West Nile Virus
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Web Pages
CDC: West Nile Virus
Background, entomology, vertebrate ecology, NYC area outbreak, virology, surveillance, control, prevention, and bibliography regarding West Nile virus infection in the U.S.
Maryland West Nile Virus
Basic facts from the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
West Nile Fever.com
Fact sheet, tips for prevention, symptoms and care, West Nile Hotlines and spray schedules.
West Nile Virus
Fact sheets and advisories from the US Geological Survey as well as link to additional information.
New York City Department of Health - West Nile Virus
Information, fact sheets, reporting forms and local news related to the West Nile Virus in the New York City area.
West Nile Virus - Vads Corner
Features links to information about the disease, with the focus on news links.
US Department of Agriculture: West Nile Virus
Information on the current status of this disease and its prevention and control in horses, poultry, and other livestock.
West Nile Virus Response Manual
A free stat manual for the identification, management and treatment of the West Nile Virus.
Information on West Nile virus and encephalitis. Offers the background, transmission, prevention, symptoms and resources.
West Nile Virus
Background information for journalists covering the topic.
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, West Nile Virus
Features articles, news stories, and fact sheet.
Louisiana OPH Infectious Disease Epidemiology Program: West Nile Virus and Other Arboviruses
Surveillance for WNV was initiated in Louisiana in the Spring 2000 and involves 16 sentinel hospital emergency rooms, sentinel chicken flocks, mosquitoes, horses, and birds. Includes news releases and reports.
West Nile Virus and Bird Surveillance Program in Kansas
Offers information on the status of West Nile Virus in Kansas, gives information on how to report a dead bird, and provides links to additional sites for information on west nile virus in North America.
Ohio West Nile Virus
Links to West Nile sites concerning Ohio.
National Safety Council Fact Sheet : West Nile Virus
Includes information about the disease and the mosquitoes that carry it.
West Nile Virus Maps - nationalatlas.gov
Maps showing west nile virus distribution 2000.
National Biological Information Infrastructure : West Nile Virus
Provides data, information, and maps related to outbreaks of the West Nile virus and mosquito-borne encephalitis in the United States.
West Nile Virus Surveillance Information - Bureau of Infectious Diseases - PPHB - Health Canada
Information about the disease and the efforts in Canada to detect it.
Cornell West Nile Virus Bibliography of Scientific Literature
Bibliography, including links, of scientific articles related to the West Nile Virus.
Are Crows the New Plague Carriers?
Discussed the connection between the West Nile virus and large-scale deaths of crows. Concludes that horses and migratory birds are the main vectors for spread of the disease.
Harris County Public Health Services: West Nile Virus
Includes press releases and information about the disease in the Houston, Texas area.
Florida State Arboviral Encephalitis and West Nile Virus Information
Information for physicians, maps of locations, press releases, and how to report incidences of the diseases.
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services West Nile Virus Information
Press releases, FAQs, emergency management plan, resources for virus information, and contacts.
Pennsylvania: West Nile Virus
News releases and information about the disease in the state.
California West Nile Virus Surveillance Information Center
Information on the disease and prevention of the disease in the state.
CBC: West Nile Virus
Discussion of the spread of the disease in Canada. Basic facts, extensive links, archived news stories, and a 2000 television documentary in RealAudio format.
West Nile Virus Moves Into Wisconsin
Information from the Medical College of Wisconsin, stressing that no human cases have been found in the state, and recommending mosquito protection.
washingtonpost.com: West Nile Virus
Archive of news stories about the disease in birds, horses, and people, with emphasis on the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
eMedicine - West Nile Encephalitis
Infectious disease expert reviews clinical and laboratory data associated with the West Nile virus infection. Includes guidelines on diagnosis, encephalitis and meningitis treatment, and patient care.
eMedicine - West Nile Virus
Dr. David Donson offers a report on the symptoms of West Nile virus infection such as flulike fever, encephalitis, and meningitis. Includes information on emergency care and mosquito bite prevention tips.
Arizona: West Nile Virus Surveillance and Prevention
Includes facts about the disease and the prevention program in the state.
Georgia Department of Public Health - Vector-borne Diseases
Information on West Nile virus and other mosquito borne diseases in the state.
Indiana State Department of Health: West Nile Virus
Features news releases, links, maps, and references. In English and Spanish.
Kentucky Department for Public Health: West Nile Virus
Information about the disease and mosquito control information.
Maine West Nile Virus Information Center
Impact of west nile virus in the state.
Mississippi State Department Of Health: West Nile Virus
Information, news releases and forms.
Massachusetts: West Nile Virus Information
Includes hotline, daily mosquito and bird update, news releases, and fact sheets.
Minnesota Department of Health : West Nile Virus and Other Mosquito-Transmitted Diseases
Features maps, fact sheets, links, and information about the disease in the state.
State and Local Government Sites - West Nile Virus
Links to official sites, including how to report dead birds.
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services: West Nile Virus
Provides disease information and surveillance results for the state.
Nebraska HHS System: West Nile Virus Surveillance Program
Includes fact sheets, surveillance information and forms, and links.
New Hampshire: West Nile Virus
General overview-history of West Nile virus, prevention, treatment, reporting processes and forms, and test results.
New York State Department of Health: West Nile Virus
Features information on the disease in the state, journalist's guide to the West Nile Virus, and fact sheet for healthcare providers.
On Watch for West Nile Virus in Oklahoma
Feature fact sheets, surveillance reports, and dead bird reporting information.
National Pesticide Information Center: West Nile Virus
Features disease information, links, statistics, and maps.
Rhode Island: West Nile Virus
Links and information about the disease and mosquito control in the state.
South Carolina: West Nile Virus
Information and resources on the disease in the state.
South Dakota Department of Health: West Nile Virus
Information about the disease in the state, links, and fact sheets.
Virginia Department of Health: West Nile Virus
Includes reporting information, prevention tips, and surveillance information in the state.
Illinois Department of Public Health: West Nile Virus
Information about the disease in the state, including news releases, surveillance information, and public education.
National Wildlife Health Center: West Nile Virus Emerges in North America
Includes maps, press releases, species affected, and fact sheets.
Annals of Internal Medicine: West Nile Virus: A Primer for the Clinician
Provides doctors with information on the diagnosis, reporting, and management of patients with suspected West Nile virus infection.
Chicago Department of Public Health: West Nile Virus
Features press releases, fact sheet, mosquito control information, and treatment areas.
USA Today: 21 West Nile deaths reported in Illinois in worst outbreak in the country
News article about the human cases of the disease in the Chicago area, plus links to other stories concerning the disease.
Inside Illinois: UI lab confirms first cases of West Nile in canines, squirrels
News report of the confirmation of fatal cases of the diease in squirrels, a wolf, and a dog.
MEDLINEplus: West Nile Virus
Features news stories and links.
Research on West Nile Virus
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases fact sheet.
Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology: West Nile Virus
History of the disease, articles, and links.
Food and Drug Administration: West Nile Virus
Features information about the possibility of the virus being in blood products, plus other fact sheets and links.
American Academy of Pediatrics: West Nile Virus Information
History and prevention of the disease.
Kids and the West Nile Virus
Risk and symptoms of the disease in children.
Idaho West Nile Virus
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Communicable Disease Prevention. General information and prevention measures.
eMedicine – West Nile Virus and Insect Bite Resource
Provides online medical reference, clinical guidelines, and full text articles for physicians and general public. Includes information on West Nile virus symptoms, carriers, transmission, and related conditions.
Montana West Nile Virus Surveillance Project
Features fact sheet and information on the disease in the state.
Iowa West Nile Virus Surveillance and Dead Bird Submission
Includes map and newsletter for health care providers.
North Dakota Arbovirus Encephalitis Surveillance Program
West Nile surveillance information for the state.
Oregon Public Health Services : West Nile Virus
Includes fact sheets and reporting information on the disease in the state.
North Carolina: West Nile Virus
Information and reports on the disease in the state.
Colorado West Nile Virus Information
From the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Press releases and information about the disease in the state.
New Scientist: Traces of West Nile virus found in UK birds
First reported confirmation of antibodies to the disease in UK birds.
Texas Department of Health Zoonosis Control Division - West Nile Virus
Information about the disease in humans, horses, and birds in Texas. Includes maps, statistics, news releases, and fact sheets about the disease.
Tennessee: West Nile Virus
Features fact sheets, disease and vector information, and surveillance information.
Vermont Department of Health: West Nile Virus Information
Includes fact sheet, news releases, and state surveillance and response plan.
Vitritis and Chorioretinitis in a Patient With West Nile Virus Infection
Abstract of Archives of Ophthalmology article about a patient presenting with floaters and other eye problems.
New Mexico Department of Health: West Nile Virus
Includes updates on the virus in the state and brochures on the disease.
Alabama: West Nile Virus
Information about the disease in the state.
Arkansas: West Nile Virus
Features press releases, surveillance, hotline, and educational materials.
Delaware Public Health: West Nile Virus
Fact sheets and statistics on the disease in the state.
District of Columbia Department of Health: West Nile Virus
Features disease information, mosquito control measures, brochures, and information for clinicians.
Hawaii: West Nile Virus Information Center
Includes disease information, brochures, FAQ, and notice to clinicians.
Kansas Epidemiologic Services: West Nile Virus
Includes fact sheets, news releases, and links.
Michigan West Nile Virus
Includes reports on the disease, press releases, educational resources, and specimen collection information.
Nevada: West Nile Virus
General information on the disease and brochures.
Utah: West Nile Virus
Includes fact sheets, press releases, and information about the disease in the state.
Washington State Department of Health: West Nile Virus
Includes press releases, FAQ, and brochures.
West Virginia: West Nile Virus
Brochures and information about the disease in the state.
Wisconsin: West Nile Virus
Includes news releases, state statistics, surveillance, and brochures.
Wyoming West Nile Virus Information
Includes news releases, surveillance information in the state, forms, and fact sheet.
International Conference on the West Nile Virus
Summary of the conference held in New York on April 5-7, 2001.
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care: West Nile Virus
Includes publications and surveillance activities.
Alberta Health and Wellness: West Nile Virus
Features prvention tips and disease information.
BBC News: Killer virus 'may have reached UK'
News article on the disease.
West Nile Equine Encephalitis: An Emerging Disease in Italy?
Scientific article about an outbreak of the disease in horses in Tuscany.
CBC News - West Nile Virus
Discussion of the spread of the disease in Canada. Includes information on patients, blood screening, tests, and prevention, as well as provincial statistics and media clips.
Montgomery County, Maryland - West Nile Virus Information
Updated statistics on cases in the county.
eMedicine Health - West Nile Virus
Consumer health resource center providing an overview of west nile virus and its causes, symptoms and treatment.