Personal Pages
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Web Pages
Another View on Brain Tumor
Making a Difference.
Joy Ferguson's Brain Tumor Story
The story of the brain cancer called giloblastoma multiforme and its effects. Where a Brain Tumor Survivor Lives...
I am a seven-year survivor of a brain tumor, and want to stress how important research is.
Joanne - A Medical Journey
This is one woman's story of her courageous battle with brain cancer and the medical system.
Marg`s Journey
The web diary of a 54 year old woman diagnosed with a glioblastoma multiforme brain tumour.
Our Angel Shad
Our son Shad McKell and his battle against a cancerous brain tumor. With links to other pediatric cancer and memorial sites.
Kirra's story
18 month old Kirra's story after diagnosis with a benign astrocytoma located in the cerebellum brain region. MRI scans, links and updates.
After the Surgery
The story long-term behavioral problems in a teenage boy who is post-operative surgery for a craniopharyngioma tumor. In French and English.
A Memorial to Faith Emily Altbush
A memorial site to a child who died in 2001 of a diffuse pontine glioma brain tumor. The parents have included a series of articles describing their daughter's illness and the lessons that they drew from this experience.
Kyla's Story
This is a site to keep family and friends updated on Kyla's courageous battle with the brain cancer called giloblastoma multiforme.
Kelin's Story
Kelin's personal story about a battle with a pituitary brain tumor called a craniopharyngioma.
Kessia McConnell's site
A web site that describes the experiences of a family coping with the illness of their daughter who died in 2002 of a diffuse pontine glioma brain tumor.
Olivia Augustus Spiros: Celebration of Life
At 31 months young of age Olivia was diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. Provides memories, remembrances and information about the memorial funds established in her honor.
Lacey Jo Stoops
Chronicles Lacey's battle with diffuse pontine brainstem glioma.
Adam Bennett Brain Tumour Foundation
UK entity based on the experiences of a young man who has been diagnosed with two different CNS cancers. Located in Essex, England.
Information on Gareth and his struggle with brain cancer. Includes a prayer list, message board and pictures.