News and Articles
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Web Pages
NOVA Online | The Truth about Impotence | Questions and Answers
The text of the May 12, 1998 live event RealAudio question and answer session with Dr. Irwin Goldstein, additional questions and answers sent in following the live event, and the entire set of questions and answers in list form.
NOVA Online | Transcripts | The Truth About Impotence
Script of the May 12, 1998 NOVA/PBS broadcast "The Truth About Impotence"
Erectile Dysfunction - Doctor's Guide to the Internet
The latest medical news and information for patients or friends/parents of patients diagnosed with Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) and Erectile Dysfunction-related disorders. : Alternatives to Viagra
Learning techniques and alternatives on male impotence.
Provocative Prescriptions
A glimpse into the uncomfortable world of impotence drug names. How did Viagra, Muse, and Caverject get their names?
Erectile Dysfunction Causes
Article that discussed the causes of impotence which may be vascular, neurogenic, hormonal, drug-related, psychogenic, or a combination thereof.
Erectile Dysfunction Under Age 40
Digital Urology Journal articles with information about etiology and role of contributing factors.
Impotence: A Woman's Perspective
An article about the woman's response to her mate's impotence.
Article discusses the evidence suggesting a vegetarian diet can improve and possible eliminate impotence.
Men who walk two miles a day reduce risk of impotence and improved sexual function according to research.