Web Pages
Neural Signals, Inc
Neural Signals provides alternative communication methods to locked in patients through direct brain to computer interface.
ALS Therapy Development Foundation
Using entrepreneurial spirit and techniques to seek out and develop promising therapies to slow, arrest and cure ALS.
Hope Pharmaceuticals Sal-Tropine Tablets
Information about controlling drooling, from the ALS Messenger.
New Hope Discoveries
ALS research and recovery information.
ALS/MND Research and Possible Treatments
ALS/MND research, antioxidants, medications, supplements, therapies and diet.
Gus Online
Software for speech output (communication) and computer access specifically for people with ALS.
ALS and SOD1 Mutations
Online database for ALS/SOD1 genetic mutations.
ALS Research: Medicinal Effect of Human Umbilical Cord Blood on ALS.
Positive, medicinal effects of HUCB on mice with ALS.
LEF ALS Therapy Protocol
alternative therapy protocol for ALS developed by LEF, the Life Extension Foundation. - ALS
Explanation of some ALS medications.