Web Pages
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
Independent, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the advancement of pharmacotherapy.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine
Official journal of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine and the Society for Pharmaceutical Medicine.
Polish Journal of Pharmacology
Publishes papers concerning all aspects of pharmacology. Article abstracts are available online.
Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology
A journal of pharmacological and biophysical research. Sample issue available online.
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
Articles reporting on clinical trials and studies, side effects, drug interactions, overdose management, pharmacogenetics, pharmacokinetics, medico-legal issues, and psychiatric effects of non-psychiatric drugs.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Reports on advances in cardiovascular drug research and use. Table of contents, author guidelines, editorial board and subscription information.
Clinical Neuropharmacology
Bimonthly journal devoted to the pharmacology of the nervous system. Contents, author guidelines, editorial board and subscription information.
Behavioural Pharmacology
Focusing on research in ethopharmacology to the pharmacology of schedule-controlled operant behaviour. Table of contents, author guidelines, editorial board and subscription information.
Table of contents, author guidelines, editorial board and subscription information.
Direct links to pharmacology journals.
Archiv der Pharmazie
Devoted to research and development in all fields of pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry and publishes original papers, reviews, short notes and communications on new research results.
Iranian Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
IJPT publishes quarterly regular research papers, reviews, mini-reviews and case reports which deal with all aspects of experimental and clinical pharmacology.
American Journal of Therapeutics
Access to full-text content, online-only content, features and services, author submission materials and title-specific information. An LWWonline partner.
Drug Discovery and Development
Articles covering genomics, bioinformics, cellular biology, transgenics and stem cell research as it applies to the medical and pharmaceutical industries.
FDC Reports
Features articles covering regulatory, legislative and business news that is related to the pharmacology industry. Includes a searchable database of FDA television meetings.
Nature Reviews - Drug Discovery
A monthly journal aimed at dealing with drug discovery and development.
Journal of Drug Assessment
A quarterly publication, available on subscription, covering all aspects of drug evaluation.