Web Pages
Treadmill Buying Guide
Informational site sponsered by Leisure Fitness. Offers buying information to the consumer's looking to buy treadmills.
Advanced Fitness: Treadmill Reviews
From a merchant sales page, a detailed comparison of performance and features of treadmills.
Picking a Treadmill
2000 article from Kiplinger's.
Epinions: Treadmills
Consumer opinion, tips, advice for shoppers.
Suzanne Hildreth highlights important features of treadmills to consider before making a purchase.
Buying a Treadmill
A certified personal trainer discusses just what to look for.
Treadmill Reviews: Good Housekeeping
Comparison and recommendations for 6 treadmill models, based on motor specs, noise levels, shock absorption, price, and other features. (Feb 2000)
New Treadmill Reviews sells treadmills and accessories but also reviews them with brief summaries.
How to Shop for a Treadmill
Tips on what to look for in a quality motorized treadmill, from a merchant sales site, Stafford Fitness Online.
ConsumerSearch.comTreadmills Product Reviews and Reports
Identifies which products reviewers like and dislike, where they agree or disagree, and why.
Consumer Guide Best Buys: Treadmills
Staff reviewers analyze products and recommend the best.
Selecting and Effectively Using a Home Treadmill
The American College of Sports Medicine's guide to purchasing and using a treadmill. [PDF Format].