Web Pages
Tobacco History
Collection of links to histories.
The Price of Coffins: Specious Arguments by Eeminent Doctors against the Dangers of Tobacco
Letter to the British medical Journal reviews some tobacco, medical, and public policy history: "good evidence showed that smoking causes lung cancer; the media's response to this information was initially resistant; specious arguments were used to detract from the real issue, which confused the general public and lessened its concern; after 40 years there has been little change in smoking rates."
History Net- The History of Tobacco
Reprinting of the Tobacco Timeline.
The Tobacco Wars
Colorful web site provides a capsule history of tobacco, from 1492 to 1988. Where did the tobacco industry as we know it come from, and when and how did the existence of tobacco turn into the selling and promotion of tobacco? This site has answers.
Breed's Collection of Tobacco History Sites
An annotated bibliography of websites with information on the history of tobacco.
George Seldes on Tobacco
The scientific studies on the health effects of tobacco go back to 1938, but few papers were running stories about it: their leading advertisers were the tobacco companies. George Seldes (1890-1995) was an exception; a set of his tobacco stories from 1940 to 1950 is reprinted here.
Tobacco Ads of the 1940s and 1950s
A growing collection of pre-1960's print tobacco marketing.
Tobacco War: Inside the California Battles
Book on the California tobacco history from the 1970s on. book information, reviews, ordering information.
History Today: Smoking Gun
Matthew Hilton examines the mystique surrounding tobacco, the history of tobacco industry, government and consumer actions on smoking in the UK.
1964 tobacco industry memo
The 1964 confidential memo on the U.S. tobacco industry, written by a team from the UK tobacco industry.
The Tobacco Epidemic: Historical Lessons
Essay surveys the history and effects of tobacco use.
smoking and Disease: The Tobacco Industry's Earliest Responses
Chapter from a book on the Brown and Williamson papers documents how the tobacco industry responded in the 1950s and 1960s to the emerging medical evidence about the product.
RCP Report - 40 Fatal Years
A Review of the 40 years since the publication of the 1962 Report of the Royal College of Physicians on Smoking and Health (UK). The original publication is presented along with some analysis on what happened since.
WCCO Channel 4000 News: Tobacco on Trial
Extensive history of the groundbreaking Minnesota trial. Provides links into the record and testimony; documents key evidence and events in the trial.
A Capsule History of Tobacco
Tobacco Timeline; extensive yet concise timeline of key dates in tobacco history.
The InTouch Interview With David Kessler, MD
Covers history of tobacco as it relates to regulation.
A Chronology of Tobacco in the Civilized World
Outline of tobacco and tobacco industry history shows trends.
Tobacco War: Inside the California Battles
Complete, online book by Glantz and Birnbach provides over 30 years of experience gained in tobacco control in California.
Brief Use of Tobacco Use and Abuse
An account of the development of the use of the drug in the western world.
The Quiet Victory of the Cigarette Lobby
Article originally published in 1965 in the Atlantic Monthly looks at the tobacco industry's power in Congress.
Cigarettes and the 1964 Report of the Surgeon General's Advisory Committee
From the 1972 Consumers Union report on licit and illicit drugs.
Tobacco Lawyers and the Case For Cover-up Reform
Column on legal affairs reviews history of tobacco industry and its lawyers.
Interview with Richard Peto
Richard Peto was one of the first to realize that tobacco products were killing their customers; interview covers the discovery, public health and public policy, and the sheer size of tobacco death.
Tobacco's Big Lie
Former President and Nobel Prize winner Jimmy Carter surveys tobacco history, and concludes that the tobacco industry cannot be trusted.
Scientist's Story Hurt Tobacco Industry
Dr. Victor DeNoble, a former senior scientist at Philip Morris, tells his story.
History of Tobacco Regulation
From the Schaffer Library of Drug Policy; covers the 1600s through the mid 1970s.
The Cigarette Papers
Showcases the contrast between the tobacco industry's private knowledge and its public statements over the past 50 years.
The truth is, anti-smoking ads work
Article from the Palm Beach Post covers the use of paid media by the industry and by anti-smoking campaigns.
The Anti-Tobacco Campaign of the Nazis
Report about anti-tobacco public health program in Germany from 1933-45, supported by Nazi medical and military leaders as part of their concern for racial and bodily purity.