Web Pages
The Allergy Research Institute
Pune, India
Asthma and Allergy Information and Research: AAIR
UK based site, with lots of helpful information on asthma, allergies, hayfever.
Asthma Clinical Research Network: ACRN
A multi-center group designed to conduct multiple studies of asthma. Dedicated to conducting well designed clinical trials for evaluation of new and existing therapeutic approaches for asthma and for dissemination of laboratory and clinical findings to the health care community.
Allergological Mite Research in Germany
The German bio-scientific website about mite allergy and research. Site in German and English.
Allergen Response Research Center
Conducts Phase II - Phase IV clinical studies. Designed to provide an atmosphere with uniform concentrations of naturally occurring allergens for periods up to 12 hours. Georgia based.
Allergome - A Database of Allergenic Molecules
Contains information on allergenic molecules causing allergic diseases like asthma, rhinitis, urticaria, anaphylaxis. Biological and clinical information as well as links to other related web sites are provided.
UCB Institute of Allergy
Gives health professionals more information about allergy and works with international organisations to promote awareness of allergy as a public health problem.