Vitamins and Minerals
Home>Conditions_and_Diseases>Nutrition_and_Metabolism_Disorders>Vitamins and Minerals
Beriberi   Deficiency, Dependency and Toxicity   Menkes' Syndrome   
Osteomalacia   Pellagra   Rickets   
Scurvy   Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome   Wilson's Disease   
Web Pages
Introduction to Coenzyme Q10
Peter H. Langsjoen, M.D., F.A.C.C. gives a definition, history, deficiency, frequently asked questions and the future of this vitamin.
Consensus Statement on Optimal Calcium Intake Published in JAMA
Answers all questions about the intake of calcium from birth on through each age.
Magnesium: We Don't Appear To Be Getting Enough
Science News Online: A look at the different uses for this mineral such as for high blood pressure, headaches and what foods to find this mineral in.
Linus Pauling Lectures on Vitamin C and Heart Disease
Two-time Nobel laureate and the world's foremost vitamin C proponent. An article about the man and the vitamin.
An FDA Guide to Dietary Supplements
A framework for FDA regulation of dietary supplements, requiring consumers, as well as manufacturers, to be responsible for checking the safety of these products and determining the truthfulness of their label claims.
Magnesium Deficiencies
Reviews Mitral Valve Prolapse as a symptom of a magnesium deficiency as well as Anxiety and Psychiatric Disorders, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and many other disorders.
Do You Need a Multivitamin/Mineral Supplement?
Questions about your own eating habits to determine by a point system whether one is obtaining enough nutrients.