Web Pages
The Merck Manual
A look at endocarditis, the symptoms and signs, diagnosing, prognosis, prophylaxis, treatment, valve surgery, and response to treatment.
Heart Point
A look at endocarditis, explaining what it is, who should take antibiotics for dental and certain other procedures, and cardiac conditions associated with the risk.
Non-infective Endocarditis
The Merck Manual: A look at the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
Diagnosis and Management of Infective Endocarditis and Its Complications
American Heart Association Scientific Statement.
Bacterial Endocarditis
Ernest G. Brookfield, M.D.(pediatrics) discusses this disease, what it is and what the causes are, complications, symptoms, tests and prevention.
Infective Endocarditis Summary
Discussion about the microbiology, complications and indications for surgery by Dr. Richard B. Roberts.
Preventing Bacterial Endocarditis: American Heart Association Guidelines - February 1, 1998 - American Family Physician
An explanation of what this disease is and who is at risk. Also detailed guidelines for the procedures requiring antibiotic prophylaxis and the dosage and type required.
Vanderbilt Medical Center
Talks about infective endocarditis and who gets it, signs and symptoms, diagnosing and treatment.
Children's Heart Center
A description of endocarditis and how we can prevent it.
Gum Disease May Be a Threat
An article on teeth, gums and periodontal disease and how it can lead to heart disease and endocarditis.
Therapeutic Guidelines: Prevention of Endocarditis
A look at who is at risk and who should take antibiotic prophylaxis and for what procedures.
Case study of a 12-13 year old boy, Marty in an emergency room.
Personal MD.com: Infective Endocarditis
James Beckerman M.D. looks at the causes, signs, symptoms, complications, treatment and prevention. Also a visual chart showing risk factors.
Bacterial Endocarditis Presenting with Decreased Vision
A case study of a 31 year old man diagnosed in London, Ontario, Canada.
The University of New South Wales
Image of bacterial infection on mitral valve. Click on the image and get a further explanation.
Fungal Endocarditis
An article about this disease.
Adam.com: An Overview
Looks at this disease and gives the definition, causes, incidents and risk factor. Also covers culture-negative and infective endocarditis.
American Heart Association
Details as to what bacterial endocarditis is, how it occurs, who is at risk, what procedures carry the greatest risks, prevention, and shows a wallet card to carry if there is a risk.
Antibiotic Treatment of Adults With Infective Endocarditis
Due to streptococci, enterococci, staphylococci, and HACEK microorganisms: by American Heart Association.
Prevention of Bacterial Endocarditis
Recommendations by the American Heart Association.
Treatment of Adults With Infective Endocarditis
Antibiotic treatment of adults with this disease due to streptococci, enterococci, staphylococci, and HACEK microorganisms.
On Health
An explanation along with discussion on symptoms, causes and treatments and complications for endocarditis.
RxMed: Endocarditis
Details covered are what endocarditis is, signs and symptoms, risk factors, prevention, diagnosing and treatment, activity, complications and prognosis.
drkoop.com: Endocarditis
Extensive look at the causes, risks, prevention, symptoms, signs and tests, prognosis, complications. Also a list of symptoms to call your health care provider for after treatment.