Pectus Excavatum
Home>Conditions_and_Diseases>Musculoskeletal_Disorders>Congenital_Anomalies>Pectus Excavatum
Web Pages
Pectus Excavatum Surgical Procedure
A child's experience with Pectus Excavatum Surgery.
Scott's Pectus Page
Personal page of an adult who had pectus surgery. Before and after pictures and a very large guestbook.
Dr.Haje's Non-surgical Method of Correcting Pectus
Detailed description, with pictures, of the non-surgical exercise-plus-bracing method developed by Brazilian Dr. Sydney Haje to correct Pectus carinatum (PC) and mild Pectus excavatum (PE).
Dr. Leonard's Corrective Procedure for Pectus Excavatum and Pectus Carinatum
Introduction to the method developed by Dr. Arnold Leonard to correct Pectus excavatum (PE) and carinatum (PC), using an external brace and a version of the modified Ravitch surgery.
Nuss Method of Surgical Correction of Pectus excavatum
Description of the minimally invasive surgery used by Dr. Donald Nuss to repair pectus excavatum (funnel chest), using a contoured bar and involving no cutting of cartilage or bone. With pictures.
Correction of Pectus at UCLA Medical Centre, Dr. Fonkalsrud
Introduction to the modified Ravitch corrective surgery used to repair Pectus excavatum and carinatum by Dr. Eric Fonkalsrud. With pictures.
My Pectus Excavatum Experience
Includes personal experience with the nuss procedure, surgery information, medical tests, and photos.
Nutrition and Pectus excavatum
Part of Sandy Simmons' "Health and Logic" site, exploring nutritional influences in many connective tissue and other health problems, including pectus, rickets/osteomalacia and other structural abnormalities affected by nutrient deficiencies or nutrient processing problems.
Pectus Excavatum
Information on the condition with profile, weblog, forum and other useful links.