Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder
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Web Pages
Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Home Page
Collected resources of a parent who is researching SPD. Features links to overviews and intervention articles concerning SPD and related disorders.
What is Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder?
Article by Julia Muggleton explaining this complex topic. Published by the Surrey Branch of National Autistic Society.
Semantic and Pragmatic Problems and SPLD
Difficulties with semantics and pragmatics and how they relate to Semantic-Pragmatic Language Disorder (SPLD), an autism spectrum disorder.
Semantic Pragmatic Disorder
Essay by speech-language pathologist Margo Sharp. Provides historical perspectives on the disorder and describes current approaches to its diagnosis and treatment.
Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Message Board
Use this board to search for information, ask for advice, or discuss concerns about this, or related disorders.
Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Parents' Page
For UK families, resources and information concerning semantic-pragmatic disorder--a language/communication disorder that is commonly found in children on the Autistic Spectrum.