manufacturing companies.
Spiking Tobacco: How to Keep Smokers Hooked - SMOKING CESSATION - 7/19/99
Documentation on how Tobacco Companies manipulate tobacco to keep smokers hooked - From the Guide
Low-Tar Cigarettes: No Benefit to Public Health
Millions of Americans smoke "low-tar," "mild," or "light" cigarettes, believing they're less hazardous. But scientific experts conclude that public health has not been served by changes in cigarette design and manufacturing over the last 50 years; this paper explains.
What's in Tobacco
Reports on additives and ingredients, and the chemical onstituents in tobacco smoke.
Statement on Nicotine-Containing Cigarettes by David A. Kessler, M.D.
Provides information on industry manipulation and control of nicotine in cigarettes.
Memos Show Tobacco Firms Were Obsessed With Nicotine
New York Times article reports on confidential internal memos of Philip Morris, Lorillard, and RJ Reynolds.
Philip Morris Australia Additives
Additives listed by brand for cigarettes made by Philip Morris, Imperial, and BAT in Australia.
Free-basing Nicotine: State of the Art
1973 R. J. Reynolds discovery of why Philip Morris's Marlboro was selling so well: it was being engineered with ammonia to increase the nicoctine kick.
Manufacturing Tobacco
Science site explains how the tobacco industry controls nicotine levels and uses ammonia to engineer the product for addiction.
Cigarette Filters May Have Added to Health Risk
New study says Philip Morris knew, but didn't fix the problem.
Cigarettes With Defective Filters Sold For 40 Years
Philip Morris knowingly marketed cigarettes with defective filters for 40 years, according to recent research.
1997 Cigarette Nicotine Disclosure Report
Massachusetts Department of Public Health developed a testing method which better simulates smoking; nicotine deliveries are reported from these tests; there are no significant differences in the total nicotine content of regular, "light" or "ultra-light" cigarettes.
Cigarettes Engineered for Addiction
BBC News article on substances added to cigarettes by the industry to increase their addictiveness.
Cigarette Filter Ventilation is a Defective Design
Scientific article finds that cigarette filters are a success for the industry and a tragedy for the customer, because the industry gets an cheap-to-make cigarette that beats the standard tar tests, reassures smokers with a lighter taste, and facilitates the taking of bigger, compensating puffs that cause more lethal cancer.
Ammonia Added to Cigarettes Can Significantly Boost Availability of Nicotine
Independent research confirms that ammonia added to ciarettes can boost the availability of nicotine up to 100 times.
Minnesota vs. Tobacco February 4, 1998
Trial transcript of testimony from expert witness Dr. Channing Robertson covers R&D and engineering of the cigarette product.
Philip Morris Memo Likens Nicotine to Cocaine
Prizewinning reporting reveals facts about cigarette design and nicotine.
ScienceDaily Magazine -- Tobacco Smoke Flavoring Contains Hazardous Chemicals
Scientists have new data that toxic flavoring chemicals put in cigarettes are reaching smokers through cigarette smoke and may pose health hazards of their own.
Secrets of Big Tobacco
News article follows the trial of industry memos that discuss how and why to manipulate cigarette chemistry.
Eclipse Cigarettes
Independent research finds that Eclipse exposes the smoker to more cancer-causing chemicals than regular cigarettes.
'Safer' Cigarettes May Be Not Be Safer
Recent research finds that Advance, Eclipse, and Accord, which are marketed as safer, may not be safer at all, and may even lead to increased addiction.
Cigarettes: a Complex Cocktail of Chemicals
BBC Report. More than 600 substances can be legally added to cigarettes, many of which act to increase the addictive impact of nicotine.
Nicotine and the Tobacco Industry
Science Week article focuses on 3 decades of tobacco industry efforts to engineer cigarettes for addiction.
Public Misled Over Fire-safe Cigarettes
New Scientist article reports the tobacco industry misled the public and legislators over fire-safe cigarettes, according to internal tobacco industry documents.
Addiction and Cigarettes as Nicotine Delivery Devices
Chapter from The Cigarette Papers covers what has been learned from industry secret documents regarding what the industry knew about nicotine and when it knew it.
Tobacco ingredients, additives, and radioactivity
Chapter in the Tobacco Reference Guide.
Timeline: Chemical Manipulation of Tobacco Products
Industry documents over time reveal the history of product engineering for addiction.
Philip Morris Employee Says Company Thwarted Attempts to Make Safer Cigarettes
CourtTV and AP reporting on testimony of former Philip Morris employee on the tobacco company's practice of ending research on safer cigarettes.
Tobacco's Seven Deadly Secrets of Nicotine Delivery
Article from onocology newsletter summarizes methods of engineering cigarettes for addiction.
FTC Cigarette Testing
1997 RFC from the FTC. FTC tar and nicotine numbers are inaccurate, for reasons they outline. The smoker actually inhales substantially more tar and nicotine than the numbers state.
Tobacco Products
Testing methods and toxic constituents of tobacco products.
Cigarettes with Defective Filters Marketed for 40 years: What Philip Morris Never Told Smokers
Article in scientific journal article explains what "fall-out" is, what Philip Morris knew about it and when they knew it, and what smokers didn't know.
Designing a Cigarette for the First Time Smoker
Article in scientific journal examines how R. J. Reynolds designed a cigarette to appeal to new customers.
ABC DayOne: Smoke Screen
Now-famous segment on nicotine manipulation in cigarettes.
'Impact Booster': Tobacco Firm Shows How Ammonia Spurs Delivery of Nicotine
1996 Pulitzer prize-winning reporting on how the tobacco industry uses ammonia to engineer cigarettes for addiction.
Smoking Kills: The Tobacco White Paper
Speech by Cliff Douglas to the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, detailing the different ways cigarette product is engineered for addiction.
ABC's Memorandum In Support of Summary Judgement
ABC's court response contains much information on cigarette design and nicotine manipulation.
Cigarette Additives by Brand
Searchable database lists additives by brand or manufacturer.
Manipulating Addictiveness of Tobacco
Once secret industry memos and other court-released documents address industry manipulation of tobacco's addictive properties.
Researcher Publishes First Measurements of 'Free-base' Nicotine in Cigarette Smoke
Research measures a more highly addictive form of nicotine in cigarettes and finds that "the modern cigarette does to nicotine what crack does to cocaine".
"Crack" Nicotine in Cigarettes Varies Widely
New research measures amount of free-base nicotine in "the modern cigarette, a highly engineered nicotine delivery device".
Cigarettes are Nicotine Delivery Devices
Collection of FDA papers in PDF format, much of which concerns design and manufacture of cigarettes.
A Safer Cigarette? Prove It, Say Critics
JAMA article provides scientific evaluation of claims R.J. Reynold is making about its new tobacco product.
OncoLink: The Control and Manipulation of Nicotine and Cigarettes
1994 news article. Kessler report on how the tobacco industry controls and manipulates nicotine in its product.
FTC Accepts Settlements of Charges that "Alternative" Cigarette Ads Are Deceptive
FTC action highlights claims made by makers of "natural" or "no additives" cigarettes.
Low Tar Product Category
Case study of tobbaco industry internal marketing documents shows considerable concern with exploiting smokers' perceptions that low-tar product were safer, and no concern with actually making the product safer.
Prying Open the Door to the Tobacco Industry's Secrets About Nicotine
Article in medical journal surveys industry documents produced in litigation, and finds the tobacco industry knew for decades that nicotine is an addictive drug, and knew ways to design cigarettes to make them more addictive.
AMA Warns About Misleading Tobacco Ads
American Medical Association warns that ads for Omni cigarettes are making dangerously misleading claims, and that in fact there's no scientific data that show an Omni smokers is less likely to develop lung cancer.
Nicotine and Addiction: the Brown and Williamson Documents
Once-secret memos show the tobacco industry had a sophisticated and scientifically accurate understanding of nicotine pharmacology, including an explicit recognition of nicotine's addictiveness, more than 30 years ago.
Why and How a Cigarette Maker Created a More Addictive Tobacco
Article on tobacco industry research into nicotine and addiction, and R&D efforts to engineer more addictive product.