Personal Pages         
Web Pages
National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation
An organization where people with albinism, their families and those that work with them can get information, ask questions and share their experiences.
Information on albimism and how it affects a boy.
International Albinism Center
At the University of Minnesota a team of dedicated research professionals interested in understanding the basis of albinism in humans. Facts about this disorder as well as glossary of terms provided.
Albinism in Popular Culture
Explore the mythology of albinism.
PanAmerican Society for Pigment Cell Research
Scientific society devoted to those of us interested in various aspects of pigment cells.
Eye MD Links
An article about albinism as well as ocular albinism, related conditions, testing and who treats this.
Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Network Inc
Information and resources about the syndrome and albinism.
The Albinism Fellowship UK
Voluntary organisation that aims to provide information, advice and support, for people with Albinism.
Albinism looks at this disorder and its alternative names. A definition and a look at the causes, incidence and risk factors.